ribbon vs. tape vs. лента

Дата публикации: Sep 07, 2015 5:57:49 PM


1. В чём различие лент, которые ribbon и tape ? Что изображено на картинке ?

2. В Машине Тьюринга какая лента? А в печатной машинке ? Почему?

3. I ran out of bias tape that matched the fabric I was working with the other night, but had some ribbon that matched perfectly, so thought I'd share with you all how ribbon can be used in place of bias tape…..in case you find yourself in the same situation at some point! (origin)

Почему bias tape, но не bias ribbon ? Почему вообще есть оппозиция bias tape vs. ribbon?

4. Shop outside the big box, with unique items for ribbon tape from thousands of independent designers and vintage collectors on Etsy (origin)

Что за масло масляное - лента ленточная вообще ? Как такое возможно?


1. ribbon - лента, tape - лента свернутая в рулон/катушку, на картинке и то и другое. see update below

2. A Turing machine is a hypothetical device that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. Despite its simplicity, a Turing machine can be adapted to simulate the logic of any computer algorithm. At a very high level, the machine consists of a memory tape divided into cells. A "head" (e.g. a pencil/eraser) traverses the memory one cell at a time, writing or erasing data (e.g. numerical digits) based on user-specified rules. The "machine" was invented in 1936 by Alan Turing.

Почему? Во времена Тьюринга было такое представление об устройствах хранения.

A memory tape = Magnetic tape data storage

А в печатной машинке ? ribbon

A typewriter ribbon or ink ribbon is an expendable module serving the function of transferring pigment to paper in various devices for impact printing. Such ribbons were part of standard designs for hand- or motor-driven typewriters, teleprinters, stenotype machines, computer-driven printers and many mechanical calculators, before electronic alternatives replaced most of them.

Почему? Возможно в первых версиях печатных машинок не было катушки с запасом красящей ленты. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typewriter_ribbon.

3. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bias_tape

Bias tape or bias binding is a narrow strip of fabric, cut on the bias (UK cross-grain). The strip's fibers, being at 45 degrees to the length of the strip, makes it stretchier as well as more fluid and more drapeable compared to a strip that is cut on the grain.

4. ???? http://www.brit.co/diy-ribbon-tape/

How to Make Your Own Neon Ribbon Tape


- ribbon and trim

– double-sided tape

– scissors

складывается ощущение, что tape должна быть липкая, возможно метонимия от Scotch tape/(black tape/insulating tape - изолента)


tape = лента имеющая дополнительный слой (функциональный = липкий, информационный, измерительный, и др.)

глагол to tape - сшивать, сплетать, скреплять; у информации общая сема с семой сцепления/склеивания

сшивания в tape

ribbon - a long narrow piece of coloured cloth or paper, usually used as a decoration or to tie something

Как тогда быть например с http://www.ebay.co.uk/bhp/sticky-ribbon ?

в данном случае это трех слойная лента, т.е. ribbon и tape в одном “флаконе” поэтому в наименовании присутствует и tape и ribbon, т.к. одним покупателям может понадобится клейкость и он должен увидеть слово tape в наименовании товара, чтобы захотеть купить его, т.к. его ожидания должны быть оправданы; другие покупатели интересуются декоративностью и они ожидают слово ribbon; третьим нужны оба свойства. Т.к. у ribbon клейкость - это факультативное свойство (может быть, может не быть), то даже наличие доп.слоя у ribbon не является его функциональным наличием; у tape - все наоборот: даже физическое/морфологическое отсутствие доп.слоя может означать его наличие на функциональном уровне, например, у ленты печатной машинки, где второй слой представлен пропиткой ткани чернилами.

Клейкость у tape в оппозиции к клейкости у ribbon - обязательное свойство; клейкость у ribbon в оппозиции к клейкости у tape - необязательное свойство.

по поводу мумии и места преступления гугл пишет tape. хотя с мумией встречается и ribbon (акцент значения на декоративности). tape, потому что в обоих случаях лента объединяет: 1) элементы места преступления в единое целое (“клейкость” фунцкиональная/метафорическая) 2) сохраняет целостность тела

если от этимологии идти, то tape = бинты, ribbon = украшение, награда, отличительный знак

не укладывается только typewriter ribbon, по идее должон был быть tape

tape n.

1. [uncountable] a long narrow strip of magnetic material that is used for recording sounds, pictures or information

see also magnetic tape, videotape

2. [countable] a cassette that contains sounds, or sounds and pictures, that have been recorded

a blank tape (= a tape that has nothing recorded on it)

I lent her my Bob Marley tapes.

Police seized various books and tapes.

3. [uncountable] a long narrow strip of material with a sticky substance on one side that is used for sticking things together

4. adhesive/sticky tape

see also insulating tape, masking tape, Scotch tape™, Sellotape™

5. [countable, uncountable] a narrow strip of material that is used for tying things together or as a label

The papers were in a pile, tied together with a tape.

see also red tape, ticker tape

6. [countable] a long narrow strip of material that is stretched across the place where a race will finish

the finishing tape

7. [countable]

= tape measure

to tape

1. tape somebody/something to record somebody/something on magnetic tape using a special machine

Will you tape that discussion programme for me tonight?

Private conversations between the two had been taped and sent to a newspaper.

a taped announcement

2, tape something (up) to fasten something by sticking or tying it with tape

Put it in a box and tape it up securely.

3, tape something + adv./prep. to stick something onto something else using sticky tape

Someone had taped a message on the door.

4, tape something (up) (North American English) to tie a bandage firmly around an injury or a wound

That's a nasty cut—come on, we'll get it all taped up

ribbon noun BrE /ˈrɪbən/ ; NAmE /ˈrɪbən/

1. [uncountable, countable] a narrow strip of material, used to tie things or for decoration

a present tied with yellow ribbon

lengths of velvet ribbon

She was wearing two blue silk ribbons in her hair.

2. [countable] something that is long and narrow in shape

The road was a ribbon of moonlight.

3. [countable] a ribbon in special colours, or tied in a special way, that is given to somebody as a prize or as a military honour, or that is worn by somebody to show that they belong to a particular political party

compare rosette

4. [countable] a long strip of material containing ink that you put into typewriters and some computer printers



Color & Meaning of Awareness Ribbon Causes



rosette noun BrE /rəʊˈzet/ ; NAmE /roʊˈzet/

a round decoration made of ribbon that is worn by supporters of a political party or sports team, or to show that somebody has won a prize