actual vs. current vs. present vs. настоящий/текущий (draft)

Дата публикации: Aug 01, 2021 3:58:31 PM

Which Word?

actual / current / present

Actual does not mean current or present. It means ‘real’ or ‘exact’, and is often used in contrast with something that is not seen as real or exact:I need the actual figures, not an estimate.

Present means ‘existing or happening now’:How long have you been in your present job?

Current also means ‘existing or happening now’, but can suggest that the situation is temporary:The factory cannot continue its current level of production.

Actually does not mean ‘at the present time’. Use currently, at present or at the moment instead.

really vs. actually

not really

present vs. настоящее

present = настоящее + подарок (примеры: present moment/Tense, it's a present to you)

настоящее = текущее + реальное (примеры: настоящее (неподдельное) золото, в настоящий момент, а не вчера и не завтра)


1. Какова корреляция между семами-функциями подарочности и временной настоящести в английском слове present в оппозиции к семам-функциям реальности, неподдельности и временной настоящести в русском слове настоящий?

2. Каковы семантические отношения между настоящий, настойка, настойчивый, стоящий и стоящий?