This Time Stories by Donald Bisset. P.4

Дата публикации: Aug 01, 2021 1:7:7 PM

Upside-down Land2

„Once upon a time there was a crow whose name was Albert. Albert was a very lazy crow. Sometimes he fell

asleep even when he was flying, and dreamed all sorts of strange things.

One day he fell sound asleep and, flying upside-down he dreamed an upside-down dream. And this is it:

A cat, whose name was Marmy, liked chasing mice He had found two mice in the laundry basket.3

He was just going to chase them, when he heard one of the mice say, “Look, there’s a pussy cat. Let’s have fun and chase it.

Marmy was surprised. “That s ail wrong. Mice don’t chase cats, he thought. But the mice did chase him and Marmy was so surprised that he ran away as fast as he

“This is an upside-down world!” he thought. Just then Butch came along. Butch was a big dog and he growled at Marmy.

Marmv was just going to run away and climb a tree

when he thought, “Well, if it really is ;a"“Psl^d.?wn world nerhaps the dog will run away if I cnase ™ITl*

So Marmy ran towards Butch as fast as he could. And,

sure enough, Butch ran away. и <</-_хс

“Well this is a funny world!” thought Marmy. Cats

chase dogs and mice chaw cats. Well, I’ve never heard of

SUCHeaiooLed ^Coming down the road was a milkman

anVo* Marmy’sasurprisc the milkman was pulling the cart and the horse was sitting in the driving seat saying Gee 3’ to the milkman who started running down the road.

P Then he saw two very small children coming along with their mother and father, and the children were saying fn their Barents “You are very naughty. You musi go to led aTsSon as’you get home and we won’t give you any

SUP“Boo-hoo. Please don’t punish us,” said the mother and

fathH began to grow dark and instead of the moon and

51а“ВМ^it’sSnightSmer now,” said Marmy. “The moon and

stars should shine at night, not the sun Go awa^.,an{1 “No,” said the sun. “It’s an upside-down world,and

I’m going to shine at night. Then I can play all day.

“Whatever next,” 1 thought Marmy. Then, looking up,


SunTy basket Then he was hungry so he went to the kitchen and had some nice fish and milk.

The Grasshopper and the Snail

0Пе“кп ”nsda'id Sandy “I’m an important grasshopper. I’m only going !o hop big hops." So he never learned to hop

“мГ» Гу, when he was out for a hop, he met a

M13"Doldt’у оu’find things°rather slow,4 my dear?” he said to heVaYwling along8all day* with your house on your

baC“Oh no ” said Olive. “I like crawling. And I like being a Jt especially A

Ь^ГаК”Гт?« уГаее what I mean. So its Inn being

3 S“Oh ” well ” said Sandy, “there’s no accounting for tastes I ^suppose. Good-bye!” And he hopped- away^He IvL proud! Still, he was very good at hopping. Grass

‘We«JBtvh.d finished taiking to Olive Snail it was

tea-time, so St

nearly there —just six mates iro becauSe every

°he^?Гоп.8у'tpH ,gIehdopsghe always hopped

over his hole and never into m tired and ever so cross

\уьГ whoYhOuld’come crfwliJg hy but Olive,’ with her

house on her back. , said “it has its advan-

«* home without

,П^However'she was

г» 3 м

р1”ОчЖеГ Mldaf™%ta. hops are just as nice as big ones. Bye-bye, Sandy.’

A Policeman's horse

Once upon a time there was a very naughty police horse whose name was Harry, an a rather naughty policeman, too, whose name was Arthur.

Arthur, dressed in his blue uniform with his truncheon by his side, used to ride through London mounted on Harry the

Ь0ГHarry liked following the buses that crawled slowly along in the traffic and breathing on the back window till it was all misty. Then Arthur leant forward in the saddle and, with his finger, he would draw faces on the misty window, which

made Harry laugh.

But they were so busy,

Harry following the buses and breathing oh the window, and Arthur drawing faces, that they never had time to catch any burglars. So the Inspector at

the police station, whose name was Reginald, said to th Р01!Тв'ГгАГТйе“а8п1, standing at attention and 531 “Sergeant,”5j said Reginald, “why doesn’t Arthur catch

^“^don’T know, sir,” said the sergeant. „

“Well, find out, Sergeant, there’s a good chap,

InsPtlor4iH”gsaiadldGeorge (that was the sergeant’s name), and M “ ben he -jh °pt and^ot on^h.s

horse, which was a very good horse W/ t t i{ on the back oi buses, and Ые down the street m

he could find Harry and Arthur ana see j

up to.1,/

h|”S X ж к? рй

it would be rather {un> ^° b e thed on the back

horse up behind a bus so that it breamea о ^ q{

window. Then he leant forward and d ^ And

Inspector Reginald on Lie g , , d woldd be fun,

P°liC?TlSmearnvSOmoSy^wonderwhat has happened to arrest them a у went and looked and

^■ЙГГроПееГп w^drawk on the windows on the"WhaSt iunresabidSfhe burglars, and they all went and ’Гу^сГ^’ьгеаГьТш^Г’ьГт^оГ^огГет to draw

PiCi^eeShca°l' policeman» of all London was very pleased

Ж» made Arthur

a sergeant.