
Дата публикации: Sep 27, 2015 10:26:56 AM

New words:

overnighter BrE /ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt/ ; NAmE /ˌoʊvərˈnaɪt/ -er -

1 = overnight bag = a bag for carrying the clothes and other things that you take for an overnight trip

2 an overnight trip

3 a person who stays overnight

He is on an overnighter.

You should pack an overnighter.

Overnighters will appreciate the area's fine hotels.

blacken verb BrE /ˈblækən/ ; NAmE /ˈblækən/

1) чернеть; загорать(???)

2) чернить, делать чёрным; загрязнять, марать, пачкать

3) чернить, клеветать

[transitive, intransitive] blacken (something) to make something black; to become black

Their faces were blackened with soot.

Smoke had blackened the walls.

rows of blackened teeth

There was a row of brick houses, blackened by smoke.

[transitive] blacken somebody’s name/reputation/character to say unpleasant things that give people a bad opinion of somebody

He accused the newspaper of trying to blacken his name.

gnaw verb BrE /nɔː/ ; NAmE /nɔː/

1) грызть, глодать; прогрызать

2) разъедать (о разрушающих веществах; о боли)

3) беспокоить, терзать

to keep biting something or chewing it hard, so that it gradually disappears

gnaw something The dog was gnawing a bone.

gnaw through something Rats had gnawed through the cable.

gnaw at/on something She gnawed at her fingernails.

gnaw away at/on something (figurative)

Self-doubt began to gnaw away at her confidence.






















a stick-in-the-mud

bagpipe 1) обычно мн. волынка (музыкальный инструмент)

2) разг. пустомеля, болтун

3) чересчур многословный оратор

Фонетическое усечение

cupboard noun BrE /ˈkʌbəd/ ; NAmE /ˈkʌbərd/

1. a piece of furniture with doors and shelves used for storing dishes, food, clothes, etc.

kitchen cupboards

2. (British English) (North American English closet) a space in a wall with a door that reaches the ground, used for storing things

built-in cupboards

Idioms: the cupboard is bare

(British English) used to say that there is no money for something

They are seeking more funds but the cupboard is bare.

This expression refers to a children’s nursery rhyme about Old Mother Hubbard, who had nothing in her cupboard to feed her dog.

cupboard love

(British English) affection that somebody, especially a child, shows towards somebody else in order to get something

a skeleton in the cupboard(British English)

(also a skeleton in the closet North American English, British English)

(informal) something shocking, embarrassing, etc. that has happened to you or your family in the past that you want to keep secret

forehead noun BrE /ˈfɔːhed/ , /ˈfɒrɪd/ ; NAmE /ˈfɔːrhed/ , /ˈfɔːred/

victuals noun BrE /ˈvɪtlz/ ; NAmE /ˈvɪtlz/ [plural](old-fashioned)

1. сущ.; обычно мн. еда, корм, пища; съестные припасы, провизия, продовольствие; запасы провианта

2. гл. 1) а) снабжать провизией, продовольствием б) запасаться провизией, продовольствием

2) разг.а) есть, поедать, питаться, кормиться б) пастись (о скоте)


virtual adjective BrE /ˈvɜːtʃuəl/ ; NAmE /ˈvɜːrtʃuəl/

actual adjective BrE /ˈæktʃuəl/ ; NAmE /ˈæktʃuəl/

factual adjective BrE /ˈfæktʃuəl/ ; NAmE /ˈfæktʃuəl/

ritual adjective BrE /ˈrɪtʃuəl/ ; NAmE /ˈrɪtʃuəl/


The wire cut into his hands. Провод врезался в его руки.

Chance dogs doctors' practice (A.Cronin)

Quality leather straps compliment watches (Ad.)

Card cheats doctor the cards (R.Stout)

Plants discharge gas

Air pockets cause bumps

Fashion favours pure new wool

Mortar knits bricks

Семантическое различие некоторых слов в единственном и множественном числе