transitivity (переходность)

Дата публикации: Dec 10, 2014 12:2:10 PM

Переходность в лингвистике — свойство глагола, заключающееся в возможности и необходимости присоединять прямое дополнение. Не-переходные глаголы не требуют прямого дополнения, дополнение к ним присоединяется через управляющий предлог. Некоторые глаголы в разных ситуациях могут вести себя по разному.

Он поцеловал её руку. -переходный глагол

Она купила пирожное. - переходный глагол

Мальчик спит (в кровати). - непереходный глагол

Мальчик упал (в колодец).- непереходный глагол

Мальчик ест - Мальчик ест кашу. - непереходный - переходный

Основные функции переходности:

  • изменение состояния дополнения: ударить, бросить, открыть;

  • действие и воля подлежащего, что обычно отсутствует у непереходных глаголов: я упал, оно сломалось;

  • интенсивность действия или величина изменения дополнения, ср. Я стрелял в оленя. (неперех.) и Я застрелил оленя. (перех.)

Задание (the category of transitivity and intransitivity — категория переходности-непереходности):

Изобразите графически фразы:

to climb a tree

to climb on a tree

to play the piano

to play on the piano

to hunt a bear

to hunt on a bear

в русском тоже можно обыграть кстати - “играю только на рояле в карты”

see (In)transitive verbs

Transitive / Intransitive Verbs

The old woman struggled up the hill, pulling a grocery cart that had lost one wheel behind her.

Intransitive Verb

The verb "struggled" does not have a direct object; the prepositional phrase "up the hill" acts as an adverb describing where she struggled.

Hermione is editing her uncle's memoirs of his lifetime as a green grocer.

Transitive Verb

The compound verb "is editing" takes a direct object--the noun phrase "her uncle's memoirs."

Much to the amusement of the onlookers, Paul danced a minuet to the polka music that drifted out of the beer tent.

Transitive Verb

Here the verb "danced" is accompanied by a noun phrase ("a minuet") that acts as a direct object.

At the beginning of the play, the entire cast dances manically across the stage.

Intransitive Verb

In this sentence, the verb "dances" is not accompanied by a direct object. The phrase "manically across the stage" acts as an adverb describing where the dancing takes place.

Stella is reading quietly in the upstairs bedroom instead of doing her chores.

Intransitive Verb

This term I am reading all of the works of Sylvia Townsend Warner.

Transitive Verb

At the feast, we will eat heartily.

Intransitive Verb

Charles opened up his lunch, examined the contents carefully, and ate his dessert first.

Transitive Verb

The Stephens sisters are both very talented; Virginia writes and Vanessa paints.

Intransitive Verb

When I was three years old, my father left a can of paint open in my bedroom, and early one morning, I painted my baby brother's face green.

Transitive Verb

The director told the actors, "Do your best, and we'll be a hit."

Transitive Verb

The campers hid inside the cabin when they saw the bear.

Intransitive Verb

Alexis is swimming in the state championship next week.

Intransitive Verb

The student procrastinated too long and failed to finish the project.

Intransitive Verb

Ellen nodded to the audience and sang her song.

Intransitive Verb

Her brother likes bananas, but she likes peaches.

Transitive Verb

Adjunct faculty are teaching in several of the lower division courses.

?Transitive Verb

The director told the actors, "Do your best, and we'll be a hit."

Transitive Verb

Regis Philbin, the host of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire," smiled at her answer.

Intransitive Verb

President Clinton pushed into the crowd and shook her hand.

Intransitive Verb

The hiker turned quickly toward the noise behind him.

Intransitive Verb

Our teacher gave each of us another chance to take the exam.

Transitive Verb

After the chef completed the demonstration, she left the students to clean the kitchen.

Transitive Verb