GIR. U1. Live with Lightning

Дата публикации: Mar 23, 2016 5:42:8 PM

From "Live with Lightning" by Mitchell Wilson


1. see Wish + Object Clause (Speech patterns)

2. see Certain, probable or possible (Modal verbs p.6)

3. Used to

I used to laugh all the time.

Used to expresses recurrent actions or typical states in the past; it implies contrast between the present and the past - what was typical of the past is no longer true at present.

This kind of house used to cost £ 4,000. Такой дом когда-то стоил 4 000 фунтов.

He used to come here every other day. Он, бывало, приходил сюда через день.

Note: Would do can also denote recurrent actions in the past but its use is stylistically restricted.

see 'used to' vs. 'to be used to' vs. 'to get used to'

4. Now (that)

Now that I'm safe, it's almost as though nothing had happened.

The conjunction now that (also without that) means as, considering that, in view of the fact that... The Russian equivalents are теперь, когда..., раз... .

Now (that) you are well again, you may return to your studies. Раз вы здоровы, вы можете приступить опять к занятиям.

5. Fox rose to shake hands.

to shake vt

a) cause to move from side to side, up and down, etc - трясти to shake a rug - трясти, вытряхивать ковер

to shake smb by the shoulder - трясти кого-л. за плечо

to shake one's head (at) - качать головой (в знак несогласия, сомнения, укоризны, неодобрения и т. п.)

to shake one's finger (fist) at smb - грозить кому-л. пальцем, кулаком

to shake hands (with smb), to shake smb's hand - пожать кому-л. руку, обменяться рукопожатием

Не shook hands with me and thanked me heartily. Он пожал мне руку и сердечно поблагодарил меня.

We shook hands and I left. Мы обменялись рукопожатием, и я ушел.

b) shock, trouble - потрясать, волновать

They were badly shaken by the news. Они были потрясены этим известием.

6. see surprise vs. astonish vs. amaze

7. ... you couldn't help but tell him everything

// can't help but do - не может не сделать (chiefly AE,*colloq). You might expect to hear it in the casual conversation of educated persons. //

Can't help doing is very common in BE, cannot but do is more formal.

I couldn't help laughing. Я не могла не рассмеяться (невольно рассмеялась).

He could not but agree to the plan. Он не мог не согласиться с этим планом.

see can't help + Gerund/(but) Infinitive (Speech patterns)

8. ... the whole Hallingworth family came down to the station to see me off.

to see smb off (at the station, at the airport) - посадить, проводить (на поезд, на самолет)

My friends saw me off at the station. Друзья проводили меня на поезд.

The Russian verb провожать has several other equivalents in English:

to see smb to (a place) - провожать, сопровождать кого-л. куда-л.

Не saw me to the gate. Он проводил меня до ворот.

He saw me home. Он проводил меня домой.

to show smb to, into, in, out - go with a person, show him the way to, into, out of a place - проводить до места, провести внутрь, вводить в помещение, выводить наружу

Не showed me into a small room with a desk in it. Он провел меня в маленькую комнату, в которой стоял письменный стол.

Show her in. Проведите ее сюда.

see IS. The Great Railway Bazaar

9. to drive

The Russian phrase ехать (куда-л.) на чем-л. (на машине, на автобусе, на поезде и т. п.) can be rendered in English by the combination to go (somewhere) by car, by bus, by train, etc.

We went there by bus, but Mother and Father took a taxi. Мы поехали туда на автобусе, а мама и папа на такси.

// Note: The combination to ride in (a bus, train, etc - i. e. nouns denoting public vehicles) means to be in; to sit in and be carried by.

While riding in a bus the other day, I met an old acquaintance of mine. На днях (когда я ехала) в автобусе я встретила свою старую приятельницу. //

10. ... he had saved so long to buy it.

to save vt & i

a) keep for future use, put aside (money) - приберегать, оставлять, копить (деньги)

David saved enough money to buy a car. Давид скопил достаточно денег, чтобы купить машину.

b) avoid loss of time, money, etc - сберегать, экономить

It'll save you a lot of time if you go there by car. Вы сэкономите много времени, если поедете туда на машине.

to save smb (a lot) of trouble - избавлять от хлопот, неприятностей

It'll save him a lot of trouble if he speaks to her at once. Это избавит его от (он избежит) многих неприятностей, если он поговорит с ней сейчас же.

This saved us a lot of trouble. Это избавило нас от многих хлопот.

11. Erik put out the cigarette.

to put out - cause to stop burning - тушить, гасить

to put out the lights, the candle, the gas, the gas-fire, etc

He put out the candle and fell into a deep sleep. Он погасил свечу и погрузился в глубокий сон.

to go out (of a fire or light) - stop burning - гаснуть

The fire had gone out and the room felt cold. Огонь в камине погас, и в комнате было холодно.

The lights in the house must have gone out. (IS. Must vs. can/may/might. (Modal verbs p.5), Hill 5. Joe. Must/have got to/have to/need to/be to (Modal verbs p.3))

see out

to turn out (off), on the light, radio, gas; water, etc - выключать, включать свет и т. п.; закрывать, открывать воду, кран

Turn off the hot water (tap). Закрой кран с горячей водой.

to switch off, on the light, radio, TV set, etc (used when speaking of an electric circuit) - выключать, включать

Switch on the light, please. Включи свет, пожалуйста.

see on vs. off

12. ... listening to me go on like an idiot...

like smb, smth - in the same or a similar way as, in the manner of - как, подобным образом

If everyone worked like him, we could finish in a week. Если бы все работали, как он, мы бы смогли кончить через неделю.

They are behaving like children. She refused to be treated like an invalid. Они ведут себя, как дети. Она возражала против того, чтобы с ней обращались как с больной.

as smb, smth - in the capacity or character of - как, в качестве

He introduced her as his sister. Он представил ее как свою сестру.

As is generally used after the verbs to regard, to view, to represent, to treat (считать, рассматривать) and other verbs similar in meaning.

Most people regarded him as a clever man. Многие считали его умным.

All my life you've treated me as a child (as a stranger, etc). You can't treat that as a joke. Всю мою жизнь вы относились ко мне, как к ребенку. Это нельзя считать шуткой.

Note: The verb to consider is not used with as.

Most people considered him a brilliant physicist. Многие считали его гениальным физиком.

Thus, the essential difference between like and as (in the meaning of как) is that like implies the manner or way of acting (behaving) in a particular case, whereas as stresses the general attitude of a person to something or someone.

like (как)

the manner or way of acting (behaving) in a particular case

as (как)

stresses the general attitude of a person to something or someone

see like vs. as

13. He checked himself

to check oneself - stop oneself from saying or doing anything when one is just going to do it - сдержаться; остановиться (и не сказать или не сделать что-л.)

I was about to tell the young man what I thought - of him, but checked myself in time. Я хотел было сказать молодому человеку, что я думал о нем, но вовремя остановился.

to control oneself - not let oneself get angry or cry or show one's emotions - сдерживаться; сохранять самообладание

She controlled herself and said in. a steady voice, "We are no friends any longer." Она сдержалась и сказала твердым голосом: "Мы больше не друзья".

to pull oneself together - get control of oneself (used when a person is in a state of agitation, rage, despair, etc) - сдерживаться, взять себя в руки

You'd better pull yourself together, you can't do anything in such a state. Возьмите себя в руки. Вы ничего не можете делать в таком состоянии.


Revision U1



By H. Wolfe (1885-1940)

Listen! The wind is rising

and the air is wild with leaves;

we ha've had our summer evenings;

now for October eves!

The great beach trees lean forward,

and strip like a diver. We

had better turn to the fire

and shut our minds to the sea,

Where the ships of youth are running

close-hauled on the edge of the wind,

with all adventure before them,

and only the old behind.

wind noun \ˈwind, archaic or poetic ˈwīnd\