CAE. Report p.5

Дата публикации: Jan 22, 2017 10:50:13 AM


CAE. Report p.1

CAE. Report p.2

CAE. Report p.3

CAE. Report p.4

You have been helping to run a new music club at your college. Now the college principal wants to get more people involved with the club and attract new members. The club organiser has asked you to write a report for principal outlining what the club currently does, explaining the club's future plans and suggesting ways of getting more people involved with the music club.

Write your report.


Report on the music club's results and plans


The aim of this report is to inform the authorities about the present club's activities, to elaborate its future plans and to propose some recommendations about involving more students in the club's life.

Current activities

As the first assistant, I would like to report that during the first six months we have managed to redecorate the rooms that were granted to us by the principal. Also, we have formed a band from the students which use our base for their rehearsals and participate in every college public events. What is more, the band successfully took part in one of the local music festivals. Not only did they hold their own against the other contestants but also impressed the audience with their charming performance.

Future plans

We are going to spend the next six months on preparing and running a big open-air musical event which assumed to be on the college grounds. We plan to invite musical groups of other colleges and some local bluegrass and country bands. I would like to add that also we are going to organise masterclasses on playing popular musical instruments. Also, I personally have managed to achieve agreements with some musicians playing exotic instruments to give lectures on history of developing musical equipment and to perform in front of the club members.


I would strongly advise increasing subsidisation of the club. This could allow us to invite composers, musicians and other interesting people for performances and presentations. Moreover, we could advertise our events more widely, for instance with commercials on radio. By the way, permitting us to use the college broadcast network will definitely serve the purpose either. I would suggest that sufficient funds are likely to help us to engage more people in the music club next year.




Report on the music club's results and plans


The aim of this report is to inform the authorities about the present club's activities, to elaborate its future plans and to propose some recommendations about involving more students in the club's life.

Current activities

As the first assistant, I would like to report that during the first six months we have managed to redecorate the rooms that were granted to us by the principal. Also, we have formed a band from the students which use our base for their rehearsals and participate in every college public events. What is more, the band successfully took part in one of the local festivals. Not only did they hold their own against the other contestants but also impressed the audience with their charming performance.

Future plans

We are going to spend the next six months on preparing and running a big open-air event which assumed to be on the college grounds. We plan to invite groups from other colleges and some local bluegrass and country bands. I would like to add that also we are going to organise masterclasses on playing popular musical instruments. Also, I personally have managed to achieve agreements with some experts playing exotic instruments to give lectures on history of developing musical equipment and to perform in front of the club members.


I would strongly advise increasing subsidisation of the project. This could allow us to invite composers, musicians and other interesting people for concerts and presentations. Moreover, we could advertise our events more widely, for instance with commercials on radio. By the way, permitting us to use the college broadcast network will definitely serve the purpose either. These measures are likely to help us to engage more people in the music club next year.




1. [intransitive, transitive] to explain or describe something in a more detailed way

elaborate (on/upon something) He said he was resigning but did not elaborate on his reasons.

elaborate something She went on to elaborate her argument.

2. [transitive] elaborate something to develop a plan, an idea, etc. and make it complicated or detailed

In his plays he takes simple traditional tales and elaborates them.


Report on the music club's results and plans


The aim of this report is to inform the authorities about the present club's activities, to elaborate on its future plans and to propose some recommendations about attracting more students to the club.

Current activities

As the first assistant, I would like to report that during the first six months we have managed to redecorate the rooms that were granted to us by the principal. Also, we have formed a band from the students who use our base for their rehearsals and participate in every college public event. What is more, the band successfully took part in one of the local festivals. Not only did they hold their own against the other contestants but also impressed the audience with their charming performance.

Future plans

We are going to spend the next six months on preparing and running a big open-air event which assumed to be on the college grounds. We plan to invite groups from other colleges and some local bluegrass and country bands. I would like to add that also we are going to organise masterclasses on playing popular musical instruments. Also, I personally have managed to achieve agreements with some experts playing exotic instruments to give lectures on the history of developing musical equipment and to perform in front of the club members.


I would strongly advise increasing subsidisation of the project. This could allow us to invite composers, musicians and other fascinating people for concerts and presentations. Moreover, we could advertise our events more widely, for instance with commercials on radio. By the way, permitting us to use the college broadcast network will definitely serve the purpose either. These measures are likely to help us to engage more people in the music club next year.

