Десемантизированные глаголы. To get

Дата публикации: Mar 31, 2015 5:21:3 PM

1. get on vs. get in vs. get off

One morning Nasreddin left his house with six donkeys to go to the market.

After a time, he got tired and got on to one of them.

He counted the donkeys, and there were only five, so he got off and went to look for the sixth.

He looked and looked but did not find it, so he went up to the donkeys and counted them again.

This time there were six, so he got on to one of them again and they all started.

After a few minutes he counted the donkeys again, and again there were only five!

While he was counting again a friend of his passed, and Nasreddin said to him,

'I left my house with six donkeys; then I had five; then I had six again; and now I have only five!

Look! One, two, three, four, five.'

'But, Nasreddin,' said his friend, 'You are sitting on a donkey too! That is the sixth! And you are the seventh!'

Вопрос: Какая смысловая разница между get on -:- get in -:- get off?

see to put in/on + Cтоять-Сидеть-Лежать

в get есть сема динамики/движения, послелог указывает как происходит движение относительно других участвующих объектов

если get сравнить с run или go, то в нем есть целеопределение, при финализации которого произойдет своего рода “защелкивание” = переход в другое состояние

1. I can't get off my boots — я не могу снять сапоги

2. He couldn't get off to sleep — он никак не мог заснуть (отключиться)

3. He managed to get off — ему удалось спастись

4. He couldn't get his gloves on — он не мог натянуть перчатки

5. He got up on to the roof — он залез на крышу

6. The car drove up and they got in — подъехала машина, и они сели в нее

7. I couldn't get the key in — я не мог всунуть ключ

1. I got it off my hands — я больше за это не отвечаю

2. What is this affair you've got on your head? — что это за штука у тебя на голове?

What is this affair you've got in your head? — что это за хрень ты там задумал?

3. He is not far off eighty, he is getting on for eighty — ему скоро стукнет восемьдесят лет

4. How will you get me in there? — как ты меня проведёшь туда?

5. How are you getting on?

6. The farmers were busy getting in the crop — фермеры были заняты уборкой урожая

7. He's got in to a flying start in his new job — он с ходу вошёл в свою новую работу

He gets dressed = он одевается -:- He dresses himself = он одевается

He gets dressed - переход в другое состояние

He dresses himself - процесс/процедура

2. see used to' vs. 'to be used to' vs. 'to get used to too

3. get into vs. get onto (the boat)

see in vs. on (коллектор)

4. gets dark vs. is getting dark vs. has got dark

is dark vs. gets dark

Be vs. Get

выйти замуж vs. жениться vs. to marry vs. to get married

5. get vs. take