IS. Passive Voice P5. Personal and Impersonal Structures

Дата публикации: Mar 02, 2016 4:10:18 PM

It is said that … He is said to … (be) supposed to

1. Personal and Impersonal Structures

Henry is very old. Nobody knows exactly how old he is, but:

It is said that he is 108 years old.


He is said to be 108 years old.

Both these sentences mean: ‘People say that he is 108 years old.’

You can use these structures with a number of other verbs, especially: thought believed considered reported known expected alleged understood

  • Cathy works very hard.

    • It is said that she works 16 hours a day.

    • She is said to work 16 hours a day.

  • The police are looking for a missing boy.

    • It is believed that the boy is wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.

    • The boy is believed to be wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.

  • The strike started three weeks ago.

    • It is expected that it will end soon.

    • The strike is expected to end soon.

  • A friend of mine has been arrested.

    • It is alleged that he kicked a policeman.

    • He is alleged to have kicked a policeman.

  • Those two houses belong to the same family.

    • It is said that there is a secret tunnel between them.

    • There is said to be a secret tunnel between them.

These structures are often used in news reports. For example, in a report about an accident:

It is reported that two people were injured in the explosion.

Two people are reported to have been injured in the explosion.

2. (Be) supposed to

  • it is supposed to… = it is said to…:

    • Let's go and see that film. It's supposed to be very good. (= it is said to be very good)

    • ‘Why was he arrested?’ ‘He's supposed to have kicked a policeman.’ (= he is said to have kicked a policeman)

  • ‘Something is supposed to happen’ = it is planned, arranged or expected. Often this is different from what really happens:

    • I'd better hurry. It's nearly 8 o'clock and I'm supposed to be meeting Ann at 8.15. (= I have arranged to meet Ann, I said I would meet her)

    • The train was supposed to arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late. (= the train was expected to arrive at 11.30 according to the timetable)

    • You were supposed to clean the windows. Why didn't you do it?

    • ‘You're not supposed to do something’ = it is not allowed or advisable for you to do it:

    • You're not supposed to park your car here. It's private parking only.

    • Mr Bond is much better after his illness but he's still not supposed to do any heavy work. (= his doctors have advised him not to…)

see also other cases of the second meaning

Be meant to

Be meant to is used to talk about what is desirable, expected or intended:

A: It looks green to me. B: Oh, is it meant to be a different colour?

It was meant to be like a quiz and we were all in different teams and there was meant to be a fantastic prize.

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. Известно, что римляне построили на Британских островах хорошие дороги и много крепостей.

It is well-known that the Romans built good roads and a lot of fortresses on the British Isles.

The Romans are well-known to build good roads and a lot of fortresses on the British Isles.

isle noun BrE /aɪl/ ; NAmE /aɪl/ (abbreviation I, I., Is.)

used especially in poetry and names to mean ‘island’

the Isle of Skye

the British Isles

2. Полагают, что поэма «Беовульф» была написана в VIII веке.

It is believed/supposed that "Beowulf" was written in the eighth century.

"Beowulf" is believed/supposed to have been wirtten in the eighth century.

3. Вальтер Скотт считается создателем исторического романа.

It is considered that Sir Walter Scott was the father of the historical novel.

Sir Walter Scott is considered to be the father of the historical novel.

4. Сообщают, что экспедиция достигла места назначения.

It is reported that the expedition has arrived at the destination point.

The expedition is reported to have arrived at the destination point.

5. Едва ли его назначат главным инженером, ведь он кончил институт всего два года тому назад.

It seems that he won't be promoted to the main engineer position because he graduated from the institute just two years ago.

He seems not to be promoted to the main engineer position because he graduated from the institute just two years ago.

Hardly will he be promoted to the main engineer position because he graduated from the institute just two years ago.

He is unlikely to be the main engineer

He isn't likely to be ...

to be (un)likely - weak confidence

to be certain

to be sure - the highest confident

He is unlikely to be

He is sure to come - он несомненно придет

He is certain to come - он обязательно придет

6. Он, по-видимому, хорошо знает английский язык; наверное, он изучал его в детстве?

He seems to know English very well, probably he had learned it being a child. <---personal constractions are more frequent

He seems to know English very well, probably he had learned it when a child.

It seems that he knows English very well, probably he learned it being a child.

7. Я случайно знаю номер его телефона.

I know his phone number accidentally.

I happen to know his phone number.

8. Он оказался хорошим спортсменом.

He seemed to be a good sportman.

It seemed that he is a good sportsman.

He has appeared to be a good sportman.

He appeared to be a good sportman.

He turned out to be a good sportman.

9. Шум, казалось, все приближался.

The noise seemed to be getting closer.

It seemed that the noise was getting closer.

The noise seemed to be approuching.

10. Я случайно проходил мимо вокзала, когда в Ленинград приехали артисты Шекспировского мемориального театра (Shakespeare Memorial Theatre).

I happened to be passing by the railway station when the actors of Shakespeare Memorial Theatre arrived at Leningrad.

I chanced to be passing by... <- old-fashioned

11. Певицу заставили повторить арию.

The singer was made to repeat the aria.

aria noun BrE /ˈɑːriə/ ; NAmE /ˈɑːriə/

12. Он, кажется, пишет новую статью; кажется, он работает над ней уже две недели.

He seems to be writing a new article, he seems to have been doing this for two weeks.

He seems to have been working on it for two weeks

13. Его статья, несомненно, будет напечатана.

His article is sure to be published.

14. Я случайно встретил его в Москве.

I happened to meet him in Moscow.

15. Обязательно прочитайте эту книгу; она вам, несомненно, понравится.

Read this book by all means, you are certain to like it.

16. Говорят, что это здание было построено в XVII веке.

It is said that the building was built in the seventeenth century.

The building is said to be build in the seventeenth century.

It is supposed that the building was built in the seventeenth century.

The building is supposed to be build in the seventeenth century.