Десемантизированные глаголы. To go

Дата публикации: Dec 29, 2014 5:20:40 PM

There is a big tree in Billy's garden, and he climbed it and sat in it. He likes that place in the tree very much. The weather was hot, and Billy was tired, so he went to sleep in the tree.

Вопрос: Какую семантическую (= смысловую) функцию выполняет глагол went в данном контексте?

went to sleep - заснуть = переход из одного состояния в другое

Go to bed - Иди спать.

To go red - Краснеть

The Cat goes meow, meow, meow

The Sheep goes baa, baa, baa

The Cow goes moo, moo, moo

The Bird goes tweet, tweet, tweet

The Dog goes woof, woof, woof

The Chicken goes cluck, cluck, cluck

The Monkey goes whoop, whoop, whoop

The Pig goes oink, oink, oink

The Mouse goes squeak, squeak, squeak

The Elephant goes pawooo

The Frog goes ribbit, ribbit, ribbit,

The Crow goes Kaw, Kaw, Kaw

The Rabbit goes drum, drum, drum

The Bear growls grr, grr, grrr

The Horse goes neigh, neigh, neigh

The Parrot goes talk Helloooo, Helloooo, Helloooo

The Tiger goes roar, roar, roar

The Sparrow goes chirp, chirp, chirp

The Donkey goes haw, hee haw, hee haw

The Owl goes hoot, hoot, hoot

The Duck goes quack, quack, quack

The Bee goes buzz, buzz, buzz

The Snake goes hiss, hiss, hiss

And the Lion roars, raaaaar

The rooster goes cockadoodledoo.

Та же схема? Goes = переход из одного состояния в другое - молчание/звук?

Петух "говорит" кукареку!

The rooster goes cockadoodledoo!

Петух говорит кукареку! (говорящий петух)

The rooster says cockadoodledoo!