Weather Vocabulary

Дата публикации: Nov 01, 2015 9:36:6 AM

These are some of the words we use to talk about the weather.

The weather

Good weather

be bathed in/​bask in/​be blessed with/​enjoy bright/​brilliant/​glorious sunshine

the sun shines/​warms something/​beats down (on something)

the sunshine breaks/​streams through something

fluffy/​wispy clouds drift across the sky

a gentle/​light/​stiff/​cool/​warm/​sea breeze blows in/​comes in off the sea

the snow crunches beneath/​under somebody’s feet/​boots

Bad weather

thick/​dark/​storm clouds form/​gather/​roll in/​cover the sky/​block out the sun

the sky darkens/​turns black

a fine mist hangs in the air

a dense/​heavy/​thick fog rolls in

the rain falls/​comes down (in buckets/​sheets)/pours down

snow falls/​comes down/​covers something

the wind blows/​whistles/​howls/​picks up/​whips through something/​sweeps across something

strong/​gale-force winds blow/​gust (up to 80 mph)

a storm is approaching/​is moving inland/​hits/​strikes/​rages

thunder rolls/​rumbles/​sounds

(forked/​sheet) lightning strikes/​hits/​flashes

a (blinding/​snow) blizzard hits/​strikes/​blows/​rages

a tornado touches down/​hits/​strikes/​destroys something/​rips through something

forecast/​expect/​predict rain/​snow/​a category-four hurricane

(North American English) pour (down)/ (British English) pour (down) with rain

get caught in/​seek shelter from/​escape the rain

be covered/​shrouded in mist/​a blanket of fog

be in for/​brave/​shelter from a/​the storm

hear rolling/​distant thunder

be battered/​buffeted by strong winds

(British English) be blowing a gale

battle against/​brave the elements

The weather improves

the sun breaks through the clouds

the sky clears/​brightens (up)/lightens (up)

the clouds part/​clear

the rain stops/​lets up/​holds off

the wind dies down

the storm passes

the mist/​fog lifts/​clears

1. I don't think you need to bring an umbrella. It's only drought /drizzling /sleet /raindrop now.

2. A snowstorm /blizzard/hurricane/precipitation is a dangerous tropical storm.

3. I stepped in a/paddle/peddle/puddle/piddle and got my pantlegs all wet.

4. There was a forecast/cold spell /humidity/rainbow in the middle of summer; we didn't have to turn our airconditioner on for weeks.

5. We had to stop playing baseball because we didn't want to get struck by thunder/frost/drizzle/lightning.

6. It was too snowstorm/cats and dogs/smog/foggy for the pilot to land the plane.

7. If you let me borrow your thermometer/shades/suntan lotion/degrees I'll be able to see better.

8. Don't be surprised if you get a light/shower/hail/tornado/sunny every afternoon on that island.

9. When I looked at the sun/scorcher/thermometer/UV it said ten degrees.

10. Sunshine/Sunscreen/Tanned/Umbrella will prevent you from getting a burn.

pantleg ‎(plural pantlegs) = One leg of a pair of pants.

paddle - байдарочное весло; весло для каноэ; грести байдарочным веслом, трость, палка для телесных наказаний; ковылять; нетвёрдо идти

peddle - торговать вразнос

piddle - мочиться; сходить по-маленькому, писать (обычно о детях); сделать лужицу (о животных)

Weather Report 1 (easy)

This is CKNY and I'm Anita Pierce with weather. We couldn't ask for a better day for the first day of Spring. Right now it's fifteen degrees and clear. We're expecting blue skies throughout the day. Though there is only a ten percent chance of showers, this good weather can't last forever. It's raining cats and dogs up north, so we should see rain by morning. Don't forget your umbrella tomorrow. Now, stay tuned for local news.

Weather Report 2 (medium)

Hi, I'm Jesse Williams. This is your weekend weather report. This morning we're seeing sun with cloudy periods as well as a few flurries. Right now I am at the top of Mount Raven where it is plus two and expected to rise to about six degrees by noon. Overnight temperatures will probably drop to at least minus seven. Tomorrow's forecast calls for more flurries with a high of zero and a low of minus twelve. With the wind chill factor, that could put us at a record low of minus twenty. Conditions are perfect for skiing this weekend, but if you're heading out to the slopes tomorrow, please remember to bundle up to avoid frostbite. We'll go back to the newsroom now for a look at what's in sports.

Weather Report 3 (difficult)

Good morning, this is Alonzo Jacob with your Monday weather report. The heatwave that slowed everybody down this weekend is showing no signs of letting up this week. Our meteorologists suggest that today's temperature could climb to as high as 40 degrees Celsius by the late afternoon. Right now, only an hour after sunrise, the temperature here at the airport is already 29 degrees. However, there is relatively no humidity in the air, so it feels quite comfortable out here at the moment. Unfortunately, there is also no rain in the forecast for the next five days. This is bad news for the thirsty forest fires that are raging across the interior of our province. Looks like setting up a tent in the backyard may be the only way to catch some sleep tonight if you don't have airconditioning. That's all for today's weather. Stay tuned for the morning traffic report.

bundle up 1) тепло одевать, укутывать 2) тепло одеваться, кутаться

let up 1) ослабевать 2) снижать темп, активность (в работе) 3) (let up on) смягчаться, переставать придираться к (кому-л.)

interrior б) внутренние районы (страны, континента)

clement adjective BrE /ˈklemənt/ ; NAmE /ˈklemənt/ (formal) - especially of weather) mild and pleasant

opposite inclement

inclement adjective BrE /ɪnˈklemənt/ ; NAmE /ɪnˈklemənt/ (formal) - (of the weather) not pleasant; cold, wet, etc.

Walkers should be prepared for inclement weather.