Правильные и неправильные глаголы

Дата публикации: Aug 09, 2015 11:23:21 AM

1. http://e-repa.ru/dw/doku.php?id=grammar:blog:2015-07-13-062705

В чем семантическое отличие причастия образованного по правилу и не по правилу = regular -:- irregular?

20150809 - Irregular verbs


Буратино hanged или hung? Висит в прямом или переносном смысле?

A doubtful Roma:

"1. Рабочие с утра открыли ангар, а там их коллега в петле. Это hung или hanged ?

2. Рабочий повесился в ангаре (на видеорегистраторе видно что никто не входил и не выходил, но самого процесса не видно). Идёт следствие. Как будет в материалах - hung или hanged ?

2а. Следствие завершено. Был повешен коллегами - hung или hanged ?

2б. Следствие завершено. Самоубийство - hung или hanged ?

3. Рабочего повесили в ангаре (на видеорегистраторе видно как вешали) - hung или hanged ?

Думаю, первично в выборе regular/irregular то, как (= кем/чем) именно было совершено действие и в какое состояние перешёл (= какие признаки изменил) объект действия.

Например An object that has melted completely is molten.

А уже выше уровнем могут быть прикручены метонимии и метафоры. А случай с hung так это и вовсе идиома, связанная с базовыми страхами/ужасами человека - беспомощностью, так что имхо лучше её отдельно рассматривать как совершенно частный случай.

Кстати, когда вешали Пиноккио, говорили так

“He must be hung! let us hang him!”, потом по(д)весили его и стали ждать смерти

They then sat down on the grass and waited for his last struggle. But at the end of three hours the puppet's eyes were still open, his mouth closed, and he was kicking more than ever.

Losing patience, they turned to Pinocchio and said in a bantering tone:

“Good-bye till tomorrow. Let us hope that when we return you will be polite enough to allow yourself to be found quite dead, and with your mouth wide open.”

Т.е. желая его смерти делали hung, но не hanged.

Почему ?"

2. shined vs. shone/hanged vs. hung

1. Какая смысловая разница (диф. сема) между двумя формами прошедшего времени глагола hang → hung (неправильный глагол) и hanged (правильный глагол); и глагола shine → shone (неправильный глагол) и shined (правильный глагол)?

2. На рисунках изображено The light shone или The light shined? Почему?

3. На рисунке изображено Burattino is hung или Burattino is hanged? Почему?

see above


Переведите на русский язык.

1. A lamp hung from the ceiling.

2. As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb. (пословица)

3. The light shone feebly (= слабо) through the slit (= щель).

4. For I know the gods have shined on me.

Вставьте пропущенный глагол shined/shone/hanged/hung.

1. The blinds were … askew — шторы были повешены криво

2. А piece of meat … from the ceiling — с потолка свисал кусок мяса

3. A diamond … in the sun — алмаз сверкал на солнце

4. The man says he … laser at planes for 'stress release' — Мужчина говорит, что направлял лазер на самолеты, чтобы снять стресс.


Окончание (ed) дает переносный смысл слова, устрашающий посыл на социум, наполненный смыслом и получением результата; конфликт функций присутствует

неправильная форма дает прямое, простое прочтение=перевод слова, другими словами: нет конфликта функций

конфликт функций - то, чего не должно быть, но оно есть

нет конфликта функций - то, что должно быть и оно есть

пример: картина по умолчанию должна висеть или пальто на вешалке , а человек по умолчанию не должен висеть, так вот, если то, что по умолчанию должно висеть и это повесили, то конфликта функций нет = hung (- неправильный глагол), если то что по умолчанию не должно висеть, но его повешали, т.е. конфликт функций есть - то hangED (правильный глагол), по аналогии с “shined vs. shone”

The light shined - картинка с тремя челами, которые ищут в темноте

The light shone - картинка солнце светит(тупо) сквозь ветви дерева

Burattino is hanged - подвешен с целью добычи денег, но не как для красоты - типа картина

Картина для того и делается (= одна из ее функций), чтобы именно висеть = конфликта функций нет = hung; а Буратино делался “на радость людям”, а не чтобы висеть = конфликт функций есть = hanged.

1. A lamp hung from the ceiling - Лампа висит на потолке

2. As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb - Семь бед - один ответ

3. The light shone feebly (= слабо) through the slit - Свет светит через щель

4. For I know the gods have shined on me - Ибо я знаю, боги осветили меня

1. The blinds were hung askew

2. А piece of meat hanged from the ceiling

3. A diamond shone in the sun

4. The man says he shined laser at planes for 'stress release'

a 5 cents of mine

1. Все вышеперечисленные глаголы можно поделить на две группы, первые имеют два варианта Past Simple и, соответственно, два варианта Past Participle, у вторых двоится только Past Participle см. таблицу выше.

В различиях предстоит разобраться

2. Для обеих групп разделение на прямой смысл (irregular) и переносный (regular) справедливо.

Прямость/переносность смысла можно рассматривать по схеме мифа Р.Барта


знак = прямой смысл

миф = переносный смысл

3. насчет переносного смысла, как ситуации КФ, я согласен с Vladimir

Окончание (ed) дает переносный смысл слова, устрашающий посыл на социум, наполненный смыслом и получением результата; конфликт функций присутствует.

Неправильная форма дает прямое, простое прочтение=перевод слова, другими словами: нет конфликта функций

Конфликт функций - то, чего не должно быть, но оно есть

Нет конфликта функций - то, что должно быть и оно есть

Пример: картина по умолчанию должна висеть или пальто на вешалке , а человек по умолчанию не должен висеть, так вот, если то, что по умолчанию должно висеть и это повесили, то конфликта функций нет = hung (- неправильный глагол), если то что по умолчанию не должно висеть, но его повешали, т.е. конфликт функций есть - то hangED (правильный глагол)

однако Рома похоже прав, что для to hang ситуация связанная со смертью выделилась в особую категорию, потому что переносных смыслов для висеть/зависать много, а hanged используется только для ситуации "казни через повешение":

A column of smoke visible from six miles away hung over the scene throughout the afternoon.

Two teenage boys that hung on to tree branches for two hours in the middle of Beaver Creek have been rescued.

I hung the decorations in our platoon office for everyone to enjoy.

The local kids hung out at the mall.

In many cases programs may appear to be hung, but are making slow progress, and waiting a few minutes will allow the task to complete.


To let droop or fall – hang your head in shame.

To fall in a certain way – this costume hangs well.

To pay attention to – I hang on your every word.

To hold on tightly – My daughter is hanging onto my skirt.

A way of doing something – She couldn’t get the hang of it.

To be oppressive – a cloud of gloom hangs over him.


The hangman, who has hanged nine people in his 21 years in prison, has requested anonymity.

A man due to be sentenced tomorrow for murdering his brother has been found hanged in his cell.

примеров типа "А piece of meat hanged from the ceiling", я в корпусе найти не смог (оно и понятно, слишком странное утверждение).

Т.о. Буратино на картинке выше hanged, так как он не должен висеть.

В вот куклы, которые так хранятся, будут hung, потому что это их нормальное состояние (а если они у коллекционера на стенах развешены для демонстрации, то тем более hung).

С другой стороны, если брать определение из словаря, например Oxford-вского:

hang (somebody/yourself) to kill somebody, usually as a punishment, by tying a rope around their neck and allowing them to drop; to be killed in this way

- это должен быть человек (можно расширить до "любое живое существо", это уже одушевление/персонификация)

- это должно быть убийство / должен быть официальный приговор к смертной казни через повешение

В этом смысле интересна вот эта статья "THE MAN WHO SURVIVED THREE CONSECUTIVE HANGINGS":

"... Joseph Samuels was convicted by the court and sentenced to be hung by the neck until dead."

"... As the other hanged man was left to his painful, excruciating death, the rope around Samuels neck inexplicably broke, causing him to drop to the ground, spraining his ankle. "

"...So whatever became of Joseph Samuels? Did being hanged three times turn him from his thieving ways? Nope."

Возможно, формулировка to be hung by the neck until dead описывает прямой смысл процедуры казни, типа в документах все должно быть в прямом смысле, вот так делаете и ждете пока пациент скончается. Кроме того, для суда видимо нет в данном случае КФ, потому что суд объективен и бесстрастен.

Пример с текстом Пиноккио


"I see what we must do," said one of them. "He must be hung! let us hang him!"

"Let us hang him!" repeated the other.

Without loss of time they tied his arms behind him, passed a running noose round his throat, and hung him to the branch of a tree called the Big Oak.

They then sat down on the grass and waited for his last struggle. But at the end of three hours the puppet's eyes were still open, his mouth closed, and he was kicking more than ever.

Losing patience, they turned to Pinocchio and said in a bantering tone:

"Good-bye till tomorrow. Let us hope that when we return you will be polite enough to allow yourself to be found quite dead, and with your mouth wide open."

можно пояснить так:

цель разбойников была вытрясти из куклы деньги, а не убить или казнить его

hung тут можно перевести как "подвесить", а не "повесить"

see example here (In 2006 the militia kidnapped him for ransom. They hung him by chains and tortured him)

Кроме того, Пиноккио/Буратино это полуотмеченная структура, между человеком (которого hanged) и вещью (которую hung), поэтому выбор глагола можно рассматривать из соображений стилистики и отношения говорящего к объекту:

Let's hung him! - для разбойников кукла "не человек" (для них даже человек "не человек")


стилистика по Арнольд: неграмотная речь (идиолект) разбойников (see Объем значения и семантическая структура слова)

ex. from Urban Dictionary:

"He brought them the gold they asked for, but they hung him anyway.”

“Hanged, you mean. Your father was not a tapestry.”

4. В Роминых примерах везде hanged, imho, они все одинаковые с моей точки зрения

1. Рабочие с утра открыли ангар, а там их коллега в петле. Это hung или hanged ?

a hanged man

2. Рабочий повесился в ангаре (на видеорегистраторе видно что никто не входил и не выходил, но самого процесса не видно). Идёт следствие. Как будет в материалах - hung или hanged ?


(материалы следствия это вообще отдельная тема, там может быть своя устоявшаяся терминология/идеолект или использоваться юридический дискурс)

2а. Следствие завершено. Был повешен коллегами - hung или hanged ?

was hanged

2б. Следствие завершено. Самоубийство - hung или hanged ?

hanged himself

3. Рабочего повесили в ангаре (на видеорегистраторе видно как вешали) - hung или hanged ?


для разнообразия надо добавить кошечек/собачек, любимую мягкую игрушку, фазана (как в фильме "Сегун") и др.

получается такая линейная структура:

Такая мысль еще относительно множества переносных смыслов hang:

attach from top - to attach something, or to be attached, at the top so that the lower part is free or loose

hang something + adv./prep. Hang your coat on the hook.

hang something up Shall I hang your coat up?

hang something (out) (British English) Have you hung out the washing?

(North American English) Have you hung the wash?

hang adv./prep. There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe.

fall loosely - when something hangs in a particular way, it falls in that way

Her hair hung down to her waist.

He had lost weight and the suit hung loosely on him.

bend downwards - to bend or let something bend downwards

hang adv./prep. The dog's tongue was hanging out.

Children hung (= were leaning) over the gate.

A cigarette hung from her lips.

hang something She hung her head in shame.

kill somebody - to kill somebody, usually as a punishment, by tying a rope around their neck and allowing them to drop; to be killed in this way

He was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country.

She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam.

At that time you could hang for stealing.

pictures - hang (something) - to attach something, especially a picture, to a hook on a wall; to be attached in this way

We hung her portrait above the fireplace.

Several of his paintings hang in the Tate Gallery.

[transitive, usually passive] hang something with something to decorate a place by placing paintings, etc. on a wall

The rooms were hung with tapestries.

wallpaper - hang something - to stick wallpaper to a wall

door/gate - hang something - to attach a door or gate to a post so that it moves freely

stay in the air - to stay in the air

Smoke hung in the air above the city.

hang out

The local kids hung out at the mall.


In many cases programs may appear to be hung, but are making slow progress, and waiting a few minutes will allow the task to complete.

hang on

To pay attention to – I hang on your every word.

hang onto

To hold on tightly – My daughter is hanging onto my skirt.

hang of

A way of doing something – She couldn’t get the hang of it.

hang over

To be oppressive – a cloud of gloom hangs over him.

линейная структура - кольцо смыслов, аналогично Золотая рыбка (gold vs. golden)

5. shined vs. shone

The verb shine has two main definitions: (1) to emit light, and (2) to cause to gleam by polishing.

In its first sense, shine traditionally becomes shone in the past tense and as a past participle.

In its second sense, shine is traditionally inflected shined.

So, for example, we might say, “The sun shone brightly while I shined my shoes.”

In 21st-century writing, however, the distinction is increasingly fuzzy, and shined is often used where shone would be the traditional inflection. Shone rarely appears in place of shined, though.



A 13-year-old boy needed hospital treatment after a laser pen was shone in his eyes in Eastwood. [BBC News]

A return trip to the store shone the light on what I needed: Leeks. [Denver Post]


Shearer doesn’t look like he belongs ensconced in dark-green leather and spit-shined oak. [Washington Post]

They shined the marble. [National Post]

Oxford English Learner's Dictionary

In sense 2 in North American English shined BrE /ʃaɪnd/ ; NAmE /ʃaɪnd/ can also be used for the past tense and past participle.

In sense 3 shined is used for the past tense and past participle.

1 [intransitive] to produce or reflect light; to be bright

The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.

A light was shining in the distance.

The dark polished wood shone like glass.

(figurative) Her eyes were shining with excitement.

Excitement was shining in her eyes.

2. [transitive] shine something (+ adv./prep.) to aim or point the light of a lamp, etc. in a particular direction

He shone the flashlight around the cellar.

(figurative) Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources.

3. [transitive] shine something to polish something; to make something smooth and bright

He shined shoes and sold newspapers to make money.

4. [intransitive] to be very good at something

He failed to shine academically but he was very good at sports.

She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades.



а) светить, сиять, озарять

б) светить, освещать (чем-л.)

в) светиться; блестеть, сиять, сверкать

2) (shine at) разг.; = shine out блистать, выделяться

3) разг. придавать блеск, полировать; чистить

Direct Meaning - to produce light

The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.

A light was shining in the distance.

He shone the flashlight around the cellar.

(figurative) Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources.

A spotlight was shining directly into her eyes.

Sunlight shone in through the window.

The light shone on his face.

The sun was shining brightly.

The watchman shone his torch at us.

The sun was shining and the sky was blue.

They could see a faint light shining in the distance.

A 13-year-old boy needed hospital treatment after a laser pen was shone in his eyes in Eastwood.

A return trip to the store shone the light on what I needed: Leeks

Metonymy - to reflect light

The dark polished wood shone like glass.

He shined shoes and sold newspapers to make money.

The water was shining faintly in the moonlight.

You’ve really made that floor shine!

He waxed the car until it shone.

I was woken by a full moon shining on me.

Their faces shone white in the moonlight.

There were tears shining in his eyes.

A shampoo that’s guaranteed to make your hair shine

Shearer doesn’t look like he belongs ensconced in dark-green leather and spit-shined oak.

They shined the marble.


(figurative) Her eyes were shining with excitement.

Excitement was shining in her eyes.

He failed to shine academically but he was very good at sports.

She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades.

Love and pride shone from her eyes.

His dark eyes shone with excitement.

She seemed to shine with an inner radiance.

6. melted vs. molten

Melted is the past tense and past participle of the verb to melt. For example, we say something melted yesterday, that something has melted in the sun, and that the thing that was left in the sun is melted.

The piles of snow brought on by a bad winter storm a few weeks ago have melted due to unseasonably warm temperatures.[St. Louis Post-Dispatch]

The riot police have melted into the background and a number of prisoners have been released with a royal pardon. [letter to BBC News]

Place over hot, not simmering, water and stir constantly until 3/4 of the chocolate has melted. [Vancouver Sun]

Molten is another participial adjective derived from melt, but in today’s English it is used primarily in reference to melted metals and minerals. And even in reference to these things, melted is often used as the past tense. For example, we might write the molten copper melted yesterday.

Molten sulfur is used to make sulfuric acid and to bleach wood pulp for paper manufacturing. [Roanoke Times]

Indeed, the most tangible reminder of the molten metal that was the city’s lifeblood is the name of Pittsburgh’s indecently successful NFL team, the Steelers. [Independent]

The wax is then melted and drained away, leaving the mold open to be filled with molten sculpture material. [Stuff.co.nz]


The ground seemed to melt under our feet.

The snow was beginning to melt.

The melting ice caps could provoke widespread flooding.

The sun had melted the ice.

First, melt two ounces of butter.


The crowd had melted away.

All her anger and hurt melted away in his embrace.

At the first sign of trouble, his supporters melted away.

Before the boy’s incredulous gaze the figure melted into thin air.

Her trusting smile melted his heart.

The tension in the room began to melt.

7. blowed vs. blown

Urban D.: The act of being high or under the influence of marijuana.

high - 12) а) весёлый, радостный; возбуждённый; б) разг. возбуждённый, под кайфом; в) разг. сильно желающий (чего-л.), стремящийся (к чему-л.)

blowed (adjective) Blowed is defined as a person experiencing confusion or amazement.

"Well, I'll be blowed," which means "Well, I'm amazed."

I'll be blowed, means, "you have really amazed me"

blowed (verb) The definition of blowed is the past tense of blow and is used in the Southern United States to mean to have exhaled air in the past.

An example of to have blowed is to have filled balloons with air yesterday.



