rich vs. wealthy vs. богатый

Дата публикации: Dec 05, 2015 7:35:38 PM

1. Oxford Learner's Dictionary:

wealthy adjective BrE /ˈwelθi/ ; NAmE /ˈwelθi/ (wealthier, wealthiest)

- having a lot of money, possessions, etc., synonym rich

a wealthy nation

The couple are said to be fabulously wealthy.

They live in a wealthy suburb of Chicago.

He is now fabulously wealthy.

She comes from a very wealthy family.

Wealthy countries have a responsibility to promote fairer world trade

- the wealthy noun [plural] people who are rich


wealthy (adj.) - late 14c., "happy, prosperous," from wealth + -y (2). Meaning "rich, opulent" is from early 15c. Noun meaning "wealthy persons collectively" is from late 14c.

wealth (n.) - mid-13c., "happiness," also "prosperity in abundance of possessions or riches," from Middle English wele "well-being" (see weal (n.1)) on analogy of health.

rich (adj.)

Old English rice "strong, powerful; great, mighty; of high rank," in later Old English "wealthy," from Proto-Germanic *rikijaz (cognates: Old Norse rikr, Swedish rik, Danish rig, Old Frisian rike "wealthy, mighty," Dutch rijk, Old High German rihhi "ruler, powerful, rich," German reich "rich," Gothic reiks "ruler, powerful, rich"), borrowed from a Celtic source akin to Gaulish *rix, Old Irish ri (genitive rig) "king," from PIE root *reg- "move in a straight line," hence, "direct, rule" (see rex).

The form of the word was influenced in Middle English by Old French riche "wealthy, magnificent, sumptuous," which is, with Spanish rico, Italian ricco, from Frankish *riki "powerful," or some other cognate Germanic source.

Old English also had a noun, rice "rule, reign, power, might; authority; empire." The evolution of the word reflects a connection between wealth and power in the ancient world. Of food and colors, from early 14c.; of sounds, from 1590s. Sense of "entertaining, amusing" is recorded from 1760. The noun meaning "the wealthy" was in Old English.

Synonyms: rich wealthy prosperous affluent well off comfortable

These words all describe somebody/​something that has a lot of money, property or valuable possessions.

rich (of a person) having a lot of money, property or valuable possessions; (of a country or city) producing a lot of wealth so that many of its people can live at a high standard

wealthy rich

rich or wealthy?

There is no real difference in meaning between these two words.

Both are very frequent, but rich is more frequent and can be used in some fixed phrases where wealthy cannot:

He’s stinking/​filthy wealthy.

It’s a favourite resort for the wealthy and famous.

prosperous (rather formal) rich and successful

1) процветающий, преуспевающий; удачливый; благополучный, успешный

2) богатый, зажиточный, обеспеченный, состоятельный

3) а) благоприятный б) попутный (о ветре)

affluent (rather formal) rich and with a good standard of living: affluent Western countries

1) общ. богатый, состоятельный; зажиточный; изобильный

2) общ. многоводный, полноводный (напр., о реке)

3) общ. свободно текущий (о водном потоке)

prosperous or affluent?

Both prosperous and affluent are used to talk about people and places. Prosperous is used much more than affluent to talk about times and periods. Affluent is often used to contrast rich people or societies with poor ones. Being prosperous is nearly always seen as a good thing:

It’s good to see you looking so prosperous.

It’s good to see you looking so affluent.

well off (often used in negative sentences) rich:

His family is not very well off.

The opposite of well off is badly off, but this is not very frequent; it is more common to say that somebody is not well off.

comfortable having enough money to buy what you want without worrying about the cost:They’re not millionaires, but they’re certainly very comfortable.


a(n) rich/​wealthy/​prosperous/​affluent/​well-off family

a rich/​wealthy/​prosperous/​well-off man/​woman

a(n) rich/​wealthy/​prosperous/​affluent country/​city


(slang) to be filthy/stinking (= extremely) rich


- I disagree that rich and wealthy are synonyms when applied to money; you can be rich without being wealthy. Rich simply means having a lot of money whereas wealthy applies a lot of accumulated money in assets, etc. If you walk into a million pound job tomorrow you can rightly be described as rich; but you will not be wealthy until you've crystallised that money into investments, big houses, etc. – Jack Aidley Mar 5 '13 at 17:02

- Wealth is a more specific term, referring specifically to the value of one's assets. Rich is more general and can mean different things in different contexts. It can be synonymous with wealthy, but it can also refer to having a large income (as @JackAidley mentioned) or it may refer to living an opulent lifestyle. Rich is also more frequently used in reference to non-monetary things

- rich is the general word for one who has more money, possessions, or income-producing property than is necessary to satisfy normal needs; wealthy adds to this connotation of grand living, influence in the community, a tradition of richness, etc.


Perhaps that synonymy is true when the words are used as adjectives -- a rich family has to wait until its money ages before it becomes a wealthy family...

4. conclusion


1. богатый

rich person [community] — богатый человек [-ое общество]

to grow rich — разбогатеть

2. ценный, дорогой, роскошный; драгоценный

rich gifts — богатые дары

rich dresses — дорогие платья

rich stones — драгоценные камни

rich reward — ценная награда

3. 1) (in, with) изобилующий (чем-л.), богатый (чем-л.)

rich in minerals [in woods] — богатый ископаемыми [лесами]

an art gallery rich in the paintings by the Dutch masters — картинная галерея, в которой широко представлены полотна голландских мастеров

words rich in a variety of senses — слова с массой значений

2) (in) щедро одарённый

rich in the affection of his children — горячо любимый своими детьми

a country rich in traditions — страна, богатая традициями

3) широкий

rich area of study — широкая область исследования

4. тучный, плодородный, жирный; богатый

rich fields [soil] — тучные поля [-ая земля]

rich gold-fields — богатые золотые прииски

5. обильный

rich repast — обильная трапеза

rich harvest /crop/ — богатый урожай

rich foliage — густая листва

6. питательный; жирный; сдобный; сочный

rich food — жирная пища

rich milk [cream] — жирное молоко [-ые сливки]

rich cake — кекс с фруктами

rich dough — сдобное тесто

rich fruit — сочные фрукты

7. очень хороший, красивый, великолепный

rich landscape — красивый /великолепный/ пейзаж

8. разг. ценный, стоящий

rich suggestion — ценное предложение

9. неисчерпаемый, глубокий

rich theme — неисчерпаемая тема

rich words — полные глубокого смысла слова

rich language — богатый /сочный/ язык

rich allusions — многозначительные намёки

10. изысканный

rich wine — вино с тонким букетом

11. пряный, сильный (о запахе)

rich perfume — духи с крепким /стойким/ запахом

12. густой, интенсивный, яркий (о цвете)

rich red — ярко-красный цвет

of rich colouring — яркой окраски

13. (о звуке) низкий, глубокий, мощный; мягкий

rich tones — низкие тоны

rich voice — глубокий грудной голос

14. полный, точный (о рифме)

15. разг.

1) увлекательный; забавный; смешной

rich incident — забавное приключение

rich scene — смешная сцена

rich joke — остроумная шутка

2) абсурдный

that's rich! — что за чушь!

that's a rich idea — @ это же курам на смех