sore vs. soar vs. sour (homonyms)

Дата публикации: Oct 25, 2015 9:46:23 AM

soar verb BrE /sɔː(r)/ ; NAmE /sɔːr/

1. [intransitive] if the value, amount or level of something soars, it rises very quickly

synonym rocket

soaring costs/prices/temperatures

Air pollution will soon soar above safety levels.

Unemployment has soared to 18%.

2. [intransitive] soar (up) (into something) to rise quickly and smoothly up into the air

The rocket soared (up) into the air.

(figurative) Her spirits soared (= she became very happy and excited).

3. [intransitive] to fly very high in the air or remain high in the air

an eagle soaring high above the cliffs

4. [intransitive] to be very high or tall

soaring mountains

The building soared above us.

5. [intransitive] when music soars, it becomes higher or louder

soaring strings

Extra examples

A buzzard soared high overhead.

Borrowing is set to soar to an astonishing £60 billion.

Inflation has soared from 5% to 15%.

Profits have soared dramatically in recent months.

Property stock has soared to new heights.

Retail sales soared by 10% in the twelve months to November.

Rockets soared into the sky.

She stopped suddenly and her bag went soaring through the air.

The ball went soaring past my head.

The cliffs soared upward.

The death toll soared past 100 000.

The fuel shortage sent prices soaring.

This model will soar up the sales charts.

an eagle soaring high above them

Air pollution is set to soar above safety levels.

An eagle was soaring high above the cliffs.

Soaring costs have made progress difficult.

The jets soared above us.

The plane was soon soaring up into the sky.

sore adjective BrE /sɔː(r)/ ; NAmE /sɔːr/

1. if a part of your body is sore, it is painful, and often red, especially because of infection or because a muscle has been used too much

to have a sore throat

His feet were sore after the walk.

My stomach is still sore (= painful) after the operation.

2. [not before noun] sore (at somebody/about something) (informal, especially North American English) upset and angry, especially because you have been treated unfairly

synonym annoyed

sour adjective BrE /ˈsaʊə(r)/ ; NAmE /ˈsaʊər/

1. having a taste like that of a lemon or of fruit that is not ready to eat

sour apples

a sour flavour

opposite sweet

2. (especially of milk) having an unpleasant taste or smell because it is not fresh

to turn/go sour

a sour smell

3. (of people) not cheerful; bad-tempered and unpleasant

a sour and disillusioned woman

a sour face

The meeting ended on a sour note with several people walking out.