Must/have to/need (Modal verbs p.2)

Дата публикации: Nov 28, 2014 11:38:4 AM

Fill the spaces in the following sentences by inserting must or the present, future, or past form of have to.

1. She has to leave home at eight every morning at present.

2. Notice in a picture gallery: Cameras, sticks and umbrellas must be left at the desk.

3. He sees very badly; he has to wear glasses all the time.

4. I have to do all the typing at my office.

5. You must read this book. It's really excellent.

6. The children have to play in the streets till their mothers get home from work.

7. She felt ill and had to leave early.

8. Mr Pitt has to cook his own meals. His wife is away.

9. I hadn't enough money and I had to pay by cheque.

to need to - регулярный глагол с модальной семантикой - окказиональная нужность/долженствование

need - модальный глагол, needn't - зря.

You don't need to water the flowers. (They are cacti and don't need watering).

You needn't water the flowers. (Зря ты поливаешь цветы, у нас тут каждый день идет дождь) Pr.Simple.

You needn't have watered the flowers. (Зря ты полил цветы, смотри пошел дождь) Pr.Perfect

You don't have to water the flowers. (I have already watered them).

Use must not or need not to fill the spaces in the following sentences

1. You need not ring the bell; I have a key. Звонить не обязательно, у меня есть ключ. ? Зря ты позвонил, у меня есть ключ.

2. Notice in cinema: Exit doors must not be locked during performances.

3. You must not drink this: it is poison.

4. We need not drive fast; we have plenty of time.

5. You must not drive fast; there is a speed limit here.

6. Candidates must not bring books into the examination room.

7. You need not write to him for he will be here tomorrow.

8. We must not make any noise or we'll wake the baby.

9. You need not bring an umbrella. It isn't going to rain.

10. You need not do all the exercise. Ten sentences will be enough.

Replace the words in bold type by need not/need I ? etc., or a negative or interrogative have to form.


I've been invited to a wedding; but I can't go. Will it be necessary for me to send a present? = Shall I have to send a present?

must vs. have to vs. должен


1. Какая диф. сема между must = должен -:- have to = должен ?

2. Какой глагол актуализирует ТП, а какой ЛП/АП?

3. Какой глагол является членом парадигмы “хорошо сидим” (= контакт и разговоры разговариваем), а какой - парадигмы “дело” (= вычитывание информации из сообщения и совершение/блокирование поступка)?

4. Как следует расположить глаголы на линейной структуре фактуальность -:- не-фактуальность?

Задание: Переведите с комментарием = придумайте соответствующий контекст.

You have to believe him.

You must believe him.

You do not have to believe him.

You must not believe him.

Do I have to believe him?

Must I believe him?


Hill 5. Joe. Must/have got to/have to/need to/be to (Modal verbs p.3)

Hill7. Mrs.Young. Lexic and Modals (+ speech patterns).

Certain, probable or possible (Modal verbs p.6)

IS. Must vs. can/may/might. (Modal verbs p.5)