froth vs. foam vs. пена (draft)

Дата публикации: Aug 01, 2021 6:11:20 PM

froth noun BrE /frɒθ/ ; NAmE /frɔːθ/

1. [uncountable] a mass of small bubbles, especially on the surface of a liquid

synonym foam

a glass of beer with thick froth on top

The horse’s bit was covered with white froth.

The barmen around here always top up your beer with too much froth.

2. [uncountable] ideas, activities, etc. that seem attractive and enjoyable but have no real value

3. [singular] froth of something something that looks like a mass of small bubbles on liquid

a froth of black lace

foam noun BrE /fəʊm/ ; NAmE /foʊm/

1. (also foam rubber) [uncountable] a soft light rubber material, full of small holes, that is used for seats, mattresses, etc.

a foam mattress

foam packaging

2. [uncountable] a mass of very small air bubbles on the surface of a liquid

synonym froth

a glass of beer with a good head of foam

The breaking waves left the beach covered with foam.

3. [uncountable, countable] a chemical substance that forms or produces a soft mass of very small bubbles, used for washing, shaving, or putting out fires, for example

shaving foam

a bottle of bath foam

The fire extinguisher directs foam onto the fire.