Prepositions of time: in vs. on vs. at vs. by

Дата публикации: Apr 02, 2015 11:26:52 AM


Hill 13. Prepositions

in vs. on (коллектор)

day vs. night (объективизация времени)

1. at night vs. in the night

What do the pretty SMU girls like on their plates?

“Pretty much hamburger, hotdogs, steak and, at night, maybe pizza” says the handsome food expert.

Suppose the song ‘Strangers in the Night’ were titled ‘Strangers at Night’.

The title would no longer suggest two lonely people searching each other out, but a dysfunctional couple: “Companions by Day, Strangers at Night”

The neighbor of a woman who may or may not have committed suicide describes the circumstances of her death:

I had made a habit of calling her at night from my cottage, just to check.

The last night I had called, but the line was always busy and it reassured me . . .

She was found the day after at the bottom of the cliff. I tried to believe that what must have happened was that, restless, disturbed by this telephone call or whatever, she walked out in the night, as she had a habit of doing . . .

With all that warm rain and the fog it might have been as simple as a loosened rock, a misstep.

+ quora

‘At’ is a preposition to do with location. It can be a location in space or time.

at = means the action takes place for the period of the time stated.

It can be at a time as referenced by a clock (9pm) or a period of time (night).

In is a preposition to do with containment. We use it with time to indicate an action that happens within a time period.

In other words:

‘At night’ IS the time period something happens

‘In the night’ CONTAINS the time period that something happens.

at night vs. during the day

2. by night

see in vs. on (коллектор)

Vampires come at night - Вампиры приходят в темноте/когда стемнеет. Есть причинно-следственная связь вампиры-темнота.

Vampires come in the night - Вампиры приходят по ночам. Нет такой связи. Временная смежность


Vampires come by night. - Вампиры приходят как? ночью.

Вампиры появляются к ночи? (к моменту, когда стало темно)

Вампиры приходят в течении ночи/ночами.

Ночь приводит вампиров. = Ночь - время вампиров.

by night/day - по вечерам/днями, в течении дня/ночи

Would you believe it, I had no rest by day or by night.... Верите ли, ни днем, ни ночью покоя мне не было…

"Certainly they will not rest by night." Стало быть, и ночью не остановятся.

The sewer ran only by night. Текло в канаве только ночами.

It was agreed that when the police left the house I should slip away by night and come back no more. Мы решили, что, когда полиция покинет дом, я ночью выскользну и никогда больше не вернусь.

But, if you ask my private opinion, I'm a plain dwarf who doesn't think there's much chance of finding a road by night where you couldn't find one by day. Но если вы спросите мое частное мнение, я - обыкновенный гном, который не думает, что легче найти дорогу ночью там, где ее не нашли днем.

I have thought of him by day, and dreamt of him by night. Днем я о нем думал, ночью он мне снился.

aka a path by the river

by - к какому-либо моменту или событию

by three o'clock - к трем часам

Receiving no reply by the end of the month we shall consider the order cancelled.

к ночи?


from "English Prepositions Explained" by Seth Lindstromberg

"...By occurs in a few expressions such as by day, by night, by moonlight and by candlelight in which it comes close to marking the Landmark as a means, e.g. read by candlelight.

There is, for example, a classic film noir called "They Live By Night".

The studio bosses knew what they were doing when they used by, as it aptly suggests that night is the means whereby the protagonists manage to survive.

At would reduce ‘night’ to an impotent speck of time.

During seems devoid of connotation.

In and under are image-rich, but in ways that would perhaps suit other movies than the one at issue."


They Live By Night - функциональное стяжение, они могли вы/жить только ночью/в темноте. Ночь обеспечивает выживание. Они лишены выбора, депривация.

They live at night - функциональное стяжение, но уже они сами выбрали "жить" только ночью/в темноте, по каким-то своим функциональным соображениям. Есть выбор, он сделан сознательно.


Vampires come at night - Есть причинно-следственная связь вампиры-темнота. Вампиры приходят в темноте/когда стемнеет, потому что они ночные охотники, сами выбирают время когда их жертвы (дневные существа) беззащитны. (вампиры => ночь)

Lions come at night.

Bats are good at flying at night because they use sound rather than sight

Vampires come in the night - Вампиры приходят по ночам. Нет такой связи. Временная смежность

Vampires come by night. - Есть причинно-следственная связь вампиры-темнота. Вампиры приходят по ночам, потому что не выносят дневного света (вампиры <= ночь)

коррелирует: by предлог ассоциированный с неким активным деятелем. See with vs. by

если как предлог времени: Vampires come by night. Вампиры приходят к (до наступления) ночи

3. in time vs. on time vs. at (...) time

He arrived in time (to say goodbye to his dying friend). Он прибыл вовремя, чтобы успеть попрощаться.

He arrived on time (as they had expected). Он прибыл, как и предполагалось.

He arrived at a propitious time (to achive his purposes). Он прибыл в подходящее для достижения его целей время.

propitious /prəˈpɪʃəs/ 1) благосклонный, благожелательный 2) благоприятный; подходящий, удобный

in time

1) after a period of time when a situation has changed - со временем, по прошествии времени -> после некоторого deadline произойдет paradigm shift

synonym eventually

They learned to accept their stepmother in time.

2) in time (for something/to do something) - not late; with enough time to be able to do something - вовремя

Will we be in time for the six o'clock train?

The ambulance got there just in time (= to save somebody's life).

The birthday present arrived in time. (=to be given to the birthday boy)

3) I am in time = I am a musician playing on the correct beat.

He marched in time to the music (=his steps were synchronized with the beat).

She sings in time (=her rhythm is good)

1) Коррелирует с time's up: up - есть целеопределение - deadline, который истек. Партитивность, фактуальность, терминальность финализации. И с till vs. until

2) Главное - deadline (ограничение справа), нет ограничения слева на стреле времени.

on time

Protests not submitted on time or submitted without the protest fee are not to be considered. Протест, поданный не в надлежащее время, или без оплаты, не рассматривается.

The train arrived right on time (= at exactly the correct time).

The Boston-New York train was on schedule.

The bus to New York leaves on the hour. В начале часа?

I hope we will be on time and we don't make them wait for us.

1) Коррелирует с time's over:over - нет целеопределения, это было некое временное окно возможностей, которое завершилось/прошло. Не-партитивно, не-фактуально, не-терминально финализировано.

On time = в заданном временном промежутке/окне. Есть ограничения и слева, и справа.

2) on time = on schedule = в заданном временном окне.

On time = at the planned/expected time; neither late nor early

Submit your work in time. Сдать работу не позднее/до deadline.

Submit your work on time. Сдать работу как запланировано/в указанный период времени.

He arrived in time. Он прибыл вовремя.

He arrived on time. Он прибыл, как ожидалось.

He arrived at the time. Он прибыл ко времени.

He was arrived by time. Его принесла река времени.

He came at times. Он приезжал периодически/иногда (from time to time/at intervals/occasionally)

He arrived at a time.

He arrived at the time (of ...).

He arrived on/at the stroke of midnight.

by 5 vs. at 5

Вопрос: Какая смысловая разница между высказываниями: We had arrived by 5. -:- We arrived at 5.?

We had arrived by 5. К пяти - причинно-следственная связь с этим дедлайном и/или связанными событиями

We arrived at 5. В пять. Констатация факта.

Задание: Заполните пропуск в предложении предлогом времени, который визуализирован фотографией:

They arrived by 12.

in the end vs. at the end vs. by the end

see stop vs. finish vs. end vs. cease vs. terminate / start vs. begin

in the end - результаты по итогам (можно понимать аналогично in week - через неделю, in the end - через конец = то что получили в итоге)

at the end - финальная часть непосредственно перед завершением

by the end - семантика дедлайна, что-то должно быть сделано к конца чего-то

in the end

1. after a long period of time or series of events

He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant.

2. after everything has been considered

You can try your best to impress the interviewers but in the end it's often just a question of luck.

In the end

In the end is used mostly as an idiom that means "finally," "after a long time," or, "when everything is considered." It is often followed by a comma. Here are some sentences with this idiom:

We worked hard, and in the end, we achieved our goal.

In the end, what really matters in a friendship is trust.

I complained about the pizza so, in the end, I didn’t have to pay for it.

We waited for an hour and, in the end, we went without her.

At the end

At the end is used in the idiom "at the end of the day." which means something similar to in the end (= when everything is considered). However, at the end is most commonly used more literally, as a prepositional phrase followed by of, to refer to the end of a specific noun. This noun can be a physical object, a period of time, an event, a place, or something more abstract, such as one's patience.

At the end of his life, he had no regrets.

Put a period at the end of every sentence.

I pay the phone bill at the end of each month.

There is a brick building at the end of the driveway.

The teacher set some homework at the end of the lesson.

I’m going on holiday at the end of the week.

At the end of the day, many people add up what they have accomplished since they got out of bed. [Daily News]

But at the end of the day it’s still a scrimmage, you can’t get too excited. [Brownsville Herald]

What concerns me is seeing business owners and start-up entrepreneurs focus so much energy on securing a good location or spending money on interior designers when they should be focusing on the customers who will, at the end of the day, sustain the business. [The National]

By the end (of the day)

by the time when the workday is over; by the time that the sun goes down.

Will this task be completed by the end of the day?

We have to do all these things by the end of the day.

By the end of the day, they would have built their own web-based application from scratch, even though most of them have never undertaken computer coding before. [The Australian]

I know if I tell my editor I’m going to get 12 features done by the end of the day, it’s never going to happen and I’m going to be very stressed by 5pm. [Huffington Post UK]


see finally vs. at last vs. lastly vs. in the end vs. в конце (концов)

On the following morning, I worked at my desk.

In the morning, I worked at my desk.

On the morning of the 4th, I worked at my desk.

On the 4th, I worked at my desk.