U3. Information sheet

Дата публикации: Apr 15, 2014 9:57:18 AM

How to have a success job interview?

The old saying goes ‘You never get a second chance to make a first impression’.

That’s always important when you meet someone for the first time, but especially when you come to a job interview.

Here are some tips to help you get a great first impression.

Dress to impress

You should dress appropriately for the job that you want to have.

Men should wear a suit and tie, and women should wear an appropriate blouse and skirt or pants.

Clean hands and fingernails are imperative for everyone.

You should take no bags or backpacks with you when you come to the interview.

Manners & Behavior

When you first meet the interviewer, shake his or her hand firmly.

Then you should thank the interviewer for the invitation to the interview.

Whatever happens, you should smile and keep cool.

If you are asked about yourself, you shouldn’t tell of you biography or something that has been written in your CV.

Instead of that you should show that you have experience or specific education in the area.

Try to avoid using words such as "like", or "um".

Those are filler words and they tell the interviewer that you're nervous.

Dos & Don’ts

Don’t be late.

Don’t talk too much or too quickly.

Never use monosyllabic answers.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Switch off your cellphone.

Maintain eye contact.

Relax and enjoy the moment.

Going on a job interview can be a stressful experience for even the most job seeker but if you use these tips, you will get a great first impression.

Good luck!

268 words


How to have a success job interview?

An old saying goes ‘You never get a second chance to make a first impression’.

That’s always important when you meet someone for the first time, but especially when you come to a job interview.

Here are some tips to help you get a positive first impression.

Dress to impress

You should dress appropriately for the job that you want to get.

Men should wear a suit and a tie, and women should wear an appropriate blouse and skirt or pants.

Clean hands and fingernails are imperative for everyone.

You should take no bags or backpacks along when you come to the interview.

Manners & Behavior

When you first meet the interviewer, shake his or her hand firmly.

Then you should thank the interviewer for the invitation.

Whatever happens, you should smile and keep cool.

If you are asked about yourself, you shouldn’t tell your biography or something that has been written in your CV.

Instead of that you should show that you have experience or specific education in the area.

Try to avoid using filler words such as "like", or "um" because they tell the interviewer that you're nervous.

Dos & Don’ts

Don’t be late.

Don’t talk too much or too quickly.

Never use monosyllabic answers.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Switch off your cellphone.

Maintain eye contact.

Relax and enjoy the moment.

Going on a job interview can be a stressful experience for even the most job seekers but if you use these tips, the first impression of you will be positive.

Good luck!