Нулевой артикль с однородными членами (стяжение)

Дата публикации: Jun 12, 2018 2:58:44 PM

Визуализируйте (= нарисуйте и/или найдите соответствующие картинки из гуглов) оппозиции:

1. some bread and some butter

2. a bread and butter

3. a bench and a chair

4. a bench and chair

Переведите, используя прием семантического развития

5. the book had no pictures or conversations - книжка для взрослых, скучная книжка

6. the book had not any pictures or any conversations

7. The Gods looked at the man and woman who had made a mock of them. - посмотрели на смертных, которые посмели смеяться над ними

8. The Gods looked at the man and the woman who had made a mock of them.

9. you with your orgies of sound and sense

10. you with your orgies of the sound and the sense

11. seats for self and wife - места для семейных пар

12. seats for myself and my wife

13. A policeman walked over to him with a notebook and pencil in his hand. готовый выписать штраф

14. A policeman walked over to him with a notebook and a pencil in his hand.

Вопрос: В каком случае актуализируется семантика функции: когда использован нулевой или **не**-нулевой артикль?

см. Hill 3. Alan's shop. Determinatives

Еще примеры на стяжение:

1. Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding

The more the sun shines the more obvious it seems that others are making fuller, better use of it elsewhere. Maybe it is our climatic past that is to blame. Maybe we do not yet have the mentality to deal with a sun and cloudless blue sky which is anything other than a freak incident.

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(из учебника Д.И.Ермоловича Русско-английский перевод, кстати он про стяжение не пишет)