Task Listening 15. Making sense of a television interview.

Дата публикации: Nov 17, 2014 4:25:7 PM

- Oh, how these processors easy to use?

- Yes, there're. It's just like using a typewriter

- Mm-mm

- The keyboard is just like a typewriter. So, in that way they're very easy, yes, yes.

- Erm, what... what the typer is feeling about them today enjoy using them?

- Well, yes, there are a lot of good things about them. Erm, for example, it produces things much quicker

- Mm-mm

- For the typist

- Mm-mm

- Could do

- Erm, and it makes letters look better, you know. They ... they

- Yes

- Look very beautiful. But is there any reason now for a typist to learn to type quickly and accurately

- Mm-mm, particul...

- Probably less

- Mm-mm

- Than it used to be

- Uh-huh

- Or does it ... it does depend more kind of business you're working for

- Mm-mm

- Really

- Erm, if you're working for a business were you got a lot of the same kinds of letters to do

- Mm-mm

- Than this machine will be really good for that

- If.. if fairly actually I'm not sure I'll really like to have one because, erm, everything is done for you, isn't it?

- Yes, in one way. But than if you l.. a secretery you have much more time to do other things instead of being stand behind the typewriter all day

- Mm-mm

- Get through all the routine

- Yeah

- Very part of

- Yeah, yeah

- And it will be expansive

- Well, no, not really, erm, between about three and five thousands pounds


- Oh, how are word processors easy to use?

- Yes, they are. It's just like using a typewriter

- Hm-mm

- The keyboard is just like a typewriter. So, in that way they are very easy, yes, yes.

- Erm, what... what do typists feel about them? Do they enjoy using them?

- Well, yes, there are a lot of good things about them. Erm, for example, it produces things much quicker

- Mm-mm

- Than the typist

- Mm-mm

- Could do

- Erm, and it makes letters look better, you know. They... they

- Yes

- Look very beautiful. But is there any reason now for a typist to learn to type quickly and accurately?

- Mm-mm

- Probably less than

- Mm-mm

- They used to be

- Uh-huh

- Although of course it does depend what kind of business you're working for

- Mm-mm

- Really

- Erm, if you're working for a business where you've got a lot of the same kind of letters to do

- Mm-mm

- Then this machine would be really good for that

- If.. if I were a secratary I'm not sure I'd really like to have one because, erm, everything is done for you, isn't it?

- Yes, in one way. But then if you were a secretery you'd have much more time to do other things instead of being stuck behind a typewriter all day

- Mm-mm

- Gets rid of a lot of the routine

- Yes

- Dreary part of

- Yes, yes

- The job. Are they expansive?

- Well, no, not really, erm, between about three and five thousands pounds