IS. Future Tenses

Дата публикации: Oct 26, 2015 5:12:51 PM

see also

Future Expression: shall vs. will

Future Expression: will vs. to be going to (+present tenses)

Exercise 16. Comment on the use of tenses expressing future actions оr states.

I. I'm not going to Bertha; I'm going to Craddock direct and I mean to give him a piece of my mind. (Maugham)


2. Pearl, be quick and go. Minnie will be wondering why you don't come. (Maugham)

action in progress at a stated future time

? a kind of action that can be a routine

3. "Dr. Ramsay is coming to luncheon tomorrow," she said. "I shall tell them both that I'm going to be married to you." (Maugham)

fixed arrangement, willing, intention

luncheon BrE /ˈlʌntʃən/ ; NAmE /ˈlʌntʃən/ - ланч (преимущественно официальный)

4. I'm terribly sorry not to be able to ask you to lunch, but we're having it early in rather a rush and leaving immediately after. (Murdoch)

fixed arrangement in the near future

5. I am not going to play at all, I must see to the tea, and I daresay some more people will be coming in presently. (Maugham)


action in progress at a stated future time

(I daresay) полагаю, думаю, мне кажется; осмелюсь сказать (иногда иронически)

6. "Well, so long, anyway, Gretta," Royd called to her. He waved his hand in her direction. "I'll be seeing you again, too. Maybe I'll be seeing you at the Roundabout some night

soon." (Caldwell)

routine, routine

7. I hope you're going to enjoy staying in the house. Nobody will bother you there. And if you sleep like a top in the night, I'll probably hear and I'll rush in to wake you. (Hilton)


going -> will (promise, prediction, ?on-the-spot decisions)

sleep like a top/log - to sleep very soundly (беспробудно, крепко) - both of these similes transfer the immobility of an object to that of a person who is sound asleep (since a top spinning quickly looks immobile). Incidentally, 'sleep like a log' apparently derives from the immobility of logs, like tops, although some have suggested it to derive from the sound of sawing being like the sound of snoring.

see Similes of the 'like a' type

8. I shall be having a quiet day with Antonia. We're staying in London this time. Rosemary will be at Rembers with Alexander. (Murdoch)

routine, fixed arrangement, prediction

9. You'll be sorry for what you've said when you've calmed down and then you'll want me to forgive you. (Maugham)


10. "Are you going out again, Miss Jane?" "Not me, I'm off to bed soon with a good book." (Hilton)

personal plans in near future

Exercise 17. Insert one of the tenses expressing future actions or states (Future Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Present Indefinite, Present Continuous or to be going+ infinitive).


1. I have not visited the place yet. I am going there tomorrow. (to go)

2. Our train starts at 8 p.m. tomorrow, so if you come at 5 o'clock we'll be still packing (to start, to come, to pack)

3. At 4 o'clock tomorrow we are going to begin packing and by 6 we will have finished with ease, (to begin, to finish)

4. Will you have had dinner by the time I come back? (to have) time clause

5. Ring me up at II, I won't have slept yet. (to sleep—negative)

Ring me up at II, I won't be sleeping yet. Я еще не буду спать


1. I will have started out on my round by the time you go, so I'll say good-bye to you now. (to start out) (Maugham)

2. "I think you are going to like him," said Elinor, "when you know more of him." (to like) (Austen)

I think you will like him - conditional clause

3. "Shall we go downstairs and meet the man?" "Let us stay here; he will knock at our door in a moment, you will see," said Sylviane. (to knock) (Bennett)

shall - modal verb, prediction

4. As a number of episodes from this novel will have reached the public through their wireless sets before it is published, a few words of explanation are necessary, (to reach) (Priestley)

5. I suppose everyone will ask me questions and it's so awkward. (to ask) (Christie)

6. But you won't go I won't let you. (to go — negative) (Murdoch and Priestley)


7. "When will I meet your brother?" said Georgie. (to meet) (Murdoch)


will be meeting - plan

8. What are you going to do this afternoon? (to do) (Galsworthy)


are doing

will you be doing

Exercise 18. Translate into English.


1. Они начнут строительство клуба в ближайшие дни и закончат его к концу года.

They are going to start building of the club in a few days and they will have finished it by the end of this year.

They are going to start constraction of the club in a few days and they will have finished it by the end of this year.

2. Не звоните ей в одиннадцать часов. Она уже будет спать.

Don't call her at 11 o'clock, she will be sleeping. Action in progress in the future

Don't call her at 11 o'clock, she will be asleep. Prediction

3. Позвоните в семь часов. Я думаю, что к этому времени машинистка (typist) уже напечатает ваши документы.

You should call at 7 o'clock. I think, the typist will have finished to type your papers by this time.

4. Я еще буду работать, когда вы вернетесь.

I will have been working when you come.

I will be still working when you come.


1. Я тебе вечером позвоню, часов в восемь. (Слепухин)

I'm going to call your at night, at about 8pm.

2. В субботу вечером я вас жду. (Достоевский)

I am waiting for you on Saturday night.

will be waiting

3. На днях я буду у вас. (Достоевский)

I'm going to visit you in a few days

4. Надеюсь, вы поймете меня. (Достоевский)

I hope, you will understand me.

5. Доктор, я жду вас завтра в четыре часа. (Лермонтов)

Doctor, I'm waiting for you at 4pm tomorrow.

will be waiting

6. Я тоже еду в Мильенский завод. (Пермяк)

I'm going to Milenskiy factory too.

7. В котором часу ты будешь дома? (Слепухин)

When are you going to be home?

8. Приходите завтра на турнир часа в два... Я буду вас ждать. (Котов)

Please come to the tournament at about 2 o'clock tomorrow. I'm looking forward to meet you there.

will be waiting for you

I'm waiting for you

BrE /ˈtʊənəmənt/ ; NAmE /ˈtʊrnəmənt/ ; BrE /ˈtɜːnəmənt/ ; NAmE /ˈtɜːrnəmənt/ ; BrE /ˈtɔːnəmənt/

9. Запомни: завтра в пять. К этому времени, надеюсь, у тебя настроение изменится. (Тендряков)

Remember, at 5 o'clock tomorrow. I hope that your mood will have changed by that time.

10. Зина и Настасья Ильинична уезжают?.. Куда они уезжают? (Слепухин)

Will Zina and Nastasia Ilinichna leave? When will they leave?

Will Zina and Nastasia Ilinichna be leaving? When will they be leaving?

11....вы завтра идете в цирк? (Слепухин)

Are you going to the circus tomorrow?

12....что ты собираешься делать? — Не знаю. (Чаковский)

What are you going to do? Dunno