TLI 19. Flat hunting

Дата публикации: Apr 27, 2015 5:11:23 PM

- Hi

- Hi

- .. you're still looking for a flat, aren't you?

- Yeah, we're looking the six weeks now, .. ....

- Ah, do you need any help?

- Yeah, that would be great, actually

- That's all. Let's look through the newspapers together

- Yeah

- What about that one, Abbington Road? Single ... bed-sitter ..

- Single is no good because there are two of us, you see

- Have we got ... have you got a limit? ... How much you want to spend?

- Yeah. It mustn't be more than forty pounds a week

- Yeah, okay

- I think that about the maximum, you know

- Right. Okay, how about the next one?

- Accommodation Kennington

- Yes

- Suite for a non-smoking person. It's no good because Liz smokes, so

- Do she?

- Yes

- ... she should stop

- Yes, she tried to give up, you know, but as everything else .. she tried for a couple of days ...

- Yeah

- Ah

- Oh, maybe .. waited to give up

- Yeah

- So, Kennington is not in the centre, is it?

- No and I've got a car and there is much too far ... a circle

- Right

- Erm, I'd ... immediately. God! That sounds good! Look at that!

- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. castle, gosh, yes. .. look it's eleven miles from Oxford

- Mm-mm

- Yeah, that would be hopeless. How ... you could .. circle? I mean eleven miles.

- I can but, no, two or three miles is the limit really

- Yeah

- I'm getting older, yeah

- That's sound than .. .. Look! That's look fantastic, isn't it?

- Available soon furnished flat suite for a .. couple

- That's right

- Ah, furnished ... must be unfurnished

- Why?

- We have all that stuff of her mother, you know

- Oh, you've got to use that

- Yes

- Yes

- Yes, I .. really

- ... ask .. good then

- So that .. sound

- Erm

- Bed-sitting room available now for a lady, well it'd be all right for Liz but not for you

- Uh-huh

- That's not good

- Erm-m, perhaps some.. .. all day. What a fai... idea?

- Bed-sit forty pounds flat for twenty-eight pounds. That's a possibility. Oh, that's ... ri.. such house .. . .. a week.... central.

- Oh, .. .. central

- Yeah, no good

- Why?

- That just a room, you see, we need something self contain

- Yeah. It could be quite a big one .. still right for two of you .. rather

- Yeah

- Yeah

- I think .. time .. early one, .. a possibility really

- Yeah, oh, give them ring and see what they say

- Yeah, oh, I'm getting sick of it. I need a cup of coffee

- Yeah


- Hi

- Hi

- Gosh! You're not still looking for a flat, are you?

- Yeah, I've been looking for six weeks now, it's driving me mad, you know

- Ah, do you want any help?

- Yeah, you'd be a great help, actually

- Let's have a look at the newspaper together

- Yeah

- What about that one, "Abbington Road single attic bed-sitter" ... er

- No, single is no good because there's two of us, you see

- Yes? Okay. Have you got a limit as to how much you want to spend?

- Yes. It mustn't be more than thirty pounds a week

- Yes, okay

- I think that's about the maximum, you know

- Right. Okay, how about the next one then?

- "Accommodation Kennington"

- Yes

- "Suit non-smoking person". It's no good because Liz smokes, so

- Does she?

- Yes

- I thought she'd stopped

- Well, she tried to give up, but you know, but as everything else she tries it for a couple of days and that's it

- Yes

- Ah

- Well, maybe you could persuade her to give up

- Yes

- Still, Kennington's not very centre, is it?

- No, and see, I haven't got a car and it's much too far to cycle

- Right

- Erm, "available immediately". God! That sounds good! Look at that!

- "exceptionally attractive, well-appointed, Cotswold house", gosh, yes, but look it's eleven miles from Oxford

- Mm-mm

- Yes, that'd be hopeless. How far do you reckon you could cycle? I mean eleven miles?

- I reckon about, no, two or three miles is the limit really

- Yes?

- I'm getting old, you know

- Oh, that's out than. Oh, it does look fantastic, doesn't it?

- "Available soon furnished flat suitable young couple"

- That's nice

- Ah, furnished ... must be unfurnished

- Why?

- She has got all that old stuff of her mother's, you know

- Oh, you've got to use that?

- Yes

- Yes

- Yes, we have really

- That's no good then

- So that's out

- Erm

- "Bed-sitting room available now for lady", well that'd be all right for Liz but not for you

- No. That's no good

- Erm-m, "prefer someone away on Sunday". What a fanny idea?

- "Bed-sit fourteen pounds. Flat for twenty-eight pounds". That's a possibility. Oh, what's this "room in shared house twenty-five pounds a week, central".

- Oh, well it's central, central

- Yes, no good though

- Why?

- That just a room, you see, we need something self-contained

- Yes. It could be quite a big one though still there're two of you, aren't there?

- Yes

- Yes

- I think that early one is the only possibility really

- Yes, well, so give them ring and see what they say

- Yes, oh, I'm getting sick of this. Shall we have a cup of coffee?

- Yes, let's finish

1. лексика

Abbington Road single attic bed-sitter

attic /ˈætɪk/ 1) а) чердак б) мансарда, мезонин;

bed-sitter = bed-sitting room

сущ.; = bedsit, bedsitter /ˈbedsɪtə(r)/ жилая комната; студия (совмещает в себе спальню, гостиную и кухню; обычно для сдачи в аренду)

Well, maybe you could persuade her to give up

persuade /pəˈsweɪd/

1) убеждать (в чём-л.); урезонивать; пенять

2) а) склонить (к чему-л.), уговорить (на что-л.) б) понуждать, подстрекать (к чему-л.)

3) (persuade from, persuade out of) отговорить от (чего-л.)

exceptionally attractive, well-appointed, Cotswold house

well-appointed - хорошо снаряжённый, хорошо оборудованный

we need something self-contained

self-contained - а) изолированный, отдельный (о доме, квартире)

2. речевые модели

You're not still looking for a flat, are you? Yes

Still, Kennington's not very centre, is it? No

Oh, it does look fantastic, doesn't it?

though still there're two of you, aren't there?

see Хвостатые вопросы

- You're not still looking for a flat, are you?

Ты же не ищешь все еще квартиру, верно?

- Yes, I've been looking for six weeks now, it's driving me mad, you know

Нет, ищу, уже 1,5 месяца как, и это меня просто бесит

- Still, Kennington's not very centre, is it?

И Кеннингтон не в центре ведь, так?

- No, and see, I haven't got a car and it's much too far to cycle

Да и ...

you'd be a great help, actually

to be a great help - англ. - состояние vs. рус. помогать - действие

Let's have a look at the newspaper together

have a look - англ. - владение vs. рус. посмотреть - действие

single is no good

see no vs. not (отрицание)

there's two of us, you see vs. It could be quite a big one though still there're two of you, aren't there?

there's two of us - стяжение

there're two of you - сепарация

--- полюс стяжения ---

There is a notebook and pen on the table.

There are a cup and saucer on the table. <- чашка и блюдце = чайная пара = мн.число

There are a notebook and a pen on the table.

There is a notebook and (there is) a pen on the table.

--- полюс сепарции ---

it's much too far to cycle

too far

3. управление/предлоги/векторы

- I think that's about the maximum, you know

- Right. Okay, how about the next one then?

she tries it for a couple of days

Bed-sitting room available now for lady

it's eleven miles from Oxford

prefer someone away on Sunday

4. перфекты, pseudo-perfects


I've been looking for six weeks now

I thought she'd stopped


I haven't got a car and it's much too far to cycle


She has got all that old stuff of her mother's, you know - не просто владеет, а прям таскает с собой

Oh, you've got to use that? - так вы что с собой это таскаете?

Have you got a limit as to how much you want to spend? - есть у тебя предел/мера ...

5. модальные

It mustn't be more than thirty pounds a week

Well, maybe you could persuade her to give up

How far do you reckon you could cycle?

see Глаголы мыслительной деятельности

It could be quite a big one though still there're two of you, aren't there?

Shall we have a cup of coffee? А давай по чашке кофе жахнем?


Let's have a look at the newspaper together

Yes, let's finish

6. фразовые

Oh, that's out than

to be out - фр. гл.

1) быть на службе, дежурстве (обычно на улицах)

2) расцвести, распуститься

3) быть старомодным; выйти из моды

4) быть выведенным из игры (в крикете)

5) заканчиваться

6) = be out in совершать ошибки (в чём-л.)

7) публиковаться; становиться общеизвестным

8) отступать (о приливе)

9) появляться; выходить (о луне, солнце, звездах)

10) прекратить работу из-за расхождения во мнениях; забастовать

11) быть вынужденным покинуть группу, коллектив; быть исключённым

12) разг. быть невозможным, недопустимым, невыполнимым

13) выйти из тюрьмы

14) быть без сознания

15) выдать ордер на арест (кого-л.)

16) амер.; разг. не работать, не функционировать (обычно из-за повреждения)

17) (be out for) стремиться получить

18) (be out from) отойти от (какого-л. места на какое-л. расстояние)

19) (be out of) заканчиваться (о запасах)

20) (be out of) освобождаться от (чего-л.)

see up vs. out

You're not still looking for a flat, are you?

to look for - искать

see to look + N (phrasals)

7. идиоматика

it's driving me mad, you know

drive someone crazy/insane/mad

1. Lit. to force someone into a state of insanity or mental instability. The sound of the wind howling drove me crazy. The dog's constant barking drove me insane.

2. Fig. to annoy or irritate someone. This itch is driving me crazy. All these telephone calls are driving me mad.

8. дискурс/стилистика

объявления в газете (нет предлогов, артиклей):

Abbington Road single attic bed-sitter

Accommodation Kennington, suit non-smoking person, available immediately

exceptionally attractive, well-appointed, Cotswold house

Available soon furnished flat suitable young couple