from vs. (to / with / in)

Дата публикации: Jun 15, 2016 11:35:13 AM

1. Is there any difference between What do you want with me? and what do you want from me?

"What do you want with me?" means roughly "Why are you seeking me out?", in my opinion.

"What do you want from me?" means roughly "What do you expect (to get) from me?", as I hear it.

If a girlfriend said, "I always thought I would end up with someone who was more successful", the two questions would convey very different moods.

"What do you want with me?" = "Why are you in a relationship with me, then?"

"What do you want from me?" = "What do you expect me to do (to fulfill these wishes of yours)?"

If a policeman comes to my place of work and asks to see me:

"What do you want with me?" = "Why are you asking to see me?"

"What do you want from me?" = "What do you expect me to give you?"

"What do you want from me?" can be belligerent or sarcastic, as in:

A: "I finished my homework."

B: "So, what do you want from me? A gold medal?"

2. in vs. from

+ Hill 12. Prepositions + Perfect (конативная функция)

Harold Scott sold cheap shoes. He had a small lorry, and he bought the shoes from the factory and took them from one house to another and tried to sell them to people.

Вопрос: Почему по-русски следует сказать Он покупал обувь на фабрике, а по-английски He bought the shoes from the factory = Он покупал обувь c фабрики?

take/buy from the factory -> bring/sell to somebody

взять/купить на фабрике = вывезти с фабрики -> привезти/продать


take vs. bring

in vs. from (Harold Scott)

Harold Scott sold cheap shoes. He had a small lorry, and he bought the shoes from the factory and took them from one house to another and tried to sell them to people.

Вопрос: Почему по-русски следует сказать Он покупал обувь на фабрике, а по-английски He bought the shoes from the factory = Он покупал обувь c фабрики?

He bought the shoes at the factory. Покупает по сути обувь, которая либо еще и не изготовлена/в процессе изготовления, либо прямо с конвейера. Причинно-следственная связь. Статика.

He bought the shoes from the factory. Он покупал обувь и вывозил её c фабрики. Динамика.


1. Откуда он это знает? а) He got it from school. От школы набрался.

2. Где он это узнал? б) He got it at school. В школе.


He got it from school. Получил знания в школе и применяет их вне школы (чтение, письмо, арифметика, поиск информации в библиотеке и др.).

He got it at school. Получил знания в школе и применяет их в школе же (как получить хорошие отметки, где спрятаться от завуча, где незаметно покурить, как избежать встречи с хулиганами и др.).

The medicine was bought at the Chemist's (= Drug Store\Pharmacy).

Лекарство куплено в аптеке, и там же изготовлено (микстура).

The medicine was bought from the Chemist's (= Drug Store\Pharmacy).

Лекарство куплено в аптеке, но это было готовое лекарство (заводские таблетки).

3. Почему в данной речевой модели предлог from?

Речевая модель: keep + Obj. from +ing

Don't keep me from playing. ⇒ Не мешайте мне играть. = Не препятствуйте моей игре. = Не удерживайте меня от игры. = Не делайте так, чтобы я не мог играть.

Задание: Переведите на русский язык согласно речевой модели.

They keep him from his work.

This will keep fruit from spoiling.

It kept me from school.

We must keep them from knowing our plans.

The noise keeps me from sleeping.

Keep the child from hurting himself.

4. from the centre vs. до центра


Чем детерминирован (= почему = что лежит в основе) такого явления (= феномена), что по-английски скажут from the centre = от центра, а по-русски, наоборот, скажут до центра.

Например, 35 Balmoral Avenue is in the middle of the High Trees Estate, three miles from the town centre.

Аналогично, по-русски скажут секунды до катастрофы, а по-английски - seconds from disaster:

5. Предложные структуры (1)

Вопрос: Почему в русском и английском одни и те же смысловые комплексы, а предлоги комплементарные:

таблетки от гриппа = pills to the flu

ключ от двери = the key to the door

слова из текста = words to the text

проснуться от стука = wake to a knock

пять минут до катастрофы = five minutes from the catastrophe


born into something She was born into a very musical family.

born of/to somebody He was born of/to German parents.