Business English. Job Interview p.2

Дата публикации: Jul 10, 2015 6:55:9 PM

1. Be prepared to talk about projects and technologies listed in your CV. (It's better to have a hard copy of your CV during the interview)

(+ Free examples of sysadmins CVs here, and Tech.Support there).


1) High Availability Solution for Credit Card Processing Subsystem, February 2010 (2 x M5000 2 x Sun Storage 6780 2 x Brocade 300 Sun Cluster 3.2 + Solaris 10 Zones Oracle DB 10g)


1) Sun SPARC server hangs during reboot when it has an HP tape library being connected through SAN.


2. Select 1-2 (its desirable to select the most recent ones) projects, and revise all the details on them. i.e. be ready to talk about:

a. What was that project about? Main business goals?

b. What was your role on the project?

c. Which technologies were used on the project? Please mention those with indication what exactly was used for its development, and what else for the testing.

d. Be ready to talk about processes used on the project (Agile, RUP, Waterfall like etc). Mention about some process related activities that you were involved to: i.e. estimation, code review practices etc.

e. Be ready to mention the most important/critical defect you’ve ever found.

3. Think about and prepare at least couple of your achievements on last project.

4. Review customer's site before the interview. It's mandatory to be aware of their company specifics, business domain etc.

5. Be enthusiastic. Be ready to describe what you like the most about your work.

6. Prepare couple of questions to customer. They could be of different types: "pls. describe the technologies you're planning to use?", "what will be the process of our work?", etc.

Каков по вашему мнению идеальный кандидат на эту вакансию?

Каковы критерии оценки по окончании испытательного срока? Чем измеряются?

7. In the end of interview thank the interviewer for his/her time and ask when you can expect on the feedback. (In this way you'll show real interest to this vacancy/position)