IS. Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

Дата публикации: Aug 16, 2015 1:20:17 PM

Exercise 3. Insert the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. "Where is Kitty?" "Susan is putting her to bed." (to put) (Collins)

2. Light travels more quickly than sound, (to travel)

3. I should like to know why you are always reading (to read) (Maugham)

4. "Sorry, Ted. I must go. I'm late." "Where are you going ?" "I am going to have tea with Nurse Hopkins." (to go, to go) (Christie)

5. He laughs best, who laughts last, (to laugh, to laugh)

6. I don't interrupt people when they are reading (to read) (Collins)

7. I never see him doing any work there, whenever I go in, he sits behind a bit of glass all day. (to see, to go in, to sit) (Jerome K. Jerome)

8. Actions speaks louder than words, (to speak)

Actions speak louder than words, (to speak)

9. Robert is just now speaking to my uncle, and they shake hands, (to speak, to shake) (Ch. Bronte)

Robert is just now speaking to my uncle, and they are shaking hands

simultaniuous actions

10. And now my written story ends. I look back, once more — for the last time — before I close these leaves. I see myself, with Agnes at my side, journeying along the road of life. I see our children and our friends around us; and I hear the roar of many voices, not indifferent to me as I travel on. (to see, to see, to hear) (Dickens)

dramatic narrative

11. "Why aren't you answer?" she cried. "Because you are talking nonsense." (to answer — negative, to talk) (Maugham)

"Why aren't you answering?" she cried. "Because you are talking nonsense."

12. Every star has its own orbit, (to have)

13. My tooth-brush is a tiling that haunts me when I travel and makes my life a misery, (to travel, to make) (Jerome K. Jerome)

My tooth-brush is a tiling that haunts me when I'm traveling and makes my life a misery

“I opened the bag and packed the boots in; and then, just as I was going to close it, a horrible idea occurred to me. Had I packed my tooth-brush? I don’t know how it is, but I never do know whether I’ve packed my tooth-brush.

My tooth-brush is a thing that haunts me when I’m travelling, and makes my life a misery. I dream that I haven’t packed it, and wake up in a cold perspiration, and get out of bed and hunt for it. And, in the morning, I pack it before I have used it, and have to unpack again to get it, and it is always the last thing I turn out of the bag; and then I repack and forget it, and have to rush upstairs for it at the last moment and carry it to the railway station, wrapped up in my pocket-handkerchief.”

― Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat

14. This is Mr. Slush's latest book. It has a wonderful sale, (to have) (Leacock)

15. A stitch in time saves nine, (to save)

16. "I've got fever, Kong," gasped Skelton. "Get me the medicine chest and blankets, I am freezing to death!" (to freeze) (Maugham)

17. That's the way she always talks (to talk) (Twain)

18. I'm so careless. I am always leaving my bag about, (to leave) (Maugham)

self criticism

19. "Hallo, darling. You looks very tragic." (to look) (Christie)


You are looking very tragic

20. I am coming to your house next Thursday, (to come) (Hilton)

Exercise 4. Translate into English.


1. He говорите так громко. Я вас хорошо слышу.

Could you please speak a bit softly? I hear you quite well.

Don't speak so loudly, please?

Won't you speak so loudly, please? I can/could hear you well

2. Становится темно.

It's getting dark.

3. Я уезжаю в Москву на будущей неделе.

I'm going to Moscow on the next week.

I'm going to Moscow next week.

4. Когда бы я ни пришла к вам, вы всегда работаете.

Whenever I come to you, you're always working.

5. Где ваш брат? — Он провожает приятеля.

- Where is your brother?

- He's accompaning his acquaintance

- He's seeing his friend off

to see somebody off - провожать

wellwisher - провожающий

6. Пароход уходит завтра.

The steamship departures tomorrow.

7. Я слышу шаги. Кто-то идет сюда.

I hear steps, somebody's coming here.

8. Не беспокойте его, когда он работает.

Don't bother him when he works

Don't bother him when he is working

9. Мой брат завтра уезжает в Москву.

My brother is going to Moscow tomorrow.

10. Вы чувствуете себя лучше сегодня?

Are you feeling better today?


1. Где же новый твой приятель?.. — Его нет дома; он обыкновенно встает рано и отправляется куда-нибудь. (Тургенев)

- Where is your new friend?

- He isn't at home. He wakes up early in the morning usually and goes somewhere.

- He isn't at home. He usually wakes up early in the morning and goes somewhere.

2. Ее глаза сияют, когда она говорит с Пламеневым. (Пермяк)

Her eyes are shining when she speaks with Plamenev.

Her eyes are shining when she is speaking with Plamenev.

3. Знаешь ли ты, о чем я думаю? (Тургенев)

Do you know what I'm thinking about?

Do you know what I think?

4. Вы едете в Ставрополь? (Лермонтов)

Are you going to Stavrapol?

5. Тебе нравится моя сестра? (А. Толстой)

Do you like my sister?

6. Поднимитесь наверх. Вас ждет Валентина Павловна. (Тендряков)

Go upstairs, Valentina Pavlovna is waiting for you.

7. Баклажанов! Почему ты не ешь? (Булгаков)

Baklajanov! Why are you eating nothing?

Baklajanov! Why aren't you eating?

8. Здравствуй... Как себя чувствуешь? (Тендряков)

Hello, how are you?

How is it going?

How is your state?

How's life treating you? informal

9. В школе занятия начинаются в девять часов утра. (Пермяк)

The school lessons begin at 9 o'clock (in the morning)

The school lessons begin at 9 AM

10. Нет! я не всегда смеюсь! Я вовсе не веселый человек. (Тургенев)

(You're always laughing!)

No, I'm not always laughing! I'm not cheerful man really.

11. Ты влюблен, Андрей Петрович?.. Ты не отвечаешь мне... Отчего ты не отвечаешь? (Тургенев)

Are you in love, Andrey Petrovich? You aren't answering me. Why aren't you answering?

12. Мама, кто это свистит? (А. Толстой)

Mommy, who is whistling there?

13. Ее голос недурен, но поет она плохо. (Лермонтов)

Her voice is quite good but she isn't a good singer.

Her voice is quite good but she sings not very nice / so good.

(Her voice is quite good but she sings bad.)

14. Виктор, ты меня слышишь? — настойчиво спросил Завьялов. (Чаковский)

Victor, do you hear me? - Zavyalov asked insistently.