IS13. Tourists discover Myanmar

Дата публикации: Nov 22, 2015 9:22:44 AM

Myanmar noun BrE /miˌænˈmɑː(r)/ ; NAmE /miˌænˈmɑːr/ - a country in South East Asia = Burma BrE /ˈbɜːmə/ ; NAmE /ˈbɜːrmə/


Paula Hancocks: This is the Shwedagon Pagoda. 2500 years old, it set to enshrine strands of the Buddha's hair and other holy reliks.

In on the other country such a site would be swarming with tourists but this is Myanmar.

Still considered off the beaten track and, until earlier this year, off the list of desired places due to a brutal military junta.

But, with the new civilian government, albeit at still strongly link to the military and tentative reforms come new travel interest

Paula Hancocks: There are definately more tourists coming here to Myanmar according to the ticket office around one thousand foreign visitors every single day on average come to see this pagoda.

Hillary Clinton: This is ...

PH: For a country isolated from the rest of the world for so many years these images up to ... gold. As the top US diplomat Hillary Clinton is happy to visit then why are not tourists? Administry of hotels and tourism says around seven hundred ninety thousand people visited last year. That expecting to rise to nine hundred thousand this year.

Gladys Blank: Hillary was coming before us. I figured if it was good for her could be good for us. So, we're fine.

Barbara Auer: We recognise all is changing. We've been there in January this year and now it's getting more... more modern.

PH: Myanmar has a long way to go before it can be considered competing with neighbouring Tailand. The infrastructure has been neglected for decades. And the economy is cash-driven and riddled with widely different exchange rates. But with little outside influence for so long, the heritage of the country has been preserved making it one of South-East Asian tourism last frontiers. Paula Hancocks, CNN, Yangon, Myanmar

Comprehension Check

1. How old is the Shwedagon Pagoda? What does it enshrine?

2. Where is it located?

3. Why are there still not so many tourists?

4. What factors helped to start developing travelling industry here?

5. How many visitors come every day to Myanmar to see this pagoda?

6. What famous politician visited Myanmar?

7. How many visitors visited the country last year?

8. How do the tourists comment on the changing situation in Myanmar?

9. Who is Myanmar’s main competitor?

10. What difficulties do they have to overcome to be able to compete with Thailand?

11. What is the positive point about so many years of no external influence?


pagoda BrE /pəˈɡəʊdə/ ; NAmE /pəˈɡoʊdə/ - a Buddhist TEMPLE (= religious building) that has several levels with a decorated roof at each level

a temple (= religious building) in S or E Asia in the form of a tall tower with several levels, each of which has its own roof that extends beyond the walls

to enshrine BrE /ɪnˈʃraɪn/ ; NAmE /ɪnˈʃraɪn/ - if something such as a tradition or right is enshrined in something, it is preserved and protected so that people will remember and respect it

[usually passive] enshrine something (in something) (formal) to make a law, right, etc. respected or official, especially by stating it in an important written document

These rights are enshrined in the country's constitution.

November 4, 2008 is already enshrined as a key date in American history.

holy relic - a part of the body or clothing of a holy person which is kept after their death because it is thought to be holy

holy adjective BrE /ˈhəʊli/ ; NAmE /ˈhoʊli/ (holier, holiest)

relic noun BrE /ˈrelɪk/ ; NAmE /ˈrelɪk/

1. relic (of/from something) an object, a tradition, a system, etc. that has survived from the past

The building stands as the last remaining relic of the town's cotton industry.

Videotapes may already seem like relics of a bygone era.

The pictures on the walls were relics from the days before her marriage.

Our transportation system is a relic of the past.

2. a part of the body or clothing of a holy person, or something that they owned, that is kept after their death and respected as a religious object

holy relics

site - BrE /saɪt/ ; NAmE /saɪt/ - a place where something important or interesting happened

see место vs. site vs. place vs. room vs. space vs. spot

to swarm if people swarm somewhere, they go there as a large, uncontrolled crowd

BrE /swɔːm/ ; NAmE /swɔːrm/ swarm (of something)

1. a large group of insects, especially bees, moving together in the same direction

a swarm of bees/locusts/flies

Gnats came in swarms to torment them.

2. a large group of people, especially when they are all moving quickly in the same direction

synonym horde

off the beaten track - a place that is off the beaten track is not well known and is far away from the places that people usually visit

beaten BrE /ˈbiːtn/ ; NAmE /ˈbiːtn/

track BrE /træk/ ; NAmE /træk/

off the beaten track (US also off the beaten path)

1. in a ​place where few ​people go, ​far from any ​main ​roads and ​towns, in or into unfamiliar territory

The ​farmhouse we ​stayed in was ​completely off the beaten ​track.

Sufficiently off the beaten track and quite a pleasant place, I'm told, as these places go. Forbes, Bryan THE ENDLESS GAME

He'll have made sure that their hideout is well off the beaten track. MacNeill, Alastair CODE BREAKER

2. out of the ordinary; unusual

What do they think of you being so far off the beaten track ? Sara MacDonald SEA MUSIC (2003)

Her tastes in reading tend to be off the beaten track.

junta noun BrE /ˈdʒʌntə/ ; NAmE /ˈhʊntə/ - a military government that has taken power by force

The civilian junta appointed a prime minister.

tentative adjective BrE /ˈtentətɪv/ ; NAmE /ˈtentətɪv/

1. (of an arrangement, agreement, etc.) not definite or certain because you may want to change it later

1) предварительный, предполагаемый; умозрительный, не вполне определённый

We made a tentative arrangement to meet on Friday.

tentative conclusions

2. not behaving or done with confidence

2) неуверенный, осторожный

synonym hesitant

a tentative greeting

Her English is correct but tentative.

I'm taking the first tentative steps towards fitness.

to neglect - to fail to look after someone or something properly

neglect verb BrE /nɪˈɡlekt/ ; NAmE /nɪˈɡlekt/

1. neglect somebody/something to fail to take care of somebody/something

She denies neglecting her baby.

The buildings had been neglected for years.

Don’t neglect your health.

2. neglect something to not give enough attention to something

Dance has been neglected by television.

She has neglected her studies.

3. neglect to do something (formal) to fail or forget to do something that you ought to do

synonym omit

You neglected to mention the name of your previous employer.

see also negligence

1. сущ.

1) а) пренебрежение, игнорирование б) небрежность 2) заброшенность, запущенность

2. гл.

1) а) пренебрегать (чем-л.); не заботиться (о чём-л.) б) игнорировать, не обращать внимания (на кого-л. / что-л.)

2) упускать, не делать (чего-л.) нужного; не выполнять своего долга

3) забрасывать, запускать

Cash-driven economy - in a cash economy all (or most) payments are made in cash - not by cheque, giro or plastic

cash noun BrE /kæʃ/ ; NAmE /kæʃ/, driven past participle driven BrE /ˈdrɪvn/ ; NAmE /ˈdrɪvn/, economy noun BrE /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ ; NAmE /ɪˈkɑːnəmi/


cheque noun(British English) (US English check) BrE /tʃek/ ; NAmE /tʃek/

plastic noun BrE /ˈplæstɪk/ ; NAmE /ˈplæstɪk/

giro noun BrE /ˈdʒaɪrəʊ/ ; NAmE /ˈdʒaɪroʊ/ (pl. giros)(British English)

1. [uncountable] (finance) a system in which money can be moved from one bank or post office account to another by a central computer

to pay by giro

a giro credit/payment/transfer

2. (also giro cheque) [countable] a cheque that the government pays through the giro system to people who are unemployed or sick, or who have a very small income

It is easy for families to run out of money before the weekly giro arrives.

A giro (/ˈdʒaɪəroʊ/, /ˈdʒɪroʊ/, /ˈʒɪroʊ/, /ˈdʒɪəroʊ/, or /ˈʒɪəroʊ/), or giro transfer, is a payment transfer from one bank account to another bank account and instigated by the payer, not the payee. Giros are primarily a European phenomenon; although electronic payment systems such as the Automated Clearing House exist in the United States and Canada, it is not possible to perform third party transfers with them.

In the United Kingdom and in other countries the term giro may refer to a specific system once operated by the post office. In the UK, the giro service was originally known as National Giro. In due course "giro" was adopted by the public and the press as a shorthand term for the girocheque, which was a cheque and not a credit transfer.

The use of both cheques and paper giros is now in decline in many countries in favour of electronic payments, which are thought to be faster, cheaper and safer due to the reduced risk of fraud.


1. фин. передаточная надпись на обороте векселя, чека или другой ценной бумаги, удостоверяющая переход прав по такому документу к другому лицу; индоссамент

2. фин. письменное указание (жироприказ) банку о перечислении какой-либо денежной суммы денег со счёта клиента на счёт другого лица

3. фин. расчётная операция погашения взаимной задолженности клиентов кредитного учреждения, имеющих в нём текущие счета; вид безналичных расчётов. В XVI столетии возникла особая банковская операция, называемая жиро (от итал. giro — круг, оборот): если два лица, из которых одно должно было заплатить другому, имели вклады в одном и том же банке, то вместо передачи наличных денег банк списывал по приказу владельца денег (жироприказу) требуемую сумму со счёта одного и приписывал её к счёту другого. К XVI в. появились банки, специализирующиеся на операциях жиро. Такие банки получили название «жиробанки» (переводные банки). А. С. Пасынков, «Феномен ростовщичества», 2006 г.


(англ. girocheque) - чек, содержащий приказ чекодателя банку о перечислении с его жиросчета на счет чекодержателя определенной суммы денег. Ж. используются только для безналичных расчетов в пределах одного банка, где имеются жиросчета получателя и плательщика по чеку. Ж. не может передаваться по передаточной надписи.

to riddle - to make a lot of small holes in something

BrE /ˈrɪdl/ ; NAmE /ˈrɪdl/

1. [usually passive] riddle somebody/something (with something) to make a lot of holes in somebody/something

The car was riddled with bullets.

a bullet-riddled car

be riddled with something - to be full of something, especially something bad or unpleasant

His body was riddled with cancer.

Her typing was slow and riddled with mistakes.

The woods are riddled with rabbit holes.

heritage - the traditional beliefs, values, customs etc of a family, country, or society; наследство; наследие

BrE /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ ; NAmE /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ [usually singular]

the history, traditions and qualities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered an important part of its character

Spain’s rich cultural heritage

The building is part of our national heritage.

to preserve - to save something or someone from being harmed or destroyed

preserve verb BrE /prɪˈzɜːv/ ; NAmE /prɪˈzɜːrv/

see keep vs. save vs. preserve vs. (со)хранить


1 [countable] especially British English the border of a country

2 the frontier

an area where people have never lived before, that not much is known about, especially in the western US before the 20th century:

3 the limits of what is known about something

frontier noun BrE /ˈfrʌntɪə(r)/ ; NAmE /frʌnˈtɪr/

1. [countable] a line that separates two countries, etc.; the land near this line

frontier (between A and B) the frontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes

frontier (with something) a customs post on the frontier with Italy

a frontier town/zone/post

2. the frontier [singular] the edge of land where people live and have built towns, beyond which the country is wild and unknown, especially in the western US in the 19th century

a remote frontier settlement

3. [countable, usually plural] frontier (of something) the limit of something, especially the limit of what is known about a particular subject or activity

to push back the frontiers of science (= to increase knowledge of science)

to roll back the frontiers of government (= to limit the powers of the government)

see border vs. boundary vs. frontier vs. граница/предел


hermit noun BrE /ˈhɜːmɪt/ ; NAmE /ˈhɜːrmɪt/

a person who, usually for religious reasons, lives a very simple life alone and does not meet or talk to other people

hermitage noun BrE /ˈhɜːmɪtɪdʒ/ ; NAmE /ˈhɜːrmɪtɪdʒ/

a place where a hermit lives or lived; хижина отшельника; уединённое жилище

strand noun BrE /strænd/ ; NAmE /strænd/

1. a single thin piece of thread, wire, hair, etc.

a strand of wool

a few strands of dark hair

a loose strand of hair

She wore a single strand of pearls around her neck.

He brushed a strand of hair from my face.

She pushed a stray strand of hair out of her eyes.

She tucked a strand of long dark hair behind her ear.

She wove the four coloured strands together into a ribbon.

He pulled at a loose strand of wool in his sweater.

Thin strands of copper wire can be bent easily.

2. one of the different parts of an idea, a plan, a story, etc.

We heard every strand of political opinion.

The author draws the different strands of the plot together in the final chapter.

There are three main strands to the policy.

There are various strands in feminist thinking.

3. (literary or Irish English) the land along the edge of the sea or ocean, or of a lake or river

brutal adjective BrE /ˈbruːtl/ ; NAmE /ˈbruːtl/

1. violent and cruel

a brutal attack/murder/rape/killing

a brutal and repressive regime

2. direct and clear about something unpleasant; not thinking of people’s feelings

With brutal honesty she told him she did not love him.

albeit conjunction BrE /ˌɔːlˈbiːɪt/ ; NAmE /ˌɔːlˈbiːɪt/ (formal) = although

сокр. от "all though it be (that)" хотя (и)

He finally agreed, albeit reluctantly, to help us.

Comprehension Check

1. How old is the Shwedagon Pagoda? What does it enshrine?

2. Where is it located?

3. Why are there still not so many tourists?

4. What factors helped to start developing travelling industry here?

5. How many visitors come every day to Myanmar to see this pagoda?

6. What famous politician visited Myanmar?

7. How many visitors visited the country last year?

8. How do the tourists comment on the changing situation in Myanmar?

9. Who is Myanmar’s main competitor?

10. What difficulties do they have to overcome to be able to compete with Thailand?

11. What is the positive point about so many years of no external influence?