IS. Passive voice. P4.

Дата публикации: Feb 23, 2016 1:15:28 PM

Exercise 4. Translate into English, using the Passive Voice where possible.


1. Оратора слушали очень внимательно.

The speaker was listened to very attentively.

attentively adverb BrE /əˈtentɪvli/ ; NAmE /əˈtentɪvli/

1. carefully, in a way that shows a lot of interest

The children listened attentively to the story.

2. helpfully, making sure people have what they need

The landlady cared attentively for her residents.

2. Дети любят, когда им читают.

Children like to be read to.

3. Об этом событии много говорят.

The event is being spoken much of.

The event is much spoken about.

4. На него можно положиться?

Can he be relied on?

5. На эту книгу никогда не ссылаются.

This book is never being reffered to.

This book is never reffered to.

6. О поступке Бермана много говорили в колонии.

Berman's act was spoken much about in the colony

Berman's act was much spoken about in the colony

7. За машиной послали, как только вещи были уложены.

The car was sent for as soon as the staff had been packed.

8. В нашей стране с неграмотностью давно покончено.

Illiteracy has been done with in this country.

In this country illiteracy was done with long ago.

9. Зимой в этом доме никогда не жили.

The house was never lived in winter.

10. Не понимаю, почему об этом фильме так много говорят.

I don't understand why the movie is being much spoken about.

I don't understand why the movie is much spoken about.

11. Тов. Н. очень хороший лектор, его всегда очень внимательно слушают.

Comrade N. is a very good lecturer. He is always listened to very attentively.

12. Он исключительно добросовестный человек, на него можно положиться.

He is perfectly conscientious man. He can be relied on.

conscientious adjective BrE /ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs/ ; NAmE /ˌkɑːnʃiˈenʃəs/ - taking care to do things carefully and correctly

a conscientious student/teacher/worker

He was thorough and conscientious, rather than brilliant.

She was a popular and conscientious teacher.

13. В нашей стране о детях очень заботятся.

Children are greatly taken care of in this country.

Children are much taken care of in this country.

Children are taken care of a lot in this country.

14. На книги этого автора ссылаются многие ученые.

This scientist's books are referred to by many his collegues.

15. Его речь на собрании была такой блестящей, что о ней потом много говорили.

His speech at the meeting was so brilliant that it was being greatly spoken about later.

His speech at the meeting was so brilliant that it was much spoken about later.

16. В нашей стране дети обеспечены всем необходимым.

Children are well-provided with all necessary things in this country.

17. Послали ли за свежим молоком? (Л. Толстой)

Has fresh milk been sent for?

18. От Ивана Макаровича с тех пор никакой весточки. (Пермяк)

A little message hasn't been sent by Ivan Makarovich since then. - runglish

No message has been sent by Ivan Makarovich since then. - runglish

Ivan Makarovich hasn't been heard from since then.

19. Послали за извозчиком. (Чехов)

A cabman was sent for.

A cabman has been sent for.


1. К счастью, доктор жил в этом же доме, и я была избавлена от необходимости выходить ночью.

Fortunately, a doctor lived in the house so I was saved from going outside at night.

2. Когда самолет скрылся из виду, все пошли домой.

After the airplane had disappeared from sight, everybody went home

After the airplane disappeared from sight, everybody went home

3. Опять вы опоздали. С этим надо покончить.

You're late again. It must be done with.

4. Ребенка положили в больницу, где за ним очень хорошо ухаживали.

The child was taken to a hospital where he was being taken care of very well.

The child was taken to a hospital where he was being very well taken care of.

5. После лекции был концерт.

A concert took place after the lecture.

A concert was shown just after the lecture.

The lecture was followed by a concert.

6. В доме миссис Рид к Джейн Эйр постоянно придирались.

Jane Eyre was constantly quibbled in Mrs Reed's house.

Jane Eyre was constantly nagged at in Mrs Reed's house.

quibble verb BrE /ˈkwɪbl/ ; NAmE /ˈkwɪbl/ - [intransitive] quibble (about/over something) to argue or complain about a small matter or an unimportant detail

It isn't worth quibbling over such a small amount.

nag verb BrE /næɡ/ ; NAmE /næɡ/

1. [intransitive, transitive] to keep complaining to somebody about their behaviour or keep asking them to do something

synonym pester

nag (at somebody) Stop nagging—I'll do it as soon as I can.

nag somebody (to do something) She had been nagging him to paint the fence.

2. [intransitive, transitive] to worry or irritate you continuously

nag at somebody A feeling of unease nagged at her.

nag somebody Doubts nagged me all evening.

Jane Eyre was constantly being found fault with in Mrs Reed's house.

Jane Eyre was constantly found fault with in Mrs Reed's house.

7. Когда длинноногий парень скрылся из виду, Давид сел отдохнуть.

After the long-legged chap had disappeared (from sight), David sat down and got some rest.

When the long-legged chap disappeared, David sat down to have a rest.

8. За первой мировой войной последовала революция в России.

The Revolution in Russia came after the First World War.

The First World War was followed by the Revolution in Russia.

9. После смерти миссис Копперфильд к Давиду всегда придирались.

After Mrs Copperfield had deceased, David was constantly quibbled.

After Mrs Copperfield had deceased, David was constantly nagged at.

After Mrs Copperfield had deceased, David was constantly (being) found fault with.

10. Как только Скиф Миллер скрылся из виду, собака бросилась за ним.

Hardly had Skeef Miller disappeared, the dog dashed after him.

11. За молнией последовал удар грома.

The lighting was followed by a thunderclap.

12. Перевод такой хороший, что в нем нельзя найти никаких недостатков.

The translation is so good that it can never be found any imperfections in it.

The translation is so good that any imperfections cannot be found in it.

13. С такими серьезными вещами не шутят.

So serious things shouldn't be joked about

14. К Трэддльсу, товарищу Давида Копперфильда, всегда придирались.

Davis's friend Tradls was constantly quibbled.

Davis's friend Tradls was constantly nagged at.

Davis Coperfield's friend Tradls was constantly (being) found fault with.