IS4. Benefits of Coffee

Дата публикации: Aug 15, 2015 6:16:10 PM


R: A study from Harward says 'Coffee may actually be a really good thing especially for women'. It could reduce depression in a long term.

Let me join now Dr. Alberto Ascherio ... Professor of .. and Nutricion at the Harvard School of Public Health and senior author of the study, so, good morning to you.

So, let me clear it we're talking about the coffeine in the coffee is good for you, not necessarily the coffee itself, is that a correct?

P: Yes, good morning, yes, decoffeinated coffee is not associated with depression. That is how we know that is coffeine

R: All right, now, how many cups of coffee are we talking about and over how longer period before you actually saw an impact?

P: Well, we follow the fifty thousand women for ten years and those who drank four cups of coffee per day have twenty percent lower risk of developing depression. So, I would say up to four-five cups of coffee per day is okay.

R: Well, sir, that sounds like a lot of coffee. Er, what's the ... I guess, what's the downside of drinking that much coffee? The coffeine may be good for you but could you also get some negative side effects?

P: Well, some people do have some intolerance. That is really an individual response. But in the long term there is no adverse effect of coffee for people

R: Oh

P: who drink it regulary.

R: Now, you said three - four cups may be. Now, the more you drink .. is that a greater decrease of your chances of this long term depression. So, if you drink three or four cups, your chances decrease a certain percentage. But if you drink six seven eight cups, do you have a greater chance of not getting depression?

P: No, certainly not.

R: ... not like that

P: four to six are the highest .. there the highest level that was consumed in our population. Yes, I would certainly not recommend one to increase their coffeine

R: That is the good ... thing should you make? We're talking about coffee specifically here but, of course, there're other sources of coffeine specifically soft drinks. But, is it specifically coffee here that you has expected this impact because there so much more coffeine in coffee than other soft drink?

P: Yes, a cup of coffee has much more coffeine than a soft drink or even a cup of tea. So it's difficult to reach this level of coffeine by drinking other beverages

R: And what about men? You st... women in this study but can you expect that can have the same effect on men?

P: Most likely a small study in Finland .. .. suggested the senior effect on men. So, we hope to be able to examine this question in men also

R: Have you found in .. you have been studing it over years, have you found some beneficial, er, some benefits of coffein? Have we seen anything, erm, that you would warn people to stay away from coffeine? I guess, how is it bad for you?

P: Well, not really for a regular .. in take of coffeine. There is really no adverse effect. But I would warn people who never drink coffee or coffeine, you know, we're not recommended people to start because people who don't drink coffee they may (have) reason and they may have intolerance of ... anxiety. So we're talking about regular coffee drinkers here, yes.


Nutrition /njuˈtrɪʃn/ - the process of giving or getting the right type of food for good health and growth

the process by which living things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy

Caffeine /ˈkæfiːn/ - a substance in tea, coffee, and some other drinks that makes you feel more active

a drug found in coffee and tea that makes you feel more active

Decaffeinated /ˌdiːˈkæfɪneɪtɪd/ - coffee or tea that is decaffeinated does not contain CAFFEINE (=the substance that keeps you awake)

(of coffee or tea) with most or all of the caffeine removed

Impact /ˈɪmpækt/ - the effect or influence that an event, situation etc has on someone or something

he powerful effect that something has on somebody/something

Downside /ˈdaʊnsaɪd/ -the negative part or disadvantage of something

the disadvantages or less positive aspects of something

Intolerance /ɪnˈtɒlərəns/ - unwillingness to accept ways of thinking and behaving that are different from your own

(disapproving) the fact of not being willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own

religious intolerance

intolerance of somebody/something intolerance of minorities

intolerance for somebody/something a basic intolerance for other people and their culture

intolerance (to something) (specialist) the fact of not being able to eat particular foods, use particular medicines, etc. without becoming ill/sick

an intolerance to dairy products

glucose intolerance

food intolerances

To consume /kənˈsjuːm/ - to use time, energy, goods etc

Soft drink - a cold drink that does not contain alcohol

Beverage /ˈbevərɪdʒ/ - a hot or cold drink

any type of drink except water

Moderate - not very large or very small, very hot or very cold, very fast or very slow etc

Adverse /ˈædvɜːs/ - not good or favorable

negative and unpleasant; not likely to produce a good result

Anxiety /æŋˈzaɪəti/ - the feeling of being very worried about something [= concern]

1) беспокойство, тревога, боязнь, страх

2) забота; опасение

3) страстное желание (чего-л. / сделать что-л.)

blood [arterial] pressure /ɑːˈtɪəriəl/

alkoloid /ˈælkəlɔɪd/

chamical substance /ˈkemɪkl/ /ˈsʌbstəns/


Comprehension Check

1. What are positive effects of drinking coffee for women? What about decaffeinated coffee?

2. How many cups of coffee per day are useful?

3. What is the downside of drinking so much coffee?

В кофе содержание кофеина составляет до 1500 мг/л. Пуриновые алкалоиды (кофеин, теобромин и теофиллин) при систематическом употреблении их на уровне 1000 мг в день вызывают у человека постоянную потребность в них, напоминающую алкогольную зависимость

Кофе оказывает сильное диуретическое (мочегонное) действие. При употреблении кофе желательно компенсировать потерю жидкости.

Кофе может вызвать повышение артериального давления приблизительно на 10 мм рт. ст., у людей, которые употребляют его нечасто.

Хроническое употребление кофе у большинства людей не повышает артериальное давление.

4. The more cups you drink, the better the effect is, is it right?

5. Is it only about coffee or soft drinks as well?

6. What about men? Is coffee useful for them as well?

7. Why can caffeine be bad for you?