border vs. boundary vs. frontier vs. граница/предел

Дата публикации: Nov 22, 2015 9:15:40 AM

1. Oxford Learner's Dictionary Point

Synonyms: border boundary frontier

These are all words for a line that marks the edge of something and separates it from other areas or things.

border the line that separates two countries or areas; the land near this line:

a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania

boundary a line that marks the edges of an area of land and separates it from other areas:

The fence marked the boundary between my property and hers.

frontier (British English) the line that separates two countries or areas; the land near this line:

The river formed the frontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes.

Which word?

The point where you cross from one country to another is usually called the border.

In British English it can also be called the frontier, but this is often in a context of wildness, danger and uncertainty:

The rebels control the frontier and the surrounding area.

The line on a map that shows the border of a country can be called the boundary but ‘boundary’ is not used when you cross from one country to another:

After the war the national boundaries were redrawn.

Thousands of immigrants cross the boundary every day.

Boundary can also be a physical line between two places, for example between property belonging to two different people, marked by a fence or wall:the boundary fence/​wall between the properties


across/​along/​on/​over a/​the border/​boundary/​frontier

at the boundary/​frontier

the border/​boundary/​frontier with a place

the northern/​southern/​eastern/​western border/​boundary/​frontier

a national/​common/​disputed border/​boundary/​frontier
