IS. Shall vs. will (Modal verbs p.11)

Дата публикации: Apr 21, 2016 4:51:44 PM

see also

Future Expression: shall vs. will

Future Expression: will vs. to be going to (+present tenses)

Shall’ expresses determination on the part of speaker (i.e. compulsion or order; threat or warning; promise). It is followed by the Simple Infinitive only.

As a rule ‘shall’ is not translated into Russian, the meaning is shown by some emphatic intonation.


The functions are compulsion or strict order, threat or warning and promise.

1. Compulsion or strict order (mostly for the second and the third person)

I have to tell him about this. By God, you shall do nothing of the sort. (вы этого не сделаете!)

That little artful creature shall go off tomorrow! (Уедет завтра же!)

In questions ‘shall’ is used to inquire about something (mostly for the first and the third person):

Shall I shut the door? Закрыть дверь?

Shall he call you back? Ему перезвонить вам?

2. Threat or warning. (mostly for the second and the third person)

It’s over! You shall never see me here again! С меня довольно! Вы больше не увидите меня здесь!

You shall repent of neglecting safety rules! Вы еще раскаетесь в том, что пренебрегаете техникой безопасности!

3. Promise

Don’t worry. You shall not be punished.

You shall do what you like and spend what you like.


It is hardly ever used as a pure modal verb. It usually combines the features of a modal verb and an auxiliary one expressing futurity. It is followed by the Simple Infinitive only.


‘Will’ expresses volition, intention on the part of speaker, polite request and insistence.

1. Volition, intention. This meaning is not directly rendered into Russian, but is expressed by emphatic tone.

“What is this? Who is this? Turn this man out. Clear the office!” – cried he. The man responded: “I will speak! I won’t be turned out!”

Very often ‘will’ is used after the conjunction ‘if’ in Conditional clauses where it retains its modal meaning that of volition.

You may laugh if you will but I was sure that I should meet her there.

will - modal verb = You may laugh if you want

2. Polite request

Will you repeat?

Will you have a cup of coffee?

3. Persistence referring to the present or to the future.

“Don’t tell me!” “But I will tell you!” – he insisted.

compulsion noun BrE /kəmˈpʌlʃn/ ; NAmE /kəmˈpʌlʃn/

1. [uncountable, countable] (formal) strong pressure that makes somebody do something that they do not want to do

compulsion (to do something) You are under no compulsion to pay immediately.

compulsion (on somebody) to do something There are no compulsions on students to attend classes.

The legal system is based on compulsion.

2. [countable] compulsion (to do something) a strong desire to do something, especially something that is wrong, silly or dangerous

synonym urge

He felt a great compulsion to tell her everything.

Obsessions and compulsions often develop in people who live stressful lives.

see also compel


artful adjective BrE /ˈɑːtfl/ ; NAmE /ˈɑːrtfl/ [usually before noun]

1. (disapproving) clever at getting what you want, sometimes by not telling the truth

synonym crafty

He was artful and cunning, and I didn’t really trust him.

2. (of things or actions) designed or done in a clever way

1) ловкий, искусный, умелый; проворный

2) притворный; хитрый

Exercise 13. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. Translate into Russian (shall, will).

1. "Don't want it, thanks. Complete it yourself." "Shall I? Or shall I keep it for an emergency?" (Priestley)

Спасибо, не хочу. Закончите сами.

Что я? Может приберечь на крайний случай?

inquire about something

2. No, Hubert; no chivalry and that sort of nonsense. You shan't have all this beastliness alone. I'm going to share it. (Galsworthy)

Нет, Хьюберт, никакого рыцарства и всякого другого вздора. Ты не будешь в одиночку расхлебывать это безобразие. Я намерен всем рассказать.


3. I ask your advice; and I am waiting for it. I will not have all the responsibility thrown on my shoulders. (Shaw)

Я прошу вашего совета и жду ответ. Я не желаю взваливать себе на плечи всю ответственность.

Volition, intention.

4. Ellean: I will offer to go down to the village with Paula this morning — shall I? Aubrey: Thank you — do. (Pinero)

Я хочу предложить поехать утром в деревню с Полой, хорошо? Да, предложи.

Volition, intention + inquire about something

5....I am yours for ever and ever. Nothing can or shall divide me from you, unless you stop loving. (Galsworthy)

Я твой/я навеки. Ничто не может и я обещаю, что не сможет нас разделить, если ты не разлюбишь меня.

can - внешние причины

shall - внутренние причины


6. Soames lifted his eyes: "I won't have anything said against her," he said unexpectedly. (Galsworthy)

Сомс поднял глаза "Я не буду слушать ничего, что говорят против нее" неожиданно сказал он.

Volition, intention.

7. Let snobbish people say what they please: Barbara shall marry not the man they like, but the man I like. (Shaw)

Пусть снобы говорят, что им хочется: Барбара выйдет замуж не за того, кто им нравится, а за того, кто нравится мне.

Promise (?Compulsion or strict order)

8. Sir George: The fact is, Mrs. Tanqueray, I am not easy in my mind about the way I am treating my poor old mother.

Lady Orreyed (to Paula): Do you hear that? That's his mother, but my mother he won't so much as look at. (Pinero)

Факт в том, Миссис Танкерей, что мне не просто существовать с мыслью о том, как я обхожусь с моей бедной старой матерью.

Ты слышала это? Это его мать, но на мою мать он даже не захотел бы смотреть

Вы это слышали? Это он сказал про свою мать, но на мою мать он даже смотреть не хочет

Volition, intention.

9. And now, Dr. Trench, since you have acted handsomely, you shall have no cause to complain of me. There shall be no difficulty about money; you shall entertain as much as you please: I will guarantee all that. (Shaw)

Так, доктор Тренч, поскольку вы вели себя (правильно/по-джентльменски) у вас не будет причин жаловаться на меня. В деньгах нужды не будет, развлекайтесь как вам хочется, я оплачу все.

Promise, promise + Volition, intention.

10. "If I could have a picture of you, I should treasure it." "Of course you shall!" (Galsworthy)

Если бы я у меня был ваш портрет, я бы хранил его как сокровище. Конечно вы так и сделаете!

Compulsion or strict order

11. I've told you over and over again that I will not be interfered with when I'm playing patience. (Maugham)

Я же говорил вам много раз, что я не буду препятствовать, когда изображаю терпение

Я же говорил вам много раз, что меня не стоит беспокоить, когда я раскладываю пасьянс.

Volition, intention or even Persistence referring to the present or to the future.

12. Will you have rum in your tea? (Galsworthy)

Хотите добавить в чай рому?

Polite request

13. Barbara. I will not have Charles called Cholly: the vulgarity of it positively makes me ill. (Shaw)

Я не допущу, чтобы Чарльза называли Чолли, меня трясет от пошлости этой клички.

Volition, intention.

14. Only don't talk to me about divorce, for I simply won't hear of it (Murdoch)!

Только не говори со мной о разводе, я не буду ничего слушать

Persistence referring to the present or to the future.

15. Princess. You must come and see me and you shall tell me all the news of home. (Maugham)

Вы должны прийти ко мне и рассказать мне все новости из дома.

Strict order

16 ....he won't see a doctor, or take any advice. He won't see anyone. (Galsworthy)

Он не хочет сходить к врачу, или воспользоваться чьим-либо советом. Он не хочет никого видеть.

Volition, intention.

17.The editors, subeditors, associate editors, most of them... are men who wanted to write and who have failed. And yet they, of all creatures under the sun the most unfit, are the very creatures who decide what shall and what shall not find its way into print.. (London)

Редакторы, их помощники, помощники их помощников, большинство из них люди, которые хотели быть писателями и потерпели фиаско. И все же они, самые негодные из всех тварей под солнцем, они те самые существа, которые решают, что будет, а что не будет напечатано.

Compulsion or strict order

chivalry noun BrE /ˈʃɪvəlri/ ; NAmE /ˈʃɪvəlri/ [uncountable]

1. polite and kind behaviour that shows a sense of honour, especially by men towards women

2. (in the Middle Ages) the religious and moral system of behaviour which the perfect knight was expected to follow

the age of chivalry

рыцарство, благородство, отвага

beastliness noun BrE /ˈbiːstlinəs/ ; NAmE /ˈbiːstlinəs/ [uncountable](old-fashioned, British English, informal)

the fact of being unpleasant

synonym nastiness

1) свинство, грязь; безобразие; непристойность, гадость

2) грубость, жестокость, зверство

handsomely adverb BrE /ˈhænsəmli/ ; NAmE /ˈhænsəmli/

1. in a way that is beautiful to look at

a handsomely dressed man

a handsomely produced book

2. in a way that is large or generous in amount or quantity

to be paid/rewarded/compensated handsomely

1) красиво

2) мор. плавно, послушно; слегка, помалу

3) щедро, не скупясь

4) вежливо, любезно, мило

5) великодушно

6) разг.; ирон. сурово, круто

interfered with

interfere with somebody - to illegally try to influence somebody who is going to give evidence in court, for example by threatening them or offering them money

He was found guilty of interfering with witnesses.

(British English) to touch a child in a sexual way

interfere with something

1. to prevent something from succeeding or from being done or happening as planned

She never allows her personal feelings to interfere with her work.

2. to touch, use or change something, especially a piece of equipment, so that it is damaged or no longer works correctly

I'd get fired if he found out I'd been interfering with his records.

4) (interfere with)

а) служить препятствием, мешать, быть помехой (чему-л.)

б) надоедать, докучать

в) вредить (кому-л.)

patience noun BrE /ˈpeɪʃns/ ; NAmE /ˈpeɪʃns/ [uncountable]

1. patience (with somebody/something) the ability to stay calm and accept a delay or something annoying without complaining

She has little patience with (= will not accept or consider) such views.

People have lost patience with (= have become annoyed about) the slow pace of reform.

I have run out of patience with her.

My patience is wearing thin.

Teaching children with special needs requires patience and understanding.

You’d try the patience of a saint!

2. the ability to spend a lot of time doing something difficult that needs a lot of attention and effort

It takes time and patience to photograph wildlife.

I don't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles.

3. (British English) (North American English solitaire) a card game for only one player

solitaire noun BrE /ˌsɒlɪˈteə(r)/ ; NAmE /ˈsɑːləter/

1. [uncountable] (British English) a game for one person in which you remove pieces from their places on a special board after moving other pieces over them. The aim is to finish with only one piece left on the board.

(North American English) (British English patience) [uncountable] a card game for only one player

2. [countable] a single precious stone; a piece of jewellery with a single precious stone in it

a solitaire ring

Exercise 14. Insert shall, will or the contracted forms of shall not, will not (shan't, won't). Translate into Russian.

1. Ellie: You shall not run away before you answer. I have found out that trick of yours. (Shaw)

Ты не убежишь раньше чем ответишь мне, я раскрыла твою аферу.

Compulsion or strict order

2. " Won't you come in a moment?" "Thank you kindly, young man." (contracted) (Cronin)

Не хотите ли зайти на минутку? Большое спасибо, молодой человек.

Polite request

3. Napoleon (beside himself):. ..Once more, and only once, will you give me those papers or shall I tear them from you by force! (Shaw)

В последний раз спрашиваю, отдадите вы мне эти документы или я должен забрать их у вас силой?

В последний раз спрашиваю, отдадите вы мне эти документы или вы хотите, чтобы я забрал их у вас силой?

Volition, intention + Threat or warning.

???как вариант эмфатической инверсии (see Hardly had she sat down when ... (эмфатическая инверсия) (Speech patterns))

В последний раз прошу, отдайте мне эти документы или я заберу их у вас силой!

4, You must be tired, dear; won't you go to bed? (contracted) Shall I bring you something up? (Galsworthy)

Ты должно быть устал, дорогой, не хочешь прилечь отдохнуть? Принести тебе чего-нибудь? (Давай я тебе чего-нибудь принесу?)

Polite request + inquire about something

5. Soames is very fond of you, he won't have anything said against you; why don't you show him more affection? (contracted) (Galsworthy)

Сомс нежно тебя любит, он ничего плохого не хочет слушать про тебя, почему ты не выказываешь ему больше благосклонности

почему ты не приближаешь его к себе

почему ты не показываешь ему большей привязанности/любви

Volition, intention

6. Aubrey: Have you seen Ellean this morning?

Paula (coldly): Your last observation but one was about Ellean.

Aubrey: Dearest, what shall I talk about? (Pinero)

Вы видели Эллиан сегодня утром?

Все ваши последние замечания, кроме одного, были об Эллиан

Драгоценнейшая моя, ну о чем мне еще говорить?

риторический вопрос, inquire about something

7. Will you please leave my room? (Galsworthy)

Не могли бы вы выйти из комнаты?

Polite request

8. Then he shall be here in a few minutes! What shall I do? (Shaw)

Тогда он должен быть здесь через минуту! А мне что делать?

Compulsion or strict order + inquire about something риторический вопрос

9. "Shall I speak to Diana, then, about what we've been saying?" "If you will, Dinny." (Galsworthy)

А давайте я скажу Диане, тогда, обо всем что мы сказали? Если хочешь, Динни.

inquire about something, Volition, intention

10. Mohammed Latif shall be severely punished for inventing this. (Forsier)

Да будет Мохаммед Латиф жестоко наказан за это изобретение.

Threat or warning.

11. Jack: Gwendolen, will you marry me? Gwendolen: Of course I will, darling. (Wilde)

Гвендолин, ты выйдешь за меня? Конечно выйду, дорогой.

Polite request + Volition, intention

Jack: Gwendolen, will you marry me? Gwendolen: Of course I shall, darling.

Polite request + Promise

Orig: Jack: Gwendolen, will you marry me? [Goes on his knees.] Gwendolen: Of course I will, darling.

12. I give a hundred pounds to my younger son Christopher, fifty pounds to be paid to him on the day of his marriage to Sarah Wilkins, if she will. (Shaw)

Я даю сотню фунтов моему младшему сыну Кристоферу, пятьдесят фунтов будет выплачено в день его свадьбы с Сарой Вилкинс, если она выйдет за него.

Volition, intention

13. "Martin darling, you're drunk," said Antonia. " shall I order you a taxi to go home in?" (Murdoch)

Мартин, дорогой, ты пьян, сказала Антония, Давай-ка я тебе вызову такси, поедешь домой?

inquire about something

14. Mrs. Cortelyon: You know we are neighbors, Mrs. Tanqueray.

Paula: Neighbors? Are we really? Won't you sit down? (contracted) (Pinero)

Вы знаете, что мы соседи, миссис Танкерей

Соседи? Что правда? Не хотите ли присесть?

Polite request

15. I'll go, Dinny, if Hallorsen will take me. (Galsworthy)

Я еду, Динни, если Халлорсен захочет взять меня с собой.

Volition, intention

16. Since you have taken the minister's place, Richard, you shall go through with it. The execution will take place at 12 o'clock as arranged; and unless Anderson surrenders before then, you shall take his place on the gallows. (Shaw)

Раз вы заняли кресло министра, Ричард, вы пройдете через это. Казнь состоится в 12 часов, как и запланировано, и, если Андерсон не сдастся до этого времени, вы займете его место на виселице.

Compulsion or strict order or Threat or warning

17. "I'm not lying," I said. "If you won't believe what I say why do you keep asking me?" (contracted) (Murdoch)

Я не лгу, сказал я, если вы все равно не хотите верить моим словам, зачем продолжать спрашивать?

Volition, intention

18. Lady: I cannot permit you, General, to enter my chamber.

Napoleon: Then you shall stay here, madam, whilst I have your chamber searched for my papers. (Shaw)

Я не могу разрешить вам, Генерал, войти в мою комнату.

Тогда вы останетесь здесь, мадам, пока комнату не обыщут на предмет моих документов.

Compulsion or strict order stood by my father, and by God I'll stand by you. You shall never want a friend, Harry, while Francis James Viscount Castlewood has a shilling. (Thackeray)

Вы были рядом с моим отцом, и ей богу, я буду рядом с вами. Вам никогда не понадобится друг, Гарри, пока у Френсиса Висконта Каслвуда есть хотя бы шиллинг.


20. "Your master is a true scoundrel" I replied. "But he shall answer for it." (E. Bronte)

Ваш хозяин настоящий негодяй, ответил я, но он поплатится за это.

Threat or warning

21. Shall we go, Blanche? (Tennessee Williams)

Поедемте, Бланш.

inquire about something

22. You may come, if you will (E. Bronte)

Вы можете прийти, если хотите

Volition, intention

23. Aubrey: Shall I burn this, dear? (Referring to the letter he holds in his hand.) Let me, let me! (Pinero)

Давай я сожгу это, дорогая? (о письме, которое он держит в руке). Дай мне сделать это!

inquire about something, strong desire to do something

24. Paula: Why are you here? Why aren't you with your friend?

Ellean: I've come home — if you will. (Pinero)

Почему вы здесь? И почему вы без своего друга?

Я пришла домой, а вы как хотели.


bring somebody up

1. [often passive] to care for a child, teaching him or her how to behave, etc.

synonym raise

She brought up five children.

He was brought up by his aunt.

a well/badly brought up child

bring somebody up to do something They were brought up to (= taught as children to) respect authority.

+ noun I was brought up a Catholic.

related noun upbringing

2. (law) to make somebody appear for trial

He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving.

bring something up

1. to mention a subject or start to talk about it

synonym raise

Bring it up at the meeting.

2. to vomit

to bring up your lunch

3. to make something appear on a computer screen

Click with the right mouse button to bring up a new menu.

gallows noun BrE /ˈɡæləʊz/ ; NAmE /ˈɡæloʊz/ (pl. gallows) - a structure on which people, for example criminals, are killed by hanging

to send a man to the gallows (= to send him to his death by hanging)

The public were waiting to see the hated hangman swing from his own gallows.

while conjunction BrE /waɪl/ ; NAmE /waɪl/

(formal whilst BrE /waɪlst/ ; NAmE /waɪlst/ especially in British English)


scoundrel noun BrE /ˈskaʊndrəl/ ; NAmE /ˈskaʊndrəl/ (old-fashioned) - a man who treats other people badly, especially by being dishonest or immoral

synonym rogue

негодяй, мерзавец, подлец

Exercise 19. Translate into English, using modal verbs.

1. «Помочь вам? » — «Нет, спасибо, я сделаю все сама».

Can I help you? No, thank you, I shall do it myself

2. «Не знаю, справлюсь ли я с этой работой в такой короткий срок». — «Вы должны были подумать об этом раньше».

I don't know whether I shall manage with the job in so short time or not. You should have thought of that earlier.

You had to think of that earlier.

др. смысл

You must have thought of that earlier. Вы должно быть подумали об этом раньше

3. Не может быть, чтобы он уже вернулся, ведь он вчера только уехал в Москву. Вы, должно быть, ошиблись.

He cannot have already come back as he went down to Moscow just yesterday. You must be wrong.

4. Вы не должны позволять ей читать в сумерки, она может испортить глаза.

You shouldn't allow her to read in the dusk because she will strain her eyes.

(it is not good for her sight)

5. Вы не должны' были оставлять гореть газ, такими вещами нельзя шутить, ведь мог произойти пожар!

You should have turned the gas off! You cannot joke about that! The fire would start.

You mustn't joke about that. There could be fire!

др. смысл

You must have turned the gas off! Вы должно быть выключили газ!

6. Он должен был поехать в Москву на прошлой неделе, но конференция задержала его на несколько дней.

He would have gone to Moscow on last week but he was detained at the conference for a few days.

He was to have gone to Moscow last week but he was detained at the conference for a few days.

Он должен был (appointment) но не поехал

7. Тысячу раз я просила ее не хлопать дверью, когда я занимаюсь, но она все равно хлопает.

I've asked her a thousand times not to slam the door when I'm learning but she keeps slamming it. <- можно, но нет модальности, констатация

I've asked her a thousand times not to slam the door when I'm learning but she does slam it anyway. <- она таки, действительно, это делает

I've asked her a thousand times not to slam the door when I'm learning but she will do it anyway.

I've asked her a thousand times not to slam the door when I'm learning but she would do it anyway.

8. Я вас, должно быть, неправильно понял и поэтому пришел так рано.

I must have misunderstood you that's why I came so early.

тут правильно

9. Мне придется оставить ей записку, я ее, наверно, не увижу.

I will have to leave her a note as I probably couldn't meet her.

10. «Почему они ее тогда не видели?» — «Она могла уйти до их прихода».

Why didn't they meet her then? She could have gone away before they came.

11. Джордж должен был вчера у нас обедать, но он не пришел.

George was to have come to have lunch with us but he didn't.

12. Погода была прекрасная; мы пошли в сад, всюду можно было видеть счастливые лица детей.

The weather was wonderful and we went to the garden where we could see children's happy faces

13. «Купить вам „Сдается в наем" Голсуорси?» — «Нет, не надо; моя сестра была вчера в книжном магазине, она, возможно, купила эту книгу».

Shall I buy you "To Let" by Galsworthy? Please, don't. My sister was in the book store and she could have bought the book.

14. Обычно я хожу в филармонию пешком, но вчера я вышел поздно, и мне пришлось сесть в автобус.

I go to the philharmonic on foot but I went out too late yesterday and had to get a bus.

detain verb BrE /dɪˈteɪn/ ; NAmE /dɪˈteɪn/

1. detain somebody to keep somebody in an official place, such as a police station, a prison or a hospital, and prevent them from leaving

One man has been detained for questioning.

2. detain somebody (formal) to delay somebody or prevent them from going somewhere

I'm sorry—he'll be late; he's been detained at a meeting.

see also detention