IS. Passive voice. P2.

Дата публикации: Feb 14, 2016 11:47:18 AM

Ex 3. Translate into Russian

1. That day she was seen little of. (Hardy)

В тот день она почти не показывалась.

В тот день её почти никто не видел.

В тот день её почти не видели.

2. At that moment hasty steps were heard in the entry. (Hardy)

В это время у входа послышались (чьи-то) торопливые шаги.

3. A man who is much talked about is always very attractive. (Wilde)

Широко обсуждаемый в обществе мужчина, всегда очень привлекателен/притягателен.

Человек, о котором много говорят, всегда очень привлекателен.

4. I was told, too, that neither masters nor teachers were found fault with in that establishment. (Ch. Bronte)

Мне также сказали, что ни воспитатели, ни учителя этого учреждения ни в чем не были уличены.

5. I shall be quite safe, quite well taken care of. (Dickens)

Я буду в достаточной безопасности, в достаточной мере окружен заботой.

Я-то уж буду в достаточной безопасности, в достаточной мере окружен заботой.

6. I've been sent for urgently, to get at the truth. (Christie)

Я был безотлагательно вызван чтобы выяснить правду.

За мной сразу послали...

7. A sound of a piano is heard in the adjoining room. (Wilde)

Из соседней комнаты слышны звуки пианино.

В соседней комнате кто-то играет на пианино.

8. He could see that the bed was empty, and that it had not been slept in. (Bennett)

Он видел, что постель не тронута.

Он видел, постель пуста и в ней никто не спал.

9. The gate was opened by one of the maids. (Dickens)

Ворота открыла одна из горничных.

10. Nothing more was said on either side. (Dickens)

Ничего больше не было сказано ни с одной из сторон.

11. I don't suppose there's anybody who isn't cared for by someone or other. (Maugham)

Я не думаю, что есть на свете кто-то, о ком бы никто не заботился.

12. With old and young great sorrow is followed by a sleepless night... (Maugham)

И для стариков, и для молодых бессонные ночи всегда сопровождают великие горести.

13. He was forbidden to receive either letters or telegrams. (Collins)

Ему было запрещено получать письма и телеграммы.

14. The visitor was allowed to come forward and seat himself. (Eliot)

Посетителю разрешили подойти и присесть.

Orig: The grandmother had a pack of cards before her and was making "plates" with the children. A plate had just been thrown down and kept itself whole.

"Stop!" said Jacob, running to Deronda as he entered. "Don't tread on my plate. Stop and see me throw it up again."

Deronda complied, exchanging a smile of understanding with the grandmother, and the plate bore several tossings before it came to pieces; then the visitor was allowed to come forward and seat himself. He observed that the door from which Mordecai had issued on the former visit was now closed, but he wished to show his interest in the Cohens before disclosing a yet stronger interest in their singular inmate.

15. The match was looked upon as made by her father and mother. (Hardy)

Считалось, что брак был устроен её родителями.

16. Klesmer bowed round to the three sisters more grandly than they had ever been bowed to before. (Eliot)

Клесмер поклонился трем сестрам так грациозно, как никто им никогда не кланялся раньше.

17. That's a thing I've not been accused of before. (Maugham)

В этом меня еще никто никогда не обвинял.

18. The child shall be taken care of somehow. (Eliot)

В конце концов о ребенке кто-нибудь позаботится.

19. I just chatter when I'rn chattered to. (Hilton)

Когда кто-то болтает со мной, это не более чем пустая болтовня.

20. And for four years now I have been trying to make myself heard in the popular press. I have been laughed at as a crank. I have endured insults. (Priestley)

Вот уже четыре года я пытаюсь добиться чтобы обо мне напечатали в газетах. Меня высмеивали, считали чудаком. Я терпел обиды.

21. Knight had been looked upon as a bachelor by nature. (Hardy)

Найта считали неисправимым холостяком.

22. We know that she likes Nurse O'Brien and is well looked after. (Christie)

Мы знаем, что ей нравится Сестра О'Бриен, которая хорошо заботится о ней (и о ней хорошо заботятся).

23. Her uncle and mother came two days ago, and she is being well taken care of. (Eliot)

Её дядя и мать прибыли два дня спустя и теперь её все время опекают.

24. The effect of my education can never be done away with. (Eliot)

Мое образование всегда будет со мной.

25. The strained and precarious relationship between Ann and Randall, which had been quite unprepared for, was also a constant source of pain and surprise. (Murdoch)

Натянутые и шаткие отношения между Эн и Рэнделом, которые толком не были подготовлены к этим отношениям, также были постоянным источником проблем и неожиданностей.

Orig: The strained and precarious relationship between Ann and Randall, which he had been quite unprepared for, was also a constant source of pain and surprise.

26. She is so absolutely to be relied on as that? (Collins)

На неё действительно можно полностью положиться, как говорят?

27. Fabrizi told me he had been written to and had consented to come and take up the campaign against the Jesuits. (Voynich)

Фабрици рассказал мне, что ему написали и он согласился приехать и заняться кампанией против Джесутов

28. One child in a household of grown people is usually made very much of, and in a quiet way I was a good deal taken notice of by Mrs. Bretton, who had been left a widow, with one son, before I knew her. (Ch. Bronte)

Об единственном ребенке в семье обычно все постоянно думают, и я была постоянно под присмотром миссис Бретон, которая осталась вдовой с несовершеннолетним сыном еще до нашей встречи.

Когда в семье из одних взрослых появляется ребенок, ему обычно уделяют много внимания, и миссис Бреттон относилась ко мне со сдержанной, но искренней заботливостью. Миссис Бреттон овдовела еще до того, как я познакомилась с ней; у нее был один сын. (Шарлотта Бронте Городок. Перевод с английского Л.Орел, Е.Суриц )

29. She's quite well thought of in Cambridge. (Murdoch)

Её не дурно обучили в Кембридже

У неё не дурная репутация в Кембридже

30. I was taught music and singing. (Eliot)

Меня учили музыке и вокалу.

31. Habble was dismissed, but Kinney was not allowed to retire with him. (Priestley)

Хаббл был уволен, но Кинни не разрешили уволиться вслед за ним.

32. By now we had been joined by two other people... (Hansford Johnson)

К этому времени мы присоединились к еще двум людям.

33. About an hour or so later I was sent for and found Mary Gerrard unconscious. (Christie)

Примерно часом позже за мной послали, и я обнаружил Мэри Джеррард без сознания.

34. She (Gemma] was both pleasant to look at and interesting to talk to. (Voynich)

Она (Джемма) была одновременно миловидной барышней и интересной собеседницей.

get at phrasal verb

get at somebody (usually used in the progressive tenses) to keep criticizing somebody

He's always getting at me.

She feels she's being got at.

get at somebody | get at something to reach somebody/something; to gain access to somebody/something

The files are locked up and I can't get at them.

get at something to learn or find out something

The truth is sometimes difficult to get at.

send for phrasal verb

send for somebody to ask or tell somebody to come to you, especially in order to help you

Send for a doctor, quickly!

send for something to ask somebody to bring or deliver something to you

His son found him and sent for help.

She sent for the latest sales figures.

come forward phrasal verb - to offer your help, services, etc.

Several people came forward with information.

Police have asked witnesses of the accident to come forward.

look on as phrasal verb

look on somebody as somebody | look on somebody as something | look on something as somebody | look on something as something

to consider somebody/something to be somebody/something

She's looked on as the leading authority on the subject.

look on phrasal verb

look on - to watch something without becoming involved in it yourself

Passers-by simply looked on as he was attacked.

rely on phrasal verb

rely on somebody | rely on something | rely upon somebody | rely upon something

1. to need or depend on somebody/something

As babies, we rely entirely on others for food.

rely on/upon somebody/something to do something These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.

rely on/upon somebody/something doing something The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low.

2. to trust or have faith in somebody/something

You should rely on your own judgement.

rely on/upon somebody/something to do something You can rely on me to keep your secret.

He can't be relied on to tell the truth.

as/that was - as somebody/something used to be called

Jill Davis that was (= before her marriage)

the Soviet Union, as was

do away with phrasal verb

do away with somebody | do away with yourself (informal) to kill somebody/yourself

do away with something (informal) to stop doing or having something; to make something end

synonym abolish

He thinks it's time we did away with the monarchy.

make of phrasal verb

make something of somebody | make something of something - to understand the meaning or character of somebody/something

What do you make of it all?

I can't make anything of this note.

I don't know what to make of (= think of) the new manager.