True Stories 2

Дата публикации: Sep 17, 2014 8:20:43 AM

Retell the story using the words below.

  • to exceed the regulation speed

  • a turn / to turn

  • a speeder

  • to overdrive

  • risky / to take risks

  • highway spiral / serpentine

  • a fine / to fine

  • to break traffic rules and regulations

  • an automobile

  • a mile (= 1605 km)

  • to speed up

  • traffic police


Норвегия известна своими фьордами, реками и горами.

Дороги в Норвегии очень хорошего качества, но из-за сложного ландшафта они очень извилисты и опасны.

Однажды по одному из норвежских серпантинов с высокой скоростью двигался черный автомобиль представительского класса.

Это заметил патрульный полицейский и, предполагая, что рано или поздно лихач превысит разрешенную скорость, поехал за ним.

Через некоторое время, они въехали на опасный извилистый участок c ограничением скорости.

Водитель черного автомобиля превысил разрешенную скорость и полицейский решил вмешаться.

Он включил мигалку и догнал лихача, который сразу же снизил скорость и остановился на обочине дороги.

Полицейский подошел к черной машине и потребовал предъявить водительское удостоверение.

Водитель черного автомобиля показал права, после чего полицейский заискивающе улыбнулся и, пожелав ему счастливого пути, удалился.

За рулем черного автомобиля был король Норвегии.


Норвегия известна не только своими фьордами, реками и горами, но и дорогами очень хорошего качества, однако, из-за сложного ландшафта, извилистыми и опасными.

Однажды патрульный полицейский заметил, что по одному из норвежских серпантинов с высокой скоростью двигался черный автомобиль представительского класса, и, предполагая, что рано или поздно лихач превысит разрешенную скорость, он поехал за ним.

Через некоторое время, они въехали на опасный извилистый участок c ограничением скорости.

Опасения полицейского оправдались: водитель черного автомобиля превысил разрешенную скорость, и тогда полицейский решил вмешаться.

Он включил мигалку и догнал лихача, который сразу же снизил скорость и остановился на обочине дороги.

Полицейский подошел к черной машине и потребовал у водителя предъявить права.

Увидев водительское удостоверение, полицейский заискивающе улыбнулся и, пожелав ему счастливого пути, удалился.

За рулем черного автомобиля был король Норвегии.


Norway is not famous only for its fjords, rivers and mountains but also for its excellent roads which, however, are meandered and dangerous because of the rugged and rocky landscape.

Once a traffic policeman noticed a black executive automobile which was overdriving along one of Norway's serpentines.

The policeman was sure that sooner or later the speeder will have exceeded the regulation speed so the former drived after the latter.

Later they went through a risky part of the highway which had a speed limitation.

Obviously, the speeder broke the traffic rules and regulations so the policeman speeded his car up and turned on the siren.

The speeder reduced his speed and stopped on the side of the road.

The policeman climbed out of his car, went to the black car and demanded the speeder to show his driver license.

After he looked on the driver license, he smiled servilely, gave the driver license back to the speeder, wished him a good journey and went away.

The speeder was the king of Norway.


Norway is famous not only for its fjords, rivers and mountains but also for its excellent roads which, however, are meandered and dangerous because of the mountainous landscape.

Once a traffic policeman, patrolling one of Norway's serpentines, noticed an overdriving black executive-class automobile.

The policeman was sure that sooner or later the speeder may exceed the regulation speed and followed it.

At a risky part of the highway which had a speed limitation the speeder, obviously, broke the traffic rules and regulations so the policeman speeded his car up and turned on the siren.

The speeder reduced the speed, pulled over and stopped.

The policeman climbed out of his car, went to the black automobile and demanded the speeder to show the driver's license.

When he looked into it, he produced a servile smiled, returned the driver license back to the speeder, wished a good journey and got back to his police car.

The speeder was the king of Norway.

Почему у полицейский так поступил?

Как бы вы отреагировали на месте полицейского?


I think that the policeman was afraid of the King's displeasure about the ticket and possible consequences to his career.

I believe that similar situations take place only in the countries where a representative of the executive authority depends on the country's leader or other people having powers of government.

It reminds me one of the animal principals in Orwell's "Animal farm": All animals are equal but some of them are more equal. It's non-sense.

I could accept the situation of the King's impunity if the policeman at least would give him a warning but he didn't say a word. I think that was an irresponsible behavior which was digging under the democracy's fundamentals.

If I were in the policeman's shoes I would fine the King as any other ordinary person because I prefer rather to be a poor but honest man.

If it was not possible to be a fair and impartial professional, I would not become a policeman at all.


I think that because of possible consequences to his career, the policeman was afraid of the King's disappointment about the ticket.

I believe that similar situations take place only in countries where a representative of the executive authority depends on the country's leader or other people having governmental power.

It reminds me of one of the animal principals in Orwell's "Animal Farm": All the animals are equal but some of them are more equal, which is illogical.

I could accept the situation of the King's impunity if the policeman would at least give him a warning.

But the policeman didn't say a word.

I think that the policeman's irresponsible behavior diluted the democracy's fundamentals.

If I were in the policeman's shoes I would fine the King as any other ordinary person.

dilute [daɪˈluːt] - to make something weaker or less effective


A MAN is driving a big black car through the mountains in Norway. He is driving fast. A police officer sees the black car and follows it.

The black car goes around a curve. Then it goes around another curve. How fast is the black car going? It is going ten kilometers over the speed limit. That is too fast for the curves.

The police officer turns on his red light and his siren. The black car slows down, pulls over to the side of the road, and stops. The police car pulls over and stops, too.

The police officer walks to the black car. "License, please," he says. The man in the black car shows the police officer his license.

"Oh!" the police officer says and smiles. "Well! Have a nice day, sir," he says. Then he walks back to his police car and drives away.

The police officer doesn't give the man a ticket. Why not?The man in the black car was driving too fast, wasn't he? Yes, he was. But he is the king of Norway.