U5. Q-ns

Дата публикации: Aug 01, 2021 11:43:31 AM

Is sport generally popular in your country? Why/why not?

How do you feel about sport?

  • I like watching sport

  • I like watching and playing sport

  • I hate sport because

How do you think the world of sport has changed since your parents were young?

Which, if any, of these sports (Parakite, F4 catamaran speedboat, Motorbike, F1 racing) would you try? Why/why not?

Why are people attracted to activities like these?

Are there any disadvantages to people doing sports like these? For participants? For other?

Should these sports be allowed?

Do you believe that people really think in the way of counterfactual thinking? Why/why not?

Are you positive thinker or a counterfactual thinker? What about people you know

Why do you think people enjoy taking part in competitive sports?

Do you think that it is a good idea for people to support a particular team? Why/why not?

What is the difference between watching sport on TV and watching it live in a stadium?

Do you think that major international sporting events have a real value?

Do you agree that business is too involved in sport?

Should children be encouraged to take part in competitive sport? Why/why not?

Why do you think some sportspeople are so driven to win?

How you spend your free time

  • Two places you have visited on holiday

  • Two films you have seen recently

  • The music you listen to

What do you know about the sport of gliding? Who does it? How much does it cost? What do you think it feels like? Why do you think people do it? Do you think it is a competitive sport? Why/why not?

Would you like to go gliding? Why/why not?

Would you want to join a competition like OLC?

Do you think people’s enjoyment of gliding could be enhanced or reduced by the competition?

What other sports do you think could be organized in a similar way to OLC?

What do you know about the sport of indoor or wall climbing?

Why do you think it has become increasingly popular in recent years?

How do you think it is different to outdoor rock climbing?

Which do you think would be more enjoyable – indoor or outdoor climbing? Which do you think will become more popular in the future? Why?