IS. Passive voice. P3.

Дата публикации: Feb 14, 2016 3:18:17 PM

Exercise 4. Translate into English, using the Passive Voice where possible.


1. Его нигде не видели в течение всей недели. Он болен?

He hasn't been seen anywhere for a week. Is he ill?

2. Пожар начался ночью, и пламя было видно издалека.

The fire started at night, and the flame was seen from far away.

3. Когда я приехала в Ленинград, этот дом еще строился.

When I came to Leningrad that house was still being built.

4. Этот дом был построен до того, как началась война.

This house had been built before the war started.

5. Я уверена, что вам помогут в вашей работе.

I'm sure you will be supported for your work.

6. Город, в котором родился Низами, был основан в IX веке.

Nizami was born in the city that had been founded in the ninth century.

7. Московский университет назван именем Ломоносова.

The Moscow University was named after Lomonosov.

8. Павлову была присвоена почетная степень доктора Кембриджского университета

Pavlov was given an honorary degree of a Cambridge University doctor.

9. Зоя Космодемьянская была схвачена в тот момент, когда она пыталась поджечь конюшни.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was caught when she was trying to fire the stables

10. Сеть ясель в Советском Союзе значительно расширилась за последние годы.

Soviet Union kindergarden network was broadened dramatically in recent years.

11. Телеграмму послали поздно вечером, так что она будет получена только утром.

The telegram was sent in the late evening so it would be received only in the morning.

12. Эта книга уже распродана.

This book was sold out.

This book has been sold out.

13. Когда Ленни вернулся, дома никого не было. Миссис Шварц попросили прийти постирать белье.

When Lenny came back home, nobody was there. Mrs Shwarz had been asked to come and do the laundry

14. Произведения Пушкина переведены на 76 языков народов Советского Союза.

Pushkin's works were translated to seventy-six languages of the Soviet Union nationalities.

Pushkin's works have been translated to seventy-six languages of the Soviet Union nationalities.

15. В этот момент обсуждался очень важный вопрос и все внимательно слушали. Он обсуждался уже более двух часов.

At that moment a very important subject was being discussed and everybody was listening carefully. It had been discussed for more than two hours.

At that moment a very important subject was being discussed and everybody was listening carefully. It was being discussed for more than two hours.

Она ждала автобус более двух часов.

She had/s been waiting for a bus for two hours

16. Миссис Лекки стояла в прихожей, держа в руках открытку, которую только что принесли.

Mrs Lekky stood in the hall holding the card that was just delivered/brought.

Mrs Lekky stood in the hall holding the card that had just been delivered/brought.

17. Она знала, что сестра вернется домой поздно. Ее пригласили в театр.

She knew that her sister would come home late in the evening as she had been invited to a theatre.

18. Домой они пришли очень поздно, все двери были уже закрыты. (Чаковский)

They came home very late so all of the doors had already been closed

19....когда я появился здесь, уже все было утверждено, подписано. (Тендряков)

... when I appeared here, all had already been approved and signed

... when I appeared here, everything had already been approved and signed

20....в кабинете давно не открывали окна... Воздух был тяжел... (Рыбаков)

... the windows of the office weren't being openned for a long time ... the air was stuffy/thick

... the windows of the office hadn't been openned for a long time ... the air was stuffy/thick

21. Почему такая работа не напечатана? (Тендряков)

Why hasn't such a piece of work been printed?

22. После того как письмо Петру было написано, он повеселел... (Тендряков)

After the letter to Peter had been written, he got merry.

23. Как мало еще сделано, а уже свистит свисток на обед. (Пермяк)

Hardly had a few things been finished than a whistle was given to have lunch

24. Ребята появились у ворот своей школы. Ворота еще не открывались... (Пермяк)

Guys appeared near the gate of their school. The gate(s) hadn't been openned yet.

Guys appeared near the gate of their school. The gate(s) hadn't openned yet. <---- intransitive verb


1. Наконец, ровно через три недели, из города привезли пианино. (Короленко)

At last, exactly three weeks later, the piano has been brought from the town.

At last, exactly three weeks later, the piano was brought from the town.

2. Когда Володю привезли в Сосновку, ему было семь лет. (Рыбаков)

When Volodya was brought to Sosnovka, he was seven years old.

3. В тот же день послано было письмо в город. (Короленко)

A letter was sent to the town on that (very) same day.

4. Его [Паклина] повели вниз. (Тургенев)

He was being taken downwards

He was being taken downstairs.

He has been taken to the downstairs/basement

5. Послышался топот копыт. (Тургенев)

A sound of hooves was heard.

A sound of hooves has been heard (since ... or for ... hours). <---Cont. meaning

A sound of hooves was getting heard.

6. В кухне... заметны были некоторые приготовления: все было вытерто и вычищено. Видно было, что нас ждали. (Достоевский)

There seemed to be some preparations as everything had been wiped and cleaned.

It was evident that we had been waited for.

It was evident we were being waited for. <----последовательность действий, сначала убрали, потом ждали

7. Не прошло трех минут, как преступник был связан. (Лермонтов)

Scarcely had three minutes passed when the criminal was tied up.

criminal noun BrE /ˈkrɪmɪnl/ ; NAmE /ˈkrɪmɪnl/

scarcely adverb BrE /ˈskeəsli/ ; NAmE /ˈskersli/

8. Его везде охотно принимали. (Тургенев.)

He was received everywhere with pleasure.

He was being received everywhere with pleasure.

9. Каждый день в комнату вносили бич, обручи. (Чехов)

Everyday a whip and hoops were brought into the room

10. Паклин уже взялся за шапку, как вдруг... в передней раздался удивительно приятный.. - баритон. (Тургенев)

Paklin had already taken his hat when a marvellously pleasant voice was heard from the hall suddenly.

Hardly had Paklin taken up his hat when a marvellously pleasant voice was heard from the hall suddenly.

11. «Басанова арестовали», — прибавил он. (Тургенев)

'Basanov has been arrested.' he added.


1. Мне только что предложили интересную работу.

I have just been offered an interesting job.

2. Больному запретили курить.

The patient wasn't allowed to smoke.

The patient hast been forbidden to smoke.

3. Детям велели идти спать.

The children were told to go to bed.

4. Сусанину приказали показать дорогу на Москву.

Susanin was ordered to show a way to Moscow.

5. Меня попросили прийти через несколько дней.

I was asked to come in a few days

6. Мне задали несколько вопросов, на которые я не сразу мог ответить.

I was asked some questions that I couldn't answer at once.

7. Бекки Шарп предложили должность гувернантки.

Becky Sharp was offered the position of a governess

8. Больному посоветовали ехать на юг

The patient was recommended to go to the South.

9. Мне вчера сказали, что вы были больны.

I was told yesterday that you had been ill.

10. Нам вчера дали несколько новых журналов и книг.

We were given some new magazines and books yesterday.

11. Ему посоветовали остаться дома.

He was advised to stay home.

12. Мне показали проект нового театра.

A new theatre project was shown to me.

I was shown a new theatre project to.

13. Его спросили, кто живет в этом доме.

He was asked who was living in that house.

He was asked who lived in that house.

14. Это как раз та статья, которую нам посоветовали прочесть.

This is the article that we were recommended to read.

15. Меня прислали помочь вам.

I was sent to help you.

16. Меня просили рассказать вам, что случилось.

I was asked to tell you what had happened.

17. Мне велели прийти ровно в пять часов.

I was asked to come at 5 o'clock sharp.

18. Ей посоветовали заниматься музыкой

She was recommended to practice music.

19. Ему посоветовали обратиться к хорошему врачу.

He was advised to go to an experienced/qualified physician/doctor.

20. В то время, когда мне предложили ехать в деревню, я вовсе не думал так нестерпимо скучать. (Куприн)

When I was offered to go to the country, I wasn't being so terribly bored.

When I was offered to go to the country, I didn't think to be bored so terribly.