present vs. gift vs. подарок (draft)

Дата публикации: Aug 01, 2021 1:29:26 PM



One difference is that we use birthday gift or birthday present but we only use free gift and not free present.

The answer to gift vs present was that one gives a present in person, but sends a gift

A present is a gift that you present, i.e. you physically give (present) to someone. If you mailed it, it's a gift not a present.

A Gift tends to be much more valuable than a present. It usually passes from the rich to the poor, from the high to the low. A present, on the other hand, passes between equals or from the inferior to the superior.

• The children brought a present for the Minister.

• I gave him a pen as a present.

• The foundation is planning to gift the land to the society.

• He made a gift of two million dollars to his old university.

The word gift is also used with the inborn talent or skill that one has. It is because God is believed to have given us these things. We are getting something from a superior being. Picasso had the gift of painting. M.S has the gift of singing, etc. We do not, in these cases, use the word present.

All presents are gifts but not all gifts are presents.

Getting a freebie at the mall or a store or a restaurant is not a present. It is however a gift.

A gift is something that you believe the recipient would want, but would not necessarily purchase for him or herself.

A present is something that you want the recipient to have, or believe they would benefit from, though they may never have expressed a desire for it, and may or may not have ever thought to purchase it on their own.

i.e. - Your brother is an obsessive coffee drinker and wears the tell-tale signs of it on his smile.

A gift might be a fancy schmancy vacuum coffee maker.

A present might be a sonicare toothbrush.

Nowdays these words are often used interchangeably, however

- A Gift is something you give, that someone, or a group, actually want,

You actually have to make the effort to find out,

what the individual or group wants, to give them a gift.

- A Present is something presented to an individual or group,

you dont have to know the individual or group to present them

with a present, a present can be in-appropriate or not really wanted.

Oxford Learner's Thesaurus. Oxford University Press, 2008.:

gift or present?

Gift is more formal than present and is used especially in business contexts: a store will advertise its Christmas gift ideas ; the people who buy them will talk about the Christmas presents they have bought for family and friends.

A present is usually given by and to an individual; a gift may be given by a company ( a corporate gift ) and/or to an organization.

A present is usually an object, but a gift may be a sum of money, or sth such as the gift of love/life : funded by a present of £50 000 ◇ She gave me the present of love. Especially in American English, however, gift is not always so formal and is sometimes used in personal contexts instead of present : The watch was a gift /present from my mother.

A Gift for My Daughter by Harry Browne December 25, 1966

But I’m very selfish. I want to give you something that will stay with you for more than a few months or years. I want to give you a gift that might remind you of me every Christmas.

2. give/take vs. present vs. дарить

1. Какое смысловое (семантическое) отличие между give = дарить и present (= ударение на втором слоге) = дарить?

2. На фотографии процедура дарения - giving или presenting?