IS19. Top 4 Gadgets for the Family Road Trip

Дата публикации: Feb 07, 2016 11:13:12 AM


R: Right, if it's time to you again .. a time to pack of the car, put the kids in the back seats and hit the road for the some of vacation. Have we had some gadget to make that right a little bit easier and bit more fun? .. headaches hopefully. Here is our high-tech expert Marc Saltzman. He is on the road joining us via Skype from Toronto. We can do anything. Okay, good to see you!

M: Me too

R: All right, let's talk first about this, er, a Jabra Freeway, we are talking a handsfree safety while you're driving on the road

M: Sure. Absolutely. Yeah, before we get to some of the fun ways to keep the kids ... .. let's talk safety first

R: Yeah

M: This is the Jabra Freeway Bluetooth Handset, er, bluetooth speakerphone rather. So, this, er, mounts on your visor and, of course, let you

R: uh-huh

M: er, make, er, handsfree calls. But the quality is outstanding, it's got, er, three speakers built-in, it's got two microphones

R: Oh, wow

M: to cut down an ambient noise and the person you're speaking to can hear you. You can use your voice to, er, listen... er, to ask for your text messages and send e-mails, to post to Twitter and Facebook, if you like. Erm, and the quality is very clear like I said like turn on and wa.. to the setup

JF: Power on

M: You know, like this

JF: Welcome, you're now ready for ...

R: ..

M: You've got the idea

R: yes

M: You can actually connect two different devices to this Jabra Freeway and it sells for about one hundred and thirty dollars

R: oh, cool stuff, all right, now, let's talk about Satellite Radio. Is there something new about it?

M: Yeah, so, this is the latest player from SiriusXM called the Lynx Portable Radio. It's the most powerfull satellite radio today. You can buy a vehicle mounting kit and keep it in your car. But what I like about it that it's also portable as you can see it has a battery power.

R: ..

M: So, you can use it like an MP3-player as you walk around and you can use it at home because it also works over wi-fi.

R: Oh

R: You can stream you satellite radio subscription to the device anywhere in your home and your office. You can also use it like a DVR (digital video recorder) where you can store up to two hundred hours of programming on the device to its built-in memory and play it back whenever you like.

R: Oh my God, you're kidding

M: You can pause live radio, skip forward and back. It also has a feature called Tune Start. So, whenever you skip stations and you land on the song that you like, maybe it's towards the end

R: Uh-huh

M: you press the button and over .. and plays from the beginning automatically.

R: Oh my gosh

M: So, it sells for about two fifty, yeah, .. ..

R: You are not gonna get to your destination, you're gonna want to just stay in your car

M: Sure, yeah

R: Okay, what about kids? They are in the back seats and they are asking you, you know, are we there yet?, how much longer?, are we there yet?

M: Yeah

R: and you have something to stop the maddness

M: I do. This is for those who owns an iPad2 or New iPad.

R: Mm-mm

M: This is from Scosche called the backSTAGE pro II. This is a hand rest mount for the touch screen tablet. So, the idea is that it mounts at any of hand rest of any of the cars, so, on the back of the passenger or the driver seat, so that the kids can watch video, they can use their fingers to play games

R: Wow

M: It's security mounted in this, er, durable shell. It can ... up and down. There is also some technology in a mounted self red... It's got a built-in speaker, so, .. make .. .. for their games and movies and TV-shows. You can wirelessly sync a couple of IR-headphones or infrared headphones. And, as you can see, it's got a USB connection, so, if you've got a thumb drive filled with photos on it, you can snap it into the doc and it'll show up in your iPad right away.

R: Mm-mm

M: So, this sells for one fifty. It's called Scosche backSTAGE pro II hand-mount or hand-rest for iPad.

R: Oh my God, it's .. it's just, you know, ... just through the roof, really amazing. And then, let's talk about, er, you know, a portable hard drive it's like you have a flash drive but no really have.

M: Sure, so, my last roadtrip gadget recommendation is from Seagate called the GoFlex Satellite portable wireless drive. So this looks like any other external hard drive. You can connect it to your microPC, you drag-and-drop videos on to it and then only you can do is, ... you press the button in your own car and it wirelessly send video to up to three different devices at the same time. So, if you may have three kids one's on a BlackBerry, one's on an iPadTouch, one's on an iPad and they can watch something different at the same time because this creates its own wi-fi hotspot. Er, it stores about three hundred movies. It's, er, two hundred dollars drive and it's from Seagate. I love this little guy.

R: Mm-mm, oh my God, all this stuff is just amazing. All right, I can't wait, you know, hit the road, just to have an excuse to use those gadgets.

M: I know it

R: All right, Marc Saltzman, thanks so much, good to see you.

Comprehension Check

1. What’s the first gadget mentioned? Describe its features. How much does it cost? about $130 (one hundred and thirty), (actually $129)

2. Satellite Radio. Is there anything new about it? What is the price? Main features? about $250 (two fifty)

3. Is there anything for kids? How much does it cost? Main features? $150 (one fifty)

4. Portable hard-drive. What’ the price? Main features? $200 (two hundred dollars)


To hit the road - informal to begin a journey

Outstanding - extremely good

Destination - the place that someone or something is going to

Madness - very stupid behaviour that could be dangerous or have a very bad effect

Durable - staying in good condition for a long time, even if used a lot, continuing for a long time

durable adjective BrE /ˈdjʊərəbl/ ; NAmE /ˈdʊrəbl/ - likely to last for a long time without breaking or getting weaker

durable plastics

negotiations for a durable peace

Painted steel is likely to be less durable than other kinds.

highly durable carpets for hotel use

To drag - to pull something along the ground, often because it is too heavy to carry

To snap - to move into a particular position suddenly, making a short sharp noise, or to make something move like this

snap verb BrE /snæp/ ; NAmE /snæp/

- break

1. [transitive, intransitive] to break something suddenly with a sharp noise; to be broken in this way

snap something The wind had snapped the tree in two.

snap something off (something) He snapped a twig off a bush.

snap (off) Suddenly, the rope snapped.

The branch she was standing on must have snapped off.

- open/close/move into position

2. [intransitive, transitive] to move, or to move something, into a particular position quickly, especially with a sudden sharp noise

+ adj. The lid snapped shut.

His eyes snapped open.

+ adv./prep. He snapped to attention and saluted.

snap something + adj. She snapped the bag shut.

- speak impatiently

3. [transitive, intransitive] to speak or say something in an impatient, usually angry, voice

+ speech ‘Don't just stand there,’ she snapped.

snap (at somebody) I was tempted to snap back angrily at him.

snap something He snapped a reply.

- of animal

4. [intransitive] snap (at somebody/something) to try to bite somebody/something

synonym nip

The dogs snarled and snapped at our heels.

- take photograph

5. [transitive, intransitive] (informal) to take a photograph

snap something A passing tourist snapped the incident.

snap (away) She seemed oblivious to the crowds of photographers snapping away.

- lose control

6. [intransitive] to suddenly be unable to control your feelings any longer because the situation has become too difficult

My patience finally snapped.

When he said that, something snapped inside her.

And that did it. I snapped.

- fasten clothing

7. [intransitive, transitive] snap (something) (North American English) to fasten a piece of clothing with a snap

3. гл.

1) а) щёлкать, хлопать, издавать щелчок б) щёлкать, вызывать щелчок

2) = snap shut а) закрывать, захлопывать со щелчком б) захлопываться, защёлкиваться со щелчком

3) а) смыкать челюсти б) смыкаться (о челюстях)

4) а) хватать б) хвататься (за возможность) в) купиться, клюнуть на (что-л.)

5) = snap out говорить резко, отрывисто; выкрикивать

6) (snap at) грубить (кому-л.)

7) а) ломать; рвать б) ломаться; рваться

8) а) быстро менять настроение б) вырвать, "выдернуть" человека из какого-л. состояния

9) = snap-shoot фотографировать (любительской фотокамерой)

Extra examples

‘How should I know?’ Jen snapped back.

He lost his temper and snapped irritably at the children.

I guess he just snapped.

One of the table’s legs had been snapped off.

She picked up the pencil and snapped it in two.

She snapped the lid shut.

The branch suddenly snapped.

The plastic pieces snap together to make a replica of a dinosaur.


bite/snap somebody’s head off - (informal) to shout at somebody in an angry way, especially without reason

snap your fingers - to make a sharp noise by moving your second or third finger quickly against your thumb, to attract somebody’s attention, or to mark the beat of music, for example: He snapped his fingers for the waiter to bring more wine.

snap out of it/something, snap somebody out of it/something - [no passive] (informal) to make an effort to stop feeling unhappy or depressed; to help somebody to stop feeling unhappy. You've been depressed for weeks. It's time you snapped out of it.

snap to it - (informal) used, especially in orders, to tell somebody to start working harder or more quickly

visor noun BrE /ˈvaɪzə(r)/ ; NAmE /ˈvaɪzər/

1. a part of a helmet that can be pulled down to protect the eyes and face

2. a curved piece of plastic, etc. worn on the head above the eyes to protect them from the sun

3, a small piece of plastic, etc. inside the front window of a car that can be pulled down to protect the driver’s eyes from the sun

4. (North American English) = bill