TLI26. Spotting the culprits

Дата публикации: Jan 05, 2016 9:5:11 AM


- Well, I have to inform ... your report to Sergeant Dockins and there is just a couple of things I have to check on. Erm, could you describe the girl to me in a bit more details, please

- Erm, yes, she was, erm, darkish, erm, I should think she was between twenty-five and thirty

- Uh-huh

- and about, and, er, she had shortish hair, er, I'd think she had a fre... ... er

- Did you notice the clothing, if it all?

- Er, she had a white color, erm, open .. shirt, I think, erm, or blouse. And what looked like a velvet jacket, but I can't remember the color

- I see

- Erm, I think it was, er, a green or brown, but it was some dark color

- Okay, then let's go to the, er, man now that you saw. Erm, if you could just describe him to me because I wasn't much only the report that .. by Sergeant

- Yes

- ..

- Erm, well, he was .. I noticed he was wearing, er, a funny color woolen jacket

- Mm-mm

- Erm ...

- And what kind of a jacket was it? .. ..

- Well, I .. .. not very about what it looked as it was n...ty that .. had a sort of woolen color

- Mm-mm

- And I think, er, he was wearing an open .. shirt too

- Yes

- Erm, he was, erm, younger than her, I think.

- Yes

- I think he was about... well, I should think he was in his early twenties

- Did she look older?

- She looked a bit older

- I see

- To me, erm, he had his hair brushed back

- Yes, anything about the shirt you noticed, if it was just a plain white shirt or was it ...

- I think it was spriped but I can't be perfectly sure

- Uh-huh

- Erm, but I do remember his hair was, erm, sort of wavy

- Uh-huh

- And, brushed back, erm

- Mm-mm

- and shortish

- Okay, well, that's fine, thanks very much. If you can leave your phone number to the .. sergeant maybe we could contact you in the future


- Well, I have to inform ... your report to Sergeant Dockins and there is just a couple of things I'd like to check on. Erm, could you describe the girl to me in a bit more details, please

- Erm, yes, she was, erm, darkish, erm, I should think she was between twenty-five and thirty

- Uh-huh

- and about, and, er, she had shortish hair, er, I'd think she had a fringe, er

- Did you notice the clothing, if it all?

- Er, she had a white collar, erm, open-necked shirt, I think, erm, or blouse. And what looked like a velvet jacket, but I can't remember the color

- I see, erm

- I think it was, er, a green or brown, but it was some dark color

- Okay, then let's go to the, er, man now that you saw. Erm, if you could just describe him to me because I wasn't much ... only the report that .. by Sergeant

- Yes. Erm-m, well, he was .. I noticed he was wearing, er, a funny kind of a woolen jacket

- Mm-mm

- Erm ...

- And what ... of a jacket was it? .. ..

- Well, yeah, I'm not really ... about what it looked as if it was knitted and had a sort of woolen collar

- Mm-mm

- And I think, er, he was wearing an open-necked shirt too

- Yes

- Erm, he was, erm, younger than her, I think.

- Yes

- I think he was about... well, I should think he was in his early twenties

- Did she look older?

- She looked a bit older

- I see

- To me, erm, he had his hair brushed back

- Yes, anything about the shirt you noticed, if it was just a plain white shirt or was it ...

- I think it was striped but I can't be perfectly sure

- Uh-huh

- Erm, but I do remember his hair was, erm, sort of wavy

- Uh-huh

- And, brushed back, erm

- Mm-mm

- and shortish

- Okay, well, that's fine, thanks very much. If you, erm, leave your phone number with the desk sergeant maybe we'll contact you in the near future

A policeman interviewing a witness at the police station.


see WE. Describe a person and Clothes & Footwear

Patterns: striped, pin-striped, flowery

polka-dotted, checked, spotted

tartan /ˈtɑːtn/, plain

culprit noun BrE /ˈkʌlprɪt/ ; NAmE /ˈkʌlprɪt/

1. a person who has done something wrong or against the law

The police quickly identified the real culprits.

Police hunting the culprits have condemned the attack.

2, a person or thing responsible for causing a problem

The main culprit in the current crisis seems to be modern farming techniques.

Keep the kitchen clear of all sources of bacteria, not forgetting the biggest culprit of all—the dishcloth.

spot verb BrE /spɒt/ ; NAmE /spɑːt/ - увидеть, заметить, узнать; определить

(not used in the progressive tenses) to see or notice a person or thing, especially suddenly or when it is not easy to do so

spot somebody/something I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.

I've just spotted a mistake on the front cover.

Can you spot the difference between these two pictures?

Her modelling career began when she was spotted at the age of 14.

Spotting the disease early can save lives.

spot somebody/something doing something Neighbours spotted smoke coming out of the house.

spot that… No one spotted that the gun was a fake.

spot what, where, etc… I soon spotted what the mistake was.

velvet noun BrE /ˈvelvɪt/ ; NAmE /ˈvelvɪt/ - бархат

fringe noun BrE /frɪndʒ/ ; NAmE /frɪndʒ/

1. [countable, usually singular] (British English) (North American English bangs [plural]) the front part of somebody’s hair that is cut so that it hangs over their forehead

2. [countable] a strip of hanging threads attached to the edge of something to decorate it

3. [countable] a narrow strip of trees, buildings, etc. along the edge of something

a fringe of woodland

Along the coast, an industrial fringe had already developed.

4. [countable] (British English) the outer edge of an area or a group

on the northern fringe of the city

the urban/rural fringe

the fringes of society

Nina remained on the fringe of the crowd.

5. [singular] (also the fringe) groups of people, events and activities that are not part of the main group or activity

Street musicians have been gathering as part of the festival fringe.

fringe meetings at the party conference

1. сущ. 1) бахрома 2) чёлка 3) край, крайность; грань, предел 4) периферия, отдалённая область

2. прил. выходящий за рамки общепринятого

3. гл. а) отделывать бахромой б) обрамлять, окаймлять

knitted - прил. вязаный; трикотажный

knit verb BrE /nɪt/ ; NAmE /nɪt/

1. [transitive, intransitive] to make clothes, etc. from wool or cotton thread using two long thin knitting needles or a machine

knit (something) I knitted this cardigan myself.

Lucy was sitting on the sofa, knitting.

knit somebody something She's knitting the baby a shawl.

I should think she was between twenty-five and thirty - Должно быть (я (должен) думаю/ть) ей было где-то между 25 и 30.