True Story 9. Hawaiian Vacation.

Дата публикации: Jan 30, 2015 11:18:4 AM

Choose one idiom that best describes the idea of the story.

make a name for oneself (завоевать доброе имя)

Retell the story using as many of the idioms as possible.

Thank you for nothing! (И на том спасибо!)

a heart of gold (золотое сердце)

tit for tat (зуб за зуб)

a gallery play (игра на публику)

the game is worth the candle (игра стоит свеч)

gold mine (золотое дно)

Retell the story using the words below.

Find the odd-man-out: to pass away

not to charge smb. for smth.

to come to rescue (of)

to compensate smb. for a loss [for a damage]

to become popular with

mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

the story appeared in the newspapers

safe and sound

to steal (stole-stolen)

to enjoy oneself

to drown

cardiopulmonary resuscitation [ˈkɑːdiəʊ ˈpʌlmənəri rɪˌsʌsɪˈteɪʃn]

to perform (give) CPR

to get upset


Квентин Гуинн отдыхал на Гавайях.

Однажды он стоял на высоком берегу, когда заметил тонущего мальчика.

Сбросив рюкзак и туфли, Квентин бросился в воду и вытащил пострадавшего на берег.

Увидев, что мальчик не дышит, Квентин принялся делать ему искуственное дыхание и делал до тех пор, пока это ни возымело успех.

Врач скорой помощи, прибывший на место проишествия, обследовал пострадавшего и сообщил, что тот вне опасности.

Квентин наконец смог вернуться к своим брошенным вещам и обнаружил, что рюкзака нет.

Он надел свои туфли и с грустью подумал, что отпуск его окончен, потому что в рюкзаке были банковские карточки, фотокамера, паспорт и другие важные вещи.

О Квентине написали в местной газете.

В статье было сказано не только о мужестве Квентина при спасении утопающего, но и об утерянных вещах.

Квентин был приятно удивлен, когда хозяин гостиницы предложил ему продолжать жить в отеле бесплатно.

В кафе Квентина тоже кормили бесплатно, а люди, узнающие его на улице, давали ему немного деньг, так что он смог купить вполне приличную фотокамеру.

Квентин еще неделю наслаждался отдыхом не Гавайях, несмотря на досадную потерю всех своих денег и документов.


Квентин Гуинн отдыхал на Гавайях.

Однажды он стоял на высоком берегу, когда заметил тонущего мальчика.

Сбросив рюкзак и туфли, Квентин бросился в воду и вытащил утопающего на берег.

Мальчик не дышал и Квентин начал делать ему искусственное дыхание до тех пор, пока мальчик не пришел в себя.

Врач скорой помощи, прибывший на место происшествия, обследовал пострадавшего и сообщил, что он вне опасности.

Теперь Квентин наконец смог вернуться к своим оставленным вещам и обнаружил, что рюкзак исчез.

Он надел туфли и с грустью подумал, что отпуск похоже окончен, потому что в рюкзаке были банковские карточки, фотокамера, паспорт и другие важные вещи.

Однако о поступке Квентина написали в местной газете.

В статье было сказано не только о мужестве Квентина при спасении утопающего, но и об утерянных вещах.

Квентин был приятно удивлен, когда хозяин гостиницы предложил ему жить в отеле бесплатно.

В кафе Квентина тоже кормили бесплатно, а люди, узнавали его на улице и помогали ему деньгами, на которые он купил фотокамеру.

Квентин еще неделю наслаждался отдыхом на Гавайях, несмотря на потерю всех своих денег и документов.


Quentin Gwynn was on vacation in Hawaii [hə'waɪiː, hɑː'waɪiː].

One day he is standing on a high ground above the sea when he noticed a drowning boy.

Quentin left his backpack and shoes on the shore and threw himself into the water to come to rescue of the boy.

Quentin got managed to grasp the boy under the water and to carry him to the shore.

Then Quentin pulled the boy out of the water and started to give him cardiopulmonary resuscitation as he didn't breathe.

The CPR went well and the boy got breathe and came to his sense.

At last, a paramedic came to the boy, checked his state of health and assured Quentin that the boy was safe and sound now.

Quentin went up to his stuff and found his backpack to be disappeared.

Probably someone stole it while Quentin was trying to save the boy's life.

Quentin's vacation seemed to come to the end as his credit cards, his money, his passport and his camera were in the backpack but he didn't get upset considering the boy's life to be worth it.

However the story appeared in the newspapers.

The article said about how Quentin was bravely doing to save the boy and about Quentin's stolen stuff as well.

Quentin was pleasantly surprised when the landlord offered him to stay in the hotel for free

What's more, when Quentin became popular with the story, people wanted to help him to compensate his loss so they paid for his meal and gave money to him so that he afforded to buy a new camera quite soon.

Thus Quentin enjoyed the continuation of his vacation during the next week, in spite of the loss of all his money and his documents. .

Quentin Gwynn was on vacation in Hawaii.

One day he is standing on a high ground above the sea when he noticed a drowning boy.

Quentin left his backpack and shoes on the shore and threw himself into the water to come to rescue of the boy.

Quentin got managed to grasp the boy under the water and to carry him to the shore.

Then Quentin pulled the boy out of the water and started to give him cardiopulmonary resuscitation as he didn't breathe.

The CPR went well and the boy got breathe and came to his sense.

At last, a paramedic came to the boy, checked his state of health and assured Quentin that the boy was safe and sound now.

Quentin went up to his stuff and found his backpack to be disappeared.

Probably someone stole it while Quentin was trying to save the boy's life.

Quentin's vacation seemed to come to the end as his credit cards, his money, his passport and his camera were in the backpack but he didn't get upset considering the boy's life to be worth it.

However the story appeared in the newspapers.

The article said about how Quentin was bravely doing to save the boy and about Quentin's stolen stuff as well.

Quentin was pleasantly surprised when the landlord offered him to stay in the hotel for free

What's more, when Quentin became popular with the story, people wanted to help him to compensate his loss so they paid for his meal and gave money to him so that he afforded to buy a new camera quite soon.

Thus Quentin enjoyed the continuation of his vacation during the next week, in spite of the loss of all his money and his documents.


Quentin Gwynn was on vacation in Hawaii [hə'waɪiː, hɑː'waɪiː].

One day he was standing on a high shore above the sea when he noticed a drowning boy.

Quentin left his backpack and shoes on the shore and threw himself into the water to come to rescue the boy.

Quentin got managed to grasp the boy under the water and dragged him to the shore.

Then Quentin pulled the boy out of the water and, as the child wasn't breathing, started to give him cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The CPR went well and the boy started breathing and recovered consciousness.

At last, the paramedics arrived, checked the boy and said to Quentin that the boy was safe and sound now.

Quentin went up to his things and found out that had gone.

Probably someone had stolen them while Quentin was trying to save the boy's life.

Quentin's vacation seemed to come to the end as his credit cards, money, passport and camera were in the backpack but he didn't get upset considering the boy's life to be worth it.

However the story appeared in the newspapers.

The article said how brave Quentin was to save the boy and about Quentin's stolen things.

Quentin was pleasantly surprised when the landlord offered him to stay in the hotel for free.

What's more, when Quentin became popular, people wanted to help him to compensate his loss so they paid for his meal and gave money to him so that he could afford to buy a new camera quite soon.

Thus Quentin enjoyed the next week's vacation, in spite of the loss of all his money and his documents.

Quentin Gwynn was on vacation in Hawaii [hə'waɪiː, hɑː'waɪiː].

One day he was standing on a high shore above the sea when he noticed a drowning boy.

Quentin left his backpack and shoes on the shore and threw himself into the water to come to rescue the boy.

Quentin got managed to grasp the boy under the water and dragged him to the shore.

Then Quentin pulled the boy out of the water and, as the child wasn't breathing, started to give him cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The CPR went well and the boy started breathing and recovered consciousness.

At last, the paramedics arrived, checked the boy and said to Quentin that the boy was safe and sound now.

Quentin went up to his things and found out that had gone.

Probably someone had stolen them while Quentin was trying to save the boy's life.

Quentin's vacation seemed to come to the end as his credit cards, money, passport and camera were in the backpack but he didn't get upset considering the boy's life to be worth it.

However the story appeared in the newspapers.

The article said how brave Quentin was to save the boy and about Quentin's stolen things.

Quentin was pleasantly surprised when the landlord offered him to stay in the hotel for free.

What's more, when Quentin became popular, people wanted to help him to compensate his loss so they paid for his meal and gave money to him so that he could afford to buy a new camera quite soon.

Thus Quentin enjoyed the next week's vacation, in spite of the loss of all his money and his documents.


1. Why do you think Quentin helped the drowning boy?

I think that he did this because he was a mature strong man who was able to swim and was crazy enough to jump into deep water and to try to save the boy.

From a common point of view, Quentin is certainly a hero.

However if we take into consideration his instinctive motivation, the story wouldn't be a heroic one.

I believe that Quentin got to affect and couldn't think clearly when he saw the drowning boy.

It was so because Quentin's mind was affected by the peer pressure which is always affects everybody near a falling man, for example.

In Quentin's case, it was a drowning one which was much serious.

In such a situation, Quentin couldn't care about his own life and he threw himself to the deep blue sea.

I believe that he did feel a great fear of death but it appeared after he saved the boy.

It was Quentin's fear of death who made him so indifferent about his stuff and his vacation because everything is nothing in comparison with being safe and sound.


I think that he did this because he was a mature strong man who was able to swim and was crazy enough to jump into deep water and to try to save the boy.

From a general perspective, Quentin is certainly a hero.

However if we take into consideration his instinctive motivation, the story wouldn't be a heroic one.

I believe that Quentin got affected and couldn't think clearly when he saw the drowning boy.

It was so because Quentin's mind was affected by the peer pressure which is always affects everybody near a falling man, for example.

In Quentin's case, it was a drowning person which was much serious.

In such a situation, Quentin couldn't care about his own life and he threw himself into the water.

I believe that he did feel a great fear of death but it appeared after he already saved the boy.

It was Quentin's fear of death who made him so indifferent about his things and his vacation because everything is nothing in comparison with being safe and sound.

2. Do you think cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is difficult to give?

The CPR is an emergency procedure performed to restore the blood circulation and breathing of a person in cardiac arrest.

The procedure includes the chest compression and the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

As the person in cardiac arrest, the rescuer must do fast, accurately and firmly because the time to save the life is very short.

I think it's difficult to give CPR because it's hard to take responsibility for someone's life in such a situation.

A few people can manage with pressing to a person's chest with the right force to make the heart to contract but not to break a rib at the same time.

Even fewer people can manage with mount-to-mount procedure to an unknown person.

In most cases, the fear of injuring the person gets the better of trying to save someone's life unless if the rescuer is a pro.


Do you think cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is difficult to perform?

The CPR is an emergency procedure performed to restore the blood circulation and breathing of a person in cardiac arrest.

The procedure includes the chest compression and the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

As the person in cardiac arrest, the rescuer must do fast, accurately and firmly because the time to save the life is very short.

I think it's difficult to give CPR because it's hard to take responsibility for someone's life in such a situation.

A few people can manage with pressing to a person's chest with the proper force to make the heart to contract but not to break a rib at the same time.

Even fewer people can manage with mount-to-mount procedure to an unknown person.

In most cases, the fear of injuring the person gets the better of trying to save someone's life unless if the rescuer is a pro.

3. Why do you think people were so kind to Quentin?

I think that they were kind because they wanted to thank him for his actions and took part in the rescuing in such a way.

From the instinctive point of view, they were under the influence of the peer pressure because it was them who were being next to a falling person.


I think that they were kind because they wanted to thank him for his actions and took part in the rescuing in such a way.

From the instinctive perspective, they were under the influence of the peer pressure because it was them who were being next to a falling person.

4. Who do you think informed the newspapers about Quentin's good action?

Probably the paramedics informed the newspaper, or the boy himself did this as he was safe and sound.

As the story took place in an island where every incident can draw public attention, the details of the story could be investigated by a local journalist.


Either the paramedics informed the newspapers, or the boy.

As the story took place on an island where every incident can draw public attention, the details of the story could interest a local journalist.


QUENTIN Gwynn is in Hawaii with friends. He is on vacation, and he is having a wonderful time. One afternoon Quentin is standing on a high rock. He is looking at the ocean. He sees a boy in the water below. The boy is in trouble. He is far from the beach, and he can't swim. Quentin takes off his backpack and his shoes. Then he jumps into the water, swims to the boy, and pulls him to the beach.

The boy isn't breathing. Quentin gives him cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and the boy begins to breathe again. Later, an ambulance comes. Paramedics check the boy. "He is fine," the paramedics tell Quentin. "You saved his life."

Quentin walks back to the high rock. His shoes are there, but his backpack is gone. Quentin's credit cards, his camera, and his money were in the backpack. "Well," Quentin thinks, "this is the end of my vacation."

Quentin's story is in the newspaper. People read about Quentin and the boy. They also read about Quentin's backpack.

A hotel owner tells Quentin, "Your room here is free." Restaurant owners tell Quentin, "Your meals here are free." A lot of people give Quentin money. "Here's money for a new camera," the people say. "Buy some other things, too. Have fun in Hawaii."

So it is not the end of Quentin's vacation. He stays in Hawaii an extra week. He has a wonderful time.