Listening. Unit 1. Ex.1

Дата публикации: Mar 11, 2014 5:3:31 AM


Emma: Next up on the programme, Terry's here to tell us about the London Guitar Show

Terry: That's right Emma. The London event's simply the largest public guitar show the world's ever seen. And for anyone who's been thinking of taking up the instrument, this is one event that simply can't be missed.

E: Right, so fill us in on what exactly happens at the show, would you Terry!

T: OK, well basically we're talking about a trade show - all the big-name manufacturers will be there - and smaller specialist ones that make wonderful hand-built instruments for the real professionals - so walking round you really can get close to the hottest guitars around, not to mention amplifiers and other gear. Then, on top of that, there's a 3000-seater auditorium where some of the world's greatest players will be popping in to perform - now I mean how cool is that?

E: And any chance of, you know, a bit of hands-on action!

T: Absolutely. These firms want to sell instruments, so they're happy for you to have a go, no matter how well you can play - so there's no need to be shy.

E: Sounds great Terry ... so give us a few more details about.


1. and smaller specialist ones that make wonderful hand-built instruments for the real professionals - как переводить? маленькие мастерские по производству гитар?

2. один из ответов: people who would like to learn how to play the music - почему определенный артикль?

3. where some of the world's greatest players will be popping in to perform - зачем continuous? Перевод pop in - заскочить/зайти/забежать ненадолго?

4. now I mean how cool is that? - как переводить? Это же действительно клево/круто? now - междометие очевидно.

5. they're happy for you to have a go - это речевая модель? это примерно равно they want you yo have a go, только без отношений ресурсодержателя/потребителя?