IS. Past Simple vs. Past Continuous

Дата публикации: Sep 15, 2015 3:33:16 PM

Exercise 5. Insert the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.

1. Montanelli entered the room where Arthur was waiting for him at the supper table, (to wait) (Voynich)

2. Miss Marple's telephone rang when she was dressing (to dress) (Christie)

3. I lighted my pipe afresh and nodded to him to show that I was listening (to listen) (Leacock)

4. Leila felt the girls didn't really see her. They were looking towards the men. (to see — negative, to look) (Mansfield)

5. The Sergeant was writing when his clients entered. (to write, to enter) (Dickens)

6. She was constantly asking me to lunch and dine with her and once or twice a year invited me to spend a week-end at her house in the country, (to ask, to invite) (Maugham)

7. Gretta had the feeling that everyone was looking at her, and she lowered her eyes... (to look, to lower) (Caldwell)

8. For some seconds she stood watching him and both were thinking very quickly, (to think) (Weils)

9. They walked on a little and then he saw she was crying (to see, to cry) (Maugham)

10. I looked at the First of the Barons. He was eating salad, (to eat) (Mansfield)

11. Clyde was thinking as she talked how different she was from Hortense. (to think) (Dreiser)

12. Sir Henry looked into the lounge... In the lounge Hugo McLean was doing a crossword puzzle and frowning a good deal over it. (to do, to frown) (Christie)

13. The storm grew worse and worse, and the rain fell in torrents, and little Hans could not see where he was going. (to go) (Wilde)

14. It was warm and cosy in the kitchen when he walked in. Madam Perier was cooking and her husband was reading a Paris-Soir. Annette was darning stockings, (to cook, to read, to darn) (Maugham)

Exercise 6. Translate into English.


1. Когда Давид приехал, Хэм уже ждал его.

When David came, Ham was already waiting for him.

2. Когда декан вошел в аудиторию, тов. Петров делал доклад.

When the dean came to the lecture-hall, comrade Petrov was giving the report.

When the dean entered the lecture-hall, comrade Petrov was making the report.

3. Когда туристы вернулись, они увидели, что машина их уже ждет.

When the tourists came back, they saw that the car was waiting for them.

When the tourists came back, they saw the car waiting for them.

4. Она постоянно говорила о своем ребенке.

She was always/constantly speaking about her child all the time.

5. Том Сойер не мог играть со своими приятелями. Он белил забор.

Tom Soyer couldn't play with his friends. He was painting the fence.

6. Миссис Гуммидж постоянно жаловалась на холод.

Mrs Gummidge was always/constantly complaining of cold


1. «Когда я прошлой осенью готовился к вступительным экзаменам, я познакомился со многими студентами», —сказал Артур.

When I was preparing for an entrance examination, I met many students.- said Arthur

2. Уже солнце садилось, когда я подъехал к Кисловодску. (Лермонтов)

The sun was setting down when I went up to Kislovodsk.

3. Становилось темно. (Чехов)

It was getting dark.

4. Около семи часов вечера я гулял на бульваре. (Лермонтов)

I was walking along the boulevard/avenue at around 7pm.


5. Я сидел у окна, когда услышал стук их кареты.(Лермонтов)

I was sitting by the window when I heard their carridge's rattle/knock/noise/sound.

6. Она [Катя] беспрерывно краснела. (Тургенев)

She was constantly getting red.

7. Час спустя Павел Петрович уже лежал в постели с забинтованной ногой. (Тургенев)

An hour later, Pavel Petrovich laid in the bed with his leg bandaged .

An hour later, Pavel Petrovich was laying in the bed with his bandaged leg.

8. Гости Маркелова еще спали, когда к нему явился посланец с письмом от его сестры. (Тургенев)

Markelov's guests were still sleeping when a messenger came to him with a letter of his sister.

9. Они вышли, когда было еще светло и дул сильный ветер. (Чаковский)

When they went out, it was light and the wind was blowing hard/strongly.

10. Алехин подвинул свой стул ближе к столику, за которым играли два старика. (Котов)

Alehin put his chair closer to the table at which/where two elder men were gambling.

11. Он (Егор Семенович] работал с утра до ночи, все спешил куда-то. (Чехов)

He worked all day because he was in a hurry.

12. От двух до пяти Нежданов сидел у себя в комнате. (Тургенев)

Nejdanov was in his room from 2 to 5 pm.

Nejdanov was sitting in his room from 2 to 5 pm.

13. Она проснулась в ту самую минуту, когда я входил в комнату. (Достоевский)

She woke up exactly when I was entering the room

Exercise 7. Insert the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. She heard him sigh while he was reading (to read) (Collins)

2. While the water was heating Ma Parker began sweeping the floor, (to heat) (Mansfield)

3. While he was making the tea she was watching him. (to make, to watch) (Abrahams)

4. Mrs. Presty was looking at him with some anxiety on her daughter's account, while he was reading the message on Randal's card, (to look, to read) (Collins)

5. It was quite late at night, and the brother was reading aloud while the sister was plying her needle, when they were interrupted by a knocking at the door, (to read, to ply) (Dickens)

6. While Mrs. Calligan was setting the table Mamie went to her room and Aileen followed her. (to set) (Dreiser)

7. While the doctor was speaking, Mrs. Presty drew her own conclusions from a close scrutiny of Mr. Sarrazin's face, (to speak, to draw) (Collins)


While the doctor was speaking, Mrs. Presty was drawing her own conclusions from a close scrutiny of Mr. Sarrazin's face, (to speak, to draw) (Collins)

8. While he was washing he heard the doorbell, then voices, (to wash, to hear) (Abrahams)

9. While the gendarmes were ransacking the room, Arthur sat waiting on the edge of the bed. (to ransack, to sit) (Voynich)


to ransack /ˈrænsæk/

1) искать; обыскивать, обшаривать; рыться в поисках

2) очистить (квартиру), ограбить

3) изучать, подробно исследовать