currant vs. current (омофоны)

Дата публикации: Jan 15, 2016 6:5:44 AM

currant noun BrE /ˈkʌrənt/ ; NAmE /ˈkɜːrənt/

1. a small dried grape, used in cakes, etc.

a currant bun

2. (usually in compounds) a small black, red or white berry that grows in bunches on bushes


currant bushes

Word Origin: Middle English raisons of Corauntz, translating Anglo-Norman French raisins de Corauntz ‘grapes of Corinth’ (the original source).

1) бот. а) смородина (кустарник) б) смородина (ягода)

2) коринка; сабза (сорта бессемянного изюма)

current noun BrE /ˈkʌrənt/ ; NAmE /ˈkɜːrənt/

1. the movement of water in the sea or a river; the movement of air in a particular direction

He swam to the shore against a strong current.

Birds use warm air currents to help their flight.

2. the flow of electricity through a wire, etc.

a 15 amp electrical current

see also AC, DC

3. the fact of particular ideas, opinions or feelings being present in a group of people

Ministers are worried by this current of anti-government feeling.

Word Origin Middle English (in the adjective sense ‘running, flowing’): from Old French corant ‘running’, from courre ‘run’, from Latin currere ‘run’.

Extra examples

Birds of prey use warm air currents to lift them high in the sky.

Check all your wiring before switching on the current.

He was swimming against the current.

It’s easier to go with the current.

Measure the current flowing in the wire.

She was swept away by the treacherous currents.

The boat was carried along in the current.

The prevailing current flows from east to west.

Changes in ocean currents can have drastic effects on marine life.

He leaped as though a powerful electric current had passed through him.

He swam to the shore against a strong current.


current adjective BrE /ˈkʌrənt/ ; NAmE /ˈkɜːrənt/

1. [only before noun] happening now; of the present time

current prices

a budget for the current year

your current employer

2. being used by or accepted by most people

words that are no longer current

Extra examples

Our current financial situation is not good.

The necklace would be worth over $5 000 at current prices.

What are the current unemployment figures?

What’s the budget for the current year?