L.A.Hill 2. U1. Determiners & pronouns. My vs. of mine. Маркеры коннотации.

Дата публикации: Jun 18, 2015 6:12:11 PM


[There] is not enough petrol in [the] world for everybody [now], and each year [there] is less,so [what] are we going to do [when] it finishes?

Perhaps we [will] go back to horses and carriages and bicycles.

In [the] Second World War, some people did not use petrol in [their] cars.

[They] made gas from wood and plants instead, and [then] [they] put it in big bags on top of [their] cars.

[The] cars did not go fast, but it was better [than] nothing.

But we cannot cut down all our trees to make gas; we need [them] for other things too.

Besides gas, we can also use electricity for our cars, but first we must make [the] electricity!

Some countries have coal, and [they] make electricity [with] [that], but [we'll] not always have coal.

Other countries have big, strong rivers, and [these] turn turbines and make electricity more easily and cheaply.

We are also able to get power from [the] tides.

We put turbines in [the] mouth of a river.

[Then], [when] [the] tide comes up, it turns [the] turbines, and [when] it runs back towards [the] sea, it turns [them] again.

And we [know] [that] [the] waves of [the] sea can also turn turbines [when] [they] go up and down.

[Which] of all [these] things [will] make our electricity in [the] year 2000?

1. лексика

But we cannot cut down all our trees to make gas; we need [them] for other things too.

Besides gas, we can also use electricity for our cars, but first we must make [the] electricity!

We are also able to get power from the tides.

See too vs. either (vs. others)

Other countries have big, strong rivers, and these turn turbines and make electricity more easily and cheaply.

See easy vs. easily (adverbs)

2. детерминативы

we can also use electricity for our cars, but first we must make the electricity!

the world

the Second World War

the sea

the tide

the waves of the sea

the mouth of a river

3. управление/предлоги/векторы

H-> we will go back to horses and carriages and bicycles.

4. перфекты

5. модальные

what are we going to do when it finishes? vs. Perhaps, we will go back to horses and carriages and bicycles.

will go back - есть сема "нам придется вернуться"

Some countries have coal, and they make electricity with that, but we'll not always have coal.

Which of all these things will make our electricity in the year 2000?

we cannot cut down all our trees to make gas; we need them for other things too.

And we know that the waves of the sea can also turn turbines when they go up and down.

we can also use electricity for our cars, but first we must make the electricity! vs. We are also able to get power from the tides.

can vs. able to

general ability vs. particular ability (to do on one occasion)

We are also able to get power from the tides. И дальше идет объяснение, как это можно сделать

but first we must make the electricity!

здесь 6. Logically obvious deduction in affirmative sentences in the present and future. We are sure of something because it is logically necessary.

Mary must have some problem: she is crying.

There’s the doorbell. It must be Roger.

6. фразовые

[Then], [when] [the] tide comes up, it turns [the] turbines, and [when] it runs back towards [the] sea, it turns [them] again.

Coal and rivers in Y2K


Some countries have coal, and [they] make electricity [with] [that], but [we'll] not always have coal.

Other countries have big, strong rivers, and [these] turn turbines and make electricity more easily and cheaply.

1) Почему автор текста использовал указательное местоимение that, а не, например, личное местоимение it?

2) Почему указательное местоимение these, а не личное местоимение they?

3) Почему с углём that, а с реками тогда these, а не those; или наоборот: коли с реками these, то и с углём this?

1. this/that, these/those - это проформы (по сути - метонимии)

Some countries have coal, and they make electricity with (something) that (is called “burning fossil fuel”), but we'll not always have coal.

Other countries have big, strong rivers, and these (rivers) turn turbines and make electricity more easily and cheaply.

2. А как that - this / those - these актуализируют сему “свой-чужой” = “хищник-жертва” = положительными/oralis -:- отрицательными/ani коннотациями?

уголь автор считал не самым лучшим способом добычи электричества, а реки, лучшим, чем уголь. (Хотя ГРЭС это тоже жесть для природы, экологическая катастрофа)

See указательные местоимения как маркеры коннотации.

Переведите на русский язык:

1. Where is that brother of yours? Где этот твой (набедокуривший) братец?

2. Where is this brother of yours? Где этот твой брат? Явно братьев больше чем один, нужен конкретный (this) - например показываю на фотографии.

3. That was one of those horrible houses that frighten kids to death. Это был один из тех ужасных домов с привидениями, которые до икоты пугают детей.

4. This is one of these warm days which are typical of Spring. Один из этих приятных теплых дней, обычных весной.

This brother of yours - полож. коннотация, наст. время

The brother of yours - нейтр. коннотация

That brother of yours - отриц. коннотация, прош. время

Вопрос: Почему that/those маркирует отрицательную коннотацию, а this/these - положительную?

см. таблицу выше

Почему такая конструкция that brother of yours?

Потому что нужно решить КФ: два слова претендуют на место детерминатива - that и your.

Решается рефанкшинингом.

По коннотации.


а. Рыжая девка затряслась.

б. Златовласая дева затрепетала.

в. Шатенка испытывала тремор.



Какая смысловая разница между высказываниями:

This is Ray's boat not my boat.

This is Ray's boat not mine.

This is Ray's boat not mine.

Престон говорит, что у него нет эмоциональной связи с лодкой, у него пространственно-временная связь.

А у Рэя наоборот, он любит свою лодку. См. дальнейший текст ниже. Poor old Ray! He's never forgotten that boat.

И видимо также есть семантика, что у Престона нет свой лодки.

This is Ray's boat not my boat.

В этом случае Престон отделяет мух от котлет, типа это лодка Рэя, не моя, моя вон там стоит.

Кроме того, у Престона с этой лодкой нет отношений владения, ни единоличных, ни на паях с Рэем.

Эмоциональная связь с этой лодкой также отсутствует, но присутствует с другой (там есть сема владения).


The Australian Queen was a good old boat.

It was made in Townsville in 1896, and for years Ray and I took tourists out in it to see the jungle.

It was Ray's boat, not mine.

Ray was my boss.

Poor old Ray!

He's never forgotten that boat.

We lost it last year.

+ add

my boat vs. a boat of mine

my friend vs. a friend of mine

your wife vs. a wife of yours

your brother vs. a brother of yours

твоя жена vs. жена твоя

твой брат vs. брат твой

1. С точки зрения партитивности

"A friend of mine": total number of friends is at least one.

"One of my friends": total number of friends is greater than one

"My only friend": total number of friends is equal to one.

"My friend": total number of friends is unknown.

2. С точки зрения интимизации/стяжения

- поля семантических значений слов friend и друг не полностью совпадают.

- грамматическая конструкция:

my friend - соответствует атрибутивной группе (see Left Hand Apple Cat и Атрибутивные группы) = функциональное стяжение, схема человек-человек.

a friend of mine - соответствует отношению родительного падежа, пространственно-временное стяжение, схема человек-предлог/предмет-человек.


Urban Dictionary my friend и тетрады

1. A phrase that people use when they're not actually your friend.

2. A phrase that people use when they are too embarrassed to admit they are talking about themselves.

3. A phrase that people use when they've actually forgotten your name.