Wateringbury Library (1910)

Post date: Mar 04, 2012 8:37:47 PM

Extract from Parish Magazine of November 1910

The Wateringbury Library will have been in existence a year next December. Mrs. Lambert gratefully acknowledges a kind gift of books from Mrs. Henry White. During this past year, when the Library has been open every Monday (excepting Bank Holidays and three Mondays in the hop-picking time), 629 volumes have been taken out, making an average of over 14 volumes a week. We think this means that the books give pleasure. We much hope that as time goes on our readers will learn to appreciate more the splendid standard works (55 volumes), the munificent grant of the Rebecca Hussey Book Charity to the Wateringbury Library, also the many excellent stories in the 74 volumes of the Churchman's Companion. Whilst fully realizing that members want their books as a recreation, and that they are often too tired for serious reading, we would remind them that reading is very much a question of habit, and the more they read the more they will appreciate those standard works which at first seem a little difficult to "get into." We continue to exchange 24 volumes every quarter with a London Club.

The Library is open every Monday from 4 to 5 in the smaller Church Room.

Books may be taken out for 1d. a volume. A subscription of 2s. 6d. entitles to one volume a week for a year. All particulars may be obtained from the Hon. Librarian, Mrs. C. B. Benfield