Complex Subject (Speech patterns)

Дата публикации: Apr 23, 2014 5:45:37 AM

1. Не ясно, почему при трансформации используем Perfect Infinitive? Какова семантика такой трансформации?

С перфектными tenses еще понятно, но как быть с simple/continuous?

Past simple

It happened that they met that very day. -> They happened to have met that very day.

It seems that he didn't know the subject well. -> He seems not to have known the subject well.

Past continuous

It is sure that they were coming to Moscow. -> They are sure to have been coming to Moscow.

Past Perfect

It was reported that the ship hadn't arrived in Odessa yet. -> The ship was reported not to have arrived in Odessa yet.

Present Perfect

It is reported that the delegation has left London.-> The delegation is reported to have left London.

Future Perfect

Betsy expects it that she will have finished the job in one month -> Betsy expects to have finished the job in one month.

Трансформация в Perfect Infinitive не происходит если Present/Future Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple c глаголами состояния (в том числе Passive Voice).

2. Трансформация сослагательного высказывания

Was it really expected that the members of the community would come to an agreement?

Were the members of the community really expected to come to an agreement?

Я правильно понимаю, что сослагательность уходит во вспомогательное слово expected?

3. Так точно говорят? "Earth is known round"
