Present/Past Perfect vs. Simple (collector)

Дата публикации: Mar 06, 2016 5:39:28 PM

  1. Hill 6. Lynn. Modals + prefects.

  2. Hill 9 and 10. Perfects

  3. Hill 12. Prepositions + Perfect (конативная функция)

  4. Past Perfect + After vs. Before

  5. just + Past Simple/Present Perfect

  6. Did you hear? vs. Have you heard?

  7. Перфекты и смысловые комплексы

  8. IS. Present Indefinite vs. the Present Perfect. (Adverbial clauses of time vs. Conditionals)

  9. Курение в разрезе английских видовременных форм глагола (Past and Present)

see also theory Зачем в английском нужен Perfect?

Present/Past Perfect vs. Past Simple

1. Did you see this film?

2. Have you seen this film?

3. Had you seen this film?

Задание: Придумайте и запишите развернутую ответную реплику на вопрос 1 и 2 (= т.е. не краткий ответ Yes, I did./Yes, I have.)

Past Perfect vs. Past Simple

Вопрос: Какая смысловая разница между:

1. As soon as I entered the room I saw her sweeping the floor.

2. As soon as I had entered the room I saw her sweeping the floor.

3. I knew it that as soon as I entered the room I would see her sweeping the floor.

4. I knew it that as soon as I had entered the room I would see her sweeping the floor.


Past - Indefinite vs. Perfect

Вопрос: Какая смысловая разница между:

1. It was a good country when I left it.

2. It was a good country when I had left it.

3. It was a good country before I left it.

4. It was a good country before I had left it.

1. Я пришёл до того как они ушли

2. Я пришёл когда они ушли.

1. I came when they left.

2. I came when they had left.

3. I came before they left.

4. I came before they had left.

1. I was happy when I was rich.

2. I was happy when I had been rich

3. I was happy before I was rich.

4. I was happy before I had been rich.

1. I spent money when I was rich.

2. I spent money when I had been rich.

3. I spent money before I was rich.

4. I spent money before I had been rich.

Способы передачи Present Perfect на русский язык

Задание: Переведите предложения на русский язык, сохранив модальность/императивность, настоящее время и фактуальность/результатность Present Perfect:

1. You've done a good job.

2. I've thought about it.

3. They've been there.

4. I've seen it.

Номинативный способ передачи перфекта на русский язык

Задание: Переведите на русский язык номинативной группой (= через существительное с семантикой глагола). Например: I have seen it. → У меня имеется представление об этом.

1. He has worked here for a long time.

2. They have done that.

3. We have been here since March.

Perfect vs. Simple (Lynn)

Контекст №1 - Present Perfect:

Lynn was very happy at school, and she learnt a lot of things there. Her mother always said, “What have you learnt today, Lynn?” and Lynn told her.

Контекст №2 - Past Simple:

Lynn was very happy at school, and she learnt a lot of things there. Her mother always said, “What did you learn today, Lynn?” and Lynn told her.


1. Чем отличается контекст №1 от контекста №2? Придумайте продолжение того, что Линн сказала маме в контекст №1 и в контексте №2?

2. В каких ресурсных отношения должны быть собеседники, чтобы один из них мог бы употребить по отношению к другому Present Perfect?

3. В каких ресурсных отношения должны быть собеседники, чтобы один из них мог бы употребить по отношению к другому Past Simple?

was (Past Simple) vs. had been (Past Perfect) (A Tidy Ghost)

Past Perfect - коммуникативная функция


1. Как изменится смысл высказываний:

1. I invited Jill to the party but she couldn’t come. She had arranged to do something else.

2. It was great to see Paul again after such a long time. I had not seen him for five years.

3. I offered Sue something to eat but she wasn’t hungry. She had just had breakfast.

4. You went to Ray’s house but he wasn’t there. He had gone out.

5. My friends went to the cinema last night. They arrived at the cinema late. The film had already begun.

6. The secretary reminded her boss that he had booked a table at his favorite restaurant for 7:00.

если Past Perfect заменить на Past Simple:

1. I invited Jill to the party but she couldn’t come. She arranged to do something else.

2. It was great to see Paul again after such a long time. I did not see him for five years.

3. I offered Sue something to eat but she wasn’t hungry. She just had breakfast.

4. You went to Ray’s house but he wasn’t there. He went out.

5. My friends went to the cinema last night. They arrived at the cinema late. The film begun.

6. The secretary reminded her boss that he booked a table at his favorite restaurant for 7:00.


2. Насколько оправдано добавление слов ведь, целых, уже в перевод фразы: It was great to see Paul again after such a long time. I had not seen him for five years. ? = … Ведь мы уже целых пять лет не виделись!

3. Насколько английская грамматика в части коммуникативной функции Past Perfect подтверждает/опровергает тезис, что британская ментальность (= восприятие действительности и ее перепроекция через сознание в поведении) детерминирована территориальной депривацией в том смысле, что жизненного пространства мало и его качество высокое, что приводит к повышению плотности/качеству конкуренции, что приводит уже в психическом к формированию рационализации, как основного способа/метода снятия КФ при депривациях как таковых - уже безотносительно территориальные они или еще какие ← антропоцентризм? (см. тж. Дж. Локк (John Locke): “ … разум манипулирует идеями внешнего опыта, в душе возникает опыт внутренний…“) + см. тж. Канта с его чего нет в эмпирическом опыте, того нет и в знании.

Как правильно перевести, сохранив функции перфекта? (из сборника упражнений по грамматике Каушанской - IS. Passive voice. P1.)

  1. He [Arthur] went up to his room. Nothing in it had been changed since his arrest.

  2. In whatever spare time he could find, he read the current research journals, trying to understand the implications of the experiments which had been performed throughout the world

  3. Upon the Doctor, and the widow, the eyes of both Mr. Tuprnan and his companion had been fixed for some time, when the stranger broke silence

  4. Godfrey waited, before he spoke again, until the ale had been brought and the door had been closed

  5. It was past eleven o'clock — a late hour for the little village of Cobham — when Mr. Pickwick retired to the bedroom which had been prepared for his reception

  6. The Nobel Prize was given to him in 1924 when the advent of wave mechanics had revealed the importance of his work, ten years after his famous experiment had been performed

  7. I called... to ask if a diamond brooch of mine had been found

  8. He carefully examined the contents of his case, and did not speak again until the beer had been brought and he had paid for it.

    1. The little patient had been examined and soothed, and now lay composed in her crib

  9. Lanny was beaten cruelly, heartlessly in the way Sara had been beaten. When he was being beaten, the barking of a dog was heard. It was followed by hurried footsteps

  10. The gentleman was so startled that he took the night train for the Continent and had never been heard of since

  11. After a few routine questions had been asked and answered, Dr. Lord leant back in his chair and smiled at his patient

  12. Ettore was twenty-three. He had been brought up by an uncle in San Francisco and was visiting his father and mother in Torino when war was declared

  13. He strode up to the front door of the forlorn house and rang the bell like one who had been expected there for weeks

  14. After lunch, we heard that Charles Lenton had been sent for.

  15. Breakfast had scarcely been cleared away when a waiter brought in Mr. Dowler's card

  16. One could not walk or drive about Philadelphia without seeing or being impressed with the general tendency toward a more cultivated and selective social life. Many excellent and expensive houses had been erected

perfect vs. articles (Happiness)

Контекст №1:

Once, when I used to work as a waiter for a posh restaurant in New York, I was serving an informal meal to a British diplomat, a French diplomat, and a Russian diplomat. Probably, they had the dinner after the United Nation Conference on nuclear disarmament that was held in New York.

Контекст №2:

Once, when I used to work as a waiter for a posh restaurant in New York, I was serving an informal meal to a British diplomat, a French diplomat, and a Russian diplomat. Probably, they had a dinner after the United Nation Conference on nuclear disarmament that was held in New York.

Контекст №3:

Once, when I used to work as a waiter for a posh restaurant in New York, I was serving an informal meal to a British diplomat, a French diplomat, and a Russian diplomat. Probably, they had had a dinner after the United Nation Conference on nuclear disarmament that was held in New York.

Контекст №4:

Once, when I used to work as a waiter for a posh restaurant in New York, I was serving an informal meal to a British diplomat, a French diplomat, and a Russian diplomat. Probably, they had had the dinner after the United Nation Conference on nuclear disarmament that was held in New York.

Вопрос: Как различные комбинации перфектности/не-перфектности и артиклей меняют контексты? Дайте развернутые комментарии.

never + Perfect vs. never + Simple


В чем смысловое (семантическое) отличие между:

All your life you have desired to marry well, to marry for money, but your chance never came.


All your life you have desired to marry well, to marry for money, but your chance has never come.

Present Perfect (functions)

Billy is twelve years old, and his sister is fifteen. It was Saturday yesterday, and Billy's father gave him fifty pence.

There is a big tree in Billy's garden, and he climbed it and sat in it. He likes that place in the tree very much. Then Billy looked at his fifty pence and said, “I'm going to go to the market tomorrow on my bicycle, and I'm going to buy some seeds with this money.

Then I'm going to plant them under this tree. I'm going to have a lot of flowers and fruit and plants, and I'm going to sell them.

“A lot of people are going to come to my garden every day, and they're going to buy my nice flowers and fruit and plants, and in the end I'm really going to have a lot of money.

Then I'm going to grow up and go to university, and I'm going to be a doctor.

Then my sister will come to me and say, 'Doctor, Doctor, I've broken my left arm! Please help me!' And I'm going to set her arm.”

The sky was blue, the weather was hot, and Billy was tired after that, so he went to sleep in the tree. But then he fell out of the tree and broke his left arm. His mother took him to the doctor, and she set it.


Как изменится ситуация: Then my sister will come to me and say, 'Doctor, Doctor, I've broken my left arm! Please help me!'” если заменить Present Perfect на Past Simple: 'Doctor, Doctor, I broke my left arm! Please help me!'“? Какой смысл приобретает фраза Please help me!?

have married (Present Perfect) vs. married (Past Simple) Gladys

Gladys said, “I have married a very rich man, Maisie, and I have got a beautiful house and a large garden and four gardeners. And I have bought a lot of clothes and I have money as well. My husband has got a plane too, and he flies it!”

Maisie said, “A lot of people have got planes and fly them, Gladys.”


1. Что хочет Gladys, чтобы ее подруга Maisie вычитала из фраз I have married a very rich man и I have bought a lot of clothes?

2. Почему во фразах I have got a beautiful house … I have money as well. My husband has got a plane нет перфекта? Что изменилось в реальности (= на уровне реалий предметного мира), если бы Gladys сказала так: I have had a beautiful house … I have had money as well. My husband has had a plane?

Past Perfect vs. Past Simple (Ali-Baba)

At last, still thinking how he (Kasim) could get yet more, he began to drag his heavy sacks to the end of the gallery and to pile them up. It was not till he was nearly fainting with his effort and his wild excitement, that he decided to go. And now it was that Allah turned Kasim's shocking greed against him, for in his excitement and thinking only of his wild plans to keep all the treasure to himself he found that when he needed to speak it, he had forgotten the word. He stood thinking: «I-i-it was the name of a grain» Yes, he knew that much. «But which grain? Open, barley!» he cried. «Open, millet! Open, wheat!» But all in vain. The rock remained shut. He began to be afraid. «Eh-eh-eh open, rice! Open, rye!» Still that was of no use. There he stood speechless now and growing more and more terrified and confused. At last he heard a noise like thunder and a crack of light began to appear.

It was the robbers. They had come back, had seen the mules, had leapt from their horses, had looked everywhere for the mules’ owner and now their chief pointing his drawn sword at the rock had spoken the magic words: «Open, Sesame». Kasim guessing the terrible truth, made a wild rush for the freedom as the rock split only at the very entrance to be cut into six pieces by the swords of the furious robbers. The thieves laughed loudly, wiped their swords, tossed the wretched fragments inside, emptied out the sacks of treasure that Kasim had piled up, and then had a look to see if anything else seemed to have gone. But so great was the mass of treasure that they never missed the six small bags of gold that the careful Ali Baba had gathered from here and there.

And now the forty robbers sat in a circle discussing, as well they might, how this greasy citizen who had not looked, the sort of man who ever came to the forest could have discovered their secret.


Прокомментируйте выделенные места в тексте

The Frog-Prince (прошедший перфект)

Отрывок из сказки записанной Братьями Гримм:

'Open the door, my princess dear,

Open the door to thy true love here!

And mind the words that thou and I said

By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade.'

Then the princess ran to the door and opened it, and there she saw the frog, whom she had quite forgotten. At this sight she was sadly frightened, and shutting the door as fast as she could came back to her seat.

(выделенный отрывок слишком мал для выполнения задания. Необходимо ознакомится со всей сказкой по ссылке)


Переведите абзац с выделенным фрагментом сохраняя признаки ситуации, для выражения которых в английском языке используется перфект, а именно: конфликтность, фактуальность, императивность, модальность.

had + infinitive VS had + past participle

When we came, they had gone.

When we came, they had to go.

Вопрос:В чем смысловое отличие высказываний?

from 'The Man Who Escaped' by Robert O'Neill

Ep.6 (Present Perfect)


It was a cold and miserable night. Only a few miles away from the house Coke was in, two policemen in a small village police station could hear the wind outside. One of them was a sergeant. The other was much younger.

"I wonder how Mrs Bentley is?" the sergeant asked.

"Mrs Bentley? Oh, you mean that old lady whose husband died a few years ago?"

"That's right. She's deaf, you know, so she never listens to the radio or watches television. In fact, she doesn't even read the papers."

"Oh?" the young policeman said. He wondered why the sergeant wanted to tell him all this. Then he found out.

"Why don't you go out to her place and see if she's all right?"

"Who? Me? On a night like this?"

"It's not far. Besides, you've got your bike, haven't you?"

Ep.12 (Present Perfect)


"Is that you, Hugo? This is Eric," Masters said quickly.

The man at the other end became even angrier.

"And why are you ringing at this hour? I've been in bed for an hour!"

"But, haven't you heard the news, Hugo? Coke's still free!"

"Of course I've heard. So have my friends," the man answered coldly.

"I can't sleep. I've been thinking about Coke all evening!"

"Perhaps you'd better take a sleeping pill!"

Masters almost screamed the next question into the phone. "What are you going to do, Hugo? What are you going to do?" The man at the other end answered just as coldly and as calmly as before,

"Do? We're going to kill Coke! That's what we're going to do. That is, if he is stupid enough to come to London!"

Ep.14 (Present Perfect)


"Where have you been? You've been gone for hours!" he said.

"Yes, I've been busy. Here. Try these things on," she answered.

She unwrapped the bundle quickly and showed him a suit, shoes and shirt.

There was also a coat with an expensive fur collar, the sort millionaires wear in films.

Coke put the clothes on unwillingly.

"I'll have to change my appearance more than this!" he said.

"Of course you will," she answered. "And I've got just the things you'll need!"

Ep.18 (Present Perfect)

"Have you thought what'll happen to you if the police find me here?" he suddenly asked.

Kate looked at him coolly. "We've been over this before, haven't we? Now answer my question," she answered.

"But they'll send you to prison if they learn you've helped me!"

"I'll worry about that if and when it happens."


Ep.19 (Present Perfect)

Masters rang Hugo just before he left his shop.

"You told me about an old blind man and a woman... well, they've just phoned. They want me to go to their place and look at some antique pistols," he said nervously.

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" Hugo asked sarcastically.

"You have a pistol, haven't you? There isn't much an old blind man and a woman can do to you?" he added.

Masters could not understand why Hugo was so casual about it. He got into his white Jaguar and drove off.

"Perhaps the old man really does want me to look at his pistols," he thought. He patted the pistol in his pocket. It made him feel safer.

He felt even safer when Kate opened the door. She was slim, almost delicate-looking.

"Good afternoon," he said. "I'm Eric Masters. You rang my shop earlier."

She smiled. "I hope I haven't put you to any trouble. However, I'm sure you'll decide we haven't made you come all this way for nothing," she said pleasantly, and led him into the sitting-room.

Masters glanced suspiciously at the old, blind man sitting on the sofa.

At first he seemed harmless enough, but there was some¬thing familiar about the man's face that made Masters look more carefully at him.


Ep.20 (Past Perfect)


"It’s you! Coke!" he burst out and came nearer. Kate was standing in his way now and he put out a hand to push her away. Coke could hardly believe his eyes. One moment Masters was pointing a pistol at him and the next he was lying on the floor, gasping for breath. Kate had thrown him over her shoulder. "I once played a policewoman in a film and I had to learn some judo," she said rather casually and looked down at Masters. Coke did not simply stare in surprise, he gaped at her. Then he picked up the automatic that Masters had dropped and gaped again.

Masters groaned. He, too, could hardly believe what had happened.


Ep.23 (Present Perfect)

At first Masters did not answer. He had become a little braver again. Coke pressed the pistol into his stomach.

"Because of you, I've been kept in prison for four years. Because of you, my life has been ruined. I'll kill you here and now if you don't answer!"

Masters looked at the pistol and went pale.

"They're kept in Hugo's office, in an ordinary file in his desk,'' he answered.

"And the microfilms?" Coke demanded. ''They're kept there, too."

"Do you know if any documents have been sent off recently?"

"Some were sent last week. I know. I sent them myself," Masters said.

"And will there be any there now, waiting to be sent off?" Again Masters hesitated.

Coke pressed the pistol even harder into his stomach.

"I don't know. There might be. Hugo told me he was going to give me some soon," he said.


"We would never have become suspicious if you hadn't used Masters' white Jaguar," he said. "When we saw it parked halfway up the road, we decided to wait and see what would happen. Then, after we got you, we went out and got your girl friend," he continued.

Coke knew he would never have made such a stupid mistake if he had not been so tired. He had not slept properly for days. He looked at Kate. "I'd never have got you into all this if I hadn't asked you for help," he said to her. He was trapped. It seemed there was nothing he could do and nobody who could help him. Hugo took out a revolver. "You'd never have bothered us again if I'd used this four years ago," he said. He came closer to Coke and aimed the revolver carefully at his head.


The policemen around Baxter and at the door suddenly moved forward and seized Hugo, Masters and the three men. "We've followed you everywhere for days; that's why we're here now," Baxter told Masters. Then he turned to Hugo and said "And I've been up there for half an hour. I've heard everything you've said. Also, I think you'd have phoned us an hour ago, when Coke first broke in, if you'd only wanted to protect your property!"