IS. Present Continuous vs. Present Perfect Continuous.

Дата публикации: Aug 27, 2015 5:24:7 PM

Exercise 21. Insert the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous.

I. "Oh, Mr. Craddock, let me come near you," cried Mrs. Branderton, "I have been trying to get at you for twenty minutes." (to try) (Maugham)

2. I have been waiting here all the morning to see either her or Robert. (to wait) (tilde)

I have waited here all the morning to see either her or Robert.

3. "What's the matter?" "The matter? The girl's ill. She is dying " (to die) (Christie)

4. My dear girl, what are you thinking about now? (to think) (Beresford)

5. I have been thinking so much about it since I received your letter, (to think) (Marryat)

6. I have been searching the streets of the city for you for two years and this is the first time I've admitted it even to myself, (to search) (/. Shaw)

7. I hear you are looking for a new house, (to look) (Lindsay)

8. Of course, we have problems, but we have been learning to handle them, and I must say, quite successfully, (to learn) (Gow and D’Usseau)

9. When her voice ceased, he moved uneasily and said, "I haven't been feeling well for the last ten days." (to feel — negative) (Conrad)

10. She is feeling extraordinary well to-night (to feel) (Wells)

11. What else have I to live for but my children? It's you and the rest of them that I have been working and planning for all these years, (to work, to plan) (Dreiser)

Exercise 22. Translate into English.

1. Зачем вы на меня так внимательно смотрите? (Достоевский)

Why are you staring at me?

2. Пойдем, Виктор... Бабушка Броня нас ждет. (Семенихин)

Come, Victor... Granny Bronya is waiting for us.

Let's go, Victor... Granny Bronya is waiting for us.

3. А я вас давно жду, товарищ Елена... (Пермяк)

I have been waiting for you for a long time, comrade Elena

comrade /ˈkɒmreɪd/

4. Вы меня оскорбляете... извольте выйти вон. (Тургенев)

You are insulting me... be so kind, get out of here

5. Вот уже два года, как я живу с ней в одном доме. (Тургенев)

I have been living with her for two years

6. Что вы тут делаете?.. Букет вяжете? (Тургенев)

What are you doing here? Are you making a bouquet?

bouquet /buˈkeɪ/

7. Она, верно, давно уже наблюдает за мной, ждет, когда я обернусь и замечу ее. (Тендряков)

Probably, she has been watching me for a long time, waiting if I turn around and notice her.

8. Я уже три дня об этом думаю. (Достоевский)

I have been thinking about it for three days