Perfect Infinitive (verbals)

Дата публикации: Jan 19, 2016 7:37:55 AM

Subj shows that an action procedes the action expressed by the finite verb. (Минченков)


He was only too happy to speak to her.

He was only too happy to have spoken to her.

He was happy to speak to her.

Причинно-следственная связь состояния и действия, синтаксис прямой (he was happy because he would speak to her - simultaneously or sequentially events)

He was happy to have spoken to her.

Причинно-следственная связь действия и состояния, синтаксис обратный (he was happy because he had spoken to her)

He was too tired to speak.

He was very tired to have spoken to her.

The infinitive can express time only relatively, i.e., in relation to the action expressed by the verb in the predicate.

  1. The action indicated by the infinitive can be simultaneous with the action expressed by the verb in the predicate: He seemed to be sleeping. He is trying to work.

  2. The action indicated by the infinitive can precede the action expressed by the verb in the predicate: The rain seems to have stopped. It is nice to have talked to you.

  3. The action of the infinitive later than the action of the verb in the predicate is understood from the context and meaning: He intends to do it tomorrow. The goods are to be delivered next week.