IS. The Apprentice. Ep.4 "Ethics Schmethics". p.1

Дата публикации: Jun 26, 2016 10:32:21 AM

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1. antics - behavior that is considered to be deliberately stupid and likely to cause problems, глупые поступки

Frustrated with Sam's antics, his team elected him project manager.

antics noun BrE /ˈæntɪks/ ; NAmE /ˈæntɪks/ [plural]

1. behaviour which is silly and funny in a way that people usually like

The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity.

a comic who performs wacky antics on his TV show

2. behaviour which is ridiculous or dangerous

2. a bumpy road - a situation with both failures and successes

The men of Versacorp faced some bumpy roads

bumpy adjective BrE /ˈbʌmpi/ ; NAmE /ˈbʌmpi/ (bumpier, bumpiest)

1. (of a surface) not even; with a lot of bumps

a bumpy road/track

bumpy ground

2. (of a journey) uncomfortable with a lot of sudden unpleasant movements caused by the road surface, weather conditions, etc.

a bumpy ride/flight

3. to tally up - if you tally numbers or amounts, or if you tally them up, you calculate their total, Подвести итог

When the figures were tallied up, the women easily won.

tally verb BrE /ˈtæli/ ; NAmE /ˈtæli/

1. [intransitive] tally (with something) to be the same as or to match another person’s account of something, another set of figures, etc.

synonym match up (with something)

Her report of what happened tallied exactly with the story of another witness.

The two accounts tally precisely/closely/fairly well.

2. [transitive] tally something (up) to calculate the total number, cost, etc. of something

When we tallied up the cost of moving, we decided against it.

4. despicable - extremely unhappy - Отвратительный, не вызывающий жалости

It was a witch hunt to take down Sam. Despicable

despicable adjective BrE /dɪˈspɪkəbl/ ; NAmE /dɪˈspɪkəbl/ ; BrE /ˈdespɪkəbl/ ; NAmE /ˈdespɪkəbl/ (formal) - very unpleasant or evil

a despicable act/crime

I hate you! You're despicable.


презренный, жалкий

5. vengeance - revenge

He'll get his vengeance through me.

vengeance noun BrE /ˈvendʒəns/ ; NAmE /ˈvendʒəns/ [uncountable](formal) - the act of punishing or harming somebody in return for what they have done to you, your family or friends

synonym revenge

a desire for vengeance

vengeance on/upon somebody to take vengeance on somebody

He swore vengeance on his child's killer.

6. to be up for sth - be ready for sth

I 'm up for it.

to be up for sth - to want to do something:

We're going clubbing tonight if you're up for it.

be up for something (informal) - to want to do something and to be able to do it

It's a long walk. Are you up for it?

After a long day at work I wasn't really up for a party.

7. flying by the seat of your pants - making up the plan as you go along. Планировать на ходу

She really couldn't coherently articulate what the plan was 'cause she really was just flying by the seat of her pants.

fly by the seat of your pants (informal) - to do something difficult without the necessary experience or ability (often in continuous tenses)

None of us had ever worked on a magazine before so we were flying by the seat of our pants.

fly by the seat of one's pants

(idiomatic) To pilot an aircraft without the aid of instruments and without a flight plan, using only instinct, visual observation, and practical judgment.

(idiomatic, by extension) To use one's judgment, initiative, and perceptions as events unfold in order to improvise a course of action without a predetermined plan.

I had no idea how to do it – I was just flying by the seat of my pants.

8. to fall apart at the seams - to fail completely. Разойтись по швам

I think the women are falling apart at the seams.

seam noun BrE /siːm/ ; NAmE /siːm/

1. a line along which two edges of cloth, etc. are joined or sewn together

a shoulder seam

2. a thin layer of coal or other material, between layers of rock under the ground

They struck a rich seam of iron ore.

3. (figurative) The book is a rich seam of information.

a line where two edges meet, for example the edges of wooden boards

Light was spilling in through the seams of the door.

be falling/coming apart at the seams - (informal) to be going very badly wrong and likely to stop functioning completely

She was falling apart at the seams, spending most of her time in tears.

His little world fell apart at the seams.

9. to spazz out - yell and scream, usually completely random words

Why are you spazzing out?

A slang term from the Great State of Texas meaning a physical or verbal burst of energy with negative or positive intentions.

Most Pimps and Players understand the need to spazz out on these hoes.

Bitch, go and get that money before I spazz out.

spaz [spaz]


1. an awkward or clumsy person.

verb (used without object), spazzed, spazzing.

2. to move in an awkward or clumsy way (usually followed by out):

She spazzed out and we had broken glass all over the floor.

3. to become more angry than a situation warrants (usually followed by out):

Mom spazzed out when she smelled cigarette smoke on my clothes.

4. to twitch:

He was spazzing and muttering to himself, like the old speed freak he is.

10. a shot - a small portion of alcohol, стопка

This is what Heidi does. She brings the tray over. She's like, "Get the shot. Shot, shot".

1. Translate the following into English:

- Хоть убей, не понимаю, чем вы недовольны.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand the cause of your dissatisfaction.

- Я думаю, излишняя самоуверенность мешает его работе с клиентами.

I think that his self-confidence can impede his work with customers.

- С ними легко работать, поскольку у них нет привычки долго обижаться.

They are easy to work with because they don't hold grudges.

- Он — хороший руководитель, т.к. может предугадать конфликт в своей команде, и, что самое главное, решить его в самом начале.

He is a good manager because he can predict a conflict in his team and, as the most important thing, mediate it in the very beginning.

- Если бы нужно было сделать из кого-то козла отпущения, то это был бы, вне всякого сомнения, Сэм, посколько он действовал абсолютно непродуктивно.

If it needs to make somebody a scapegoat obvioulsy Sam will be the first candidate because he did downright unproductively.

- Стоимость услуг колеблется от 10 до 15 долларов\час.

The price fluctuates between 10 and 15 dollars per hour.

- Кто, по-твоему, виноват в очередном поражении?

Who do you think is at fault for a consecutive defeat?

- Эти компании утрачивают свои прежние позиции на рынке.

These companies are leading to a demise of their market share.

- Он не может сосредоточиться на задании и это меня раздражает.

He cannot stay on track and that irritates me.

2. Look through 10 items from the word list. Replace the highlighted words with them:

- Elizabeth tolerated Sarah's funny, silly, or unusual ways of behaving.

- Elizabeth tolerated Sarah's antics.

- He swore act of killing, injuring, or harming someone on everyone involved in the murder... (because they have harmed you).

- He swore vengeance on everyone involved in the murder...

- The Minister said the bombing was a cruel or evil crime.

- The Minister said the bombing was despicable.

- Why are you loosing your physical or emotional control?

- Why are you spazzing out?

- Do not use your instincts to tell us what to do in a difficult situation rather than following a plan or relying on equipment.

- Do not fly by the seat of your pants rather than following a plan or relying on equipment..

- Britain's university system is in danger of no longer working properly or may soon stop working completely.

- Britain's university system is in danger falling apart at the seams.

3. Watch the beginning of the episode and put these words into the order of their appearing in the video:

Take down Wizard of Oz Bumpy road Antics Consecutive

Pissed Flare Tallied up Vengeance Minchkins



Bumpy roads

Tallied up



Wizard of Oz


Take down


- Meanwhile, protege was having problems of their own as tempers flared between Omarosa and Katrina.

flare verb BrE /fleə(r)/ ; NAmE /fler/

1. [intransitive] to burn brightly, but usually for only a short time or not steadily

The match flared and went out.

The fire flared into life.

(figurative) Colour flared in her cheeks.

His dark eyes flared angrily.

2. [intransitive] flare (up) (especially of anger and violence) to suddenly start or become much stronger

synonym erupt

Violence flared when the police moved in.

Tempers flared towards the end of the meeting.

3. [transitive, intransitive] (+ speech) to say something in an angry and aggressive way

‘You should have told me!’ she flared at him.

4. [intransitive] (of clothes) to become wider towards the bottom

The sleeves are tight to the elbow, then flare out.

5. [transitive, intransitive] flare (something) if a person or an animal flares their nostrils (= the openings at the end of the nose), or if their nostrils flare, they become wider, especially as a sign of anger

The horse backed away, its nostrils flaring with fear.

consecutive adjective BrE /kənˈsekjətɪv/ ; NAmE /kənˈsekjətɪv/ [usually before noun] - following one after another in a series, without interruption

She was absent for nine consecutive days.

He is beginning his fourth consecutive term of office.

After six consecutive defeats, the team was almost ready to give up.

Interest rates rose again for the fifth consecutive month.

They achieved their third consecutive year of record sales.

munchkin noun /ˈmʌntʃkɪn/ (informal) - a very short person or a child

The Munchkins are the natives of the fictional Munchkin Country in the Oz books by American author L. Frank Baum. They first appear in the classic children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900). They are described as only wearing shades of blue clothing, as blue is the Munchkins' favorite color, and the predominating color that officially represents the eastern quadrant in the Land of Oz. They and the non-Munchkin Witch, the Good Witch of the North who accompanies them upon Dorothy Gale's first arrival to Oz, are described as being the same height as Dorothy, who is hinted to be no older than twelve-years-old.

W. W. Denslow's depiction of Munchkins, from the first edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.


прил.; груб.

1) брит.; = pissed-up пьяный, напившийся

2) амер. злой, сердитый, недовольный

4. Answer the questions:

- What is the destination for the troops this time?

Troops. All teams need to be ready at 8:00 a.m. Destination Times Square. No further details.

- What is “Planet Hollywood”? Who was it started by?

Behind me is Planet Hollywood,started by some movie star friends of mine.

lt's a massive, 50,000-square-foot restaurant... with over 250 employees.

Planet Hollywood International, Inc. is a theme restaurant inspired by the popular portrayal of Hollywood.

It was launched in New York on October 22, 1991, with the backing of Hollywood stars Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Further celebrity endorsement included actress Whoopi Goldberg, actor Don Johnson and his then-wife Melanie Griffith, the late director John Hughes, comedian Roseanne Barr, and actors Tom Arnold, Wesley Snipes, and Danny Glover.

- How many employees are there?


- What is the chore?

The women will manage the restaurant tonight.

The men tomorrow night.

We're gonna determine who made more money compared to the same time last year.

- What will the teams do in Tramp national golf club?

As a reward, the winning team is going to the best golf course in New York State Trump National Golf Club.

5. Who said these? Find and complete the phrases:

Katrina: The men are a lethal weapon right now because they don't have Sam.

Erika: I think it's part of her strategy. I think if you're alienated, you start learning really quick.

Heidi: The biggest problem Planet Hollywood is having is you have 30000 to 40000 people walking across the street, but they're not coming in.

Katrina: We modeled our idea of the shooters girls after the Hooters girls. Hooters is so successful. Why? Because of the women.

alienate verb BrE /ˈeɪliəneɪt/ ; NAmE /ˈeɪliəneɪt/

1. alienate somebody to make somebody less friendly or sympathetic towards you

His comments have alienated a lot of young voters.

2. alienate somebody (from something/somebody) to make somebody feel that they do not belong in a particular group

Very talented children may feel alienated from the others in their class.

Hooters Girls

A Hooters Girl is a waitress employed by the Hooters restaurant chain.

hooter noun BrE /ˈhuːtə(r)/ ; NAmE /ˈhuːtər/

1. (British English, rather old-fashioned) the device in a vehicle, or a factory, that makes a loud noise as a signal

2. (British English, slang) a person’s nose, especially a large one

3. [usually plural] (North American English, slang) a woman’s breast

owl goes hoo -> hooters

6. “Deal's a Deal” - what's DT's concept and do you share it?

Once you make a deal with someone, it,s really important to carry it through.

You start developing the wrong reputation, it makes it impossible to make future deals.

Once you shake hands, that should be it.

It's a part of fair play concept that allowed economics to grow up very quickly and to be sustainable.

the merchant's promise

game of heads or tails about Larisa Dmitrievna

to cast the die (plural of dice)

merchant noun BrE /ˈmɜːtʃənt/ ; NAmE /ˈmɜːrtʃənt/

1. A Cruel Romance (Ruthless Romance, Zhestokiy Romans) is a gem of Soviet cinema. Based on the play The Dowerless Girl by Aleksandr Ostrovsky and directed by Eldar Ryazanov, this is the story of Larissa Dmitrievna (Larisa Guzeyeva), a young girl from an impoverished family of the gentry in late 19th century Russia.

2. Cinematographic adaptation of classical Russian play "Dowry-less" by A. Ostrovsky. Noble but poor widow seeks to arrange marriage for her three daughters. She maintains "open house" or provincial form of salon hoping to attract gentlemen well-off enough to marry for love to a dowry-less.

dowerless - lacking a dowry

archaicism, archaism - the use of an archaic expression

unendowed - not equipped or provided; "unendowed with genius"- J.L.Lowes

dowry noun BrE /ˈdaʊri/ ; NAmE /ˈdaʊri/ (pl. dowries)

1. money and/or property that, in some societies, a wife or her family must pay to her husband when they get married

His family hoped that his bride would bring a large dowry.

2. money and/or property that, in some societies, a husband must pay to his wife’s family when they get married

carry through phrasal verb

1. carry somebody through | carry somebody through something - to help somebody to survive a difficult period

His determination carried him through the ordeal.

2. carry something through - to complete something successfully

It's a difficult job but she's the person to carry it through.

3. carry through | carry through on something | carry through with something - (North American English) to do what you have said you will do

He has proved he can carry through on his promises.

7. Analyze the way the girls were performing their task. Please use the following in your report:

sweatshirts - толстовка, фуфайка, балахон

to corner - 1) загонять в угол; припереть к стене, поставить в неудобное, тяжёлое положение

coherently articulate - связно, логически последовательно объяснить - because we're passionate - а) вспыльчивый, горячий; необузданный, несдержанный, неистовый

fly by the seat of your pants (She really couldn't coherently articulate what the plan was...'cause she really was just flying by the seat of her pants.)


slim chance

coupons - Five dollars off the drinks. Five dollars off the food.

drafts - бочковое пиво, пиво в розлив? There's drafts for 12 bucks.

we call it “responsible management” \


I could tell the managers were a little uncomfortable. This is not traditionally what they do.

We have this thing called ''responsible management. ,' Zero drinking when we're on shift.

8. Describe what the boys were doing using the following in your report:

falling apart at the seams - Bill

open the bidding - Kwame - аукцион, торги

bottom line - final conclusion

Bill's a snake. предатель, вероломный человек; подлец, гадина, змея