True Story 8. The Flying Lesson

Дата публикации: Jan 18, 2015 1:28:0 PM

Choose one idiom that best describes the idea of the story.

baptism of fire (боевое крещение)

Retell the story using as many of the idioms as possible.

a fool's paradise (мир иллюзий)

between the devil and the deep / blue sea (между двух огней)

seeing is believing (лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать)

a false alarm (ложная тревога)

bully for you! (молодец / поздравляю!)

keep smb. on tender-hooks (мучить неизвестностью)

velvet paws hide sharp claws (мягко стелет, да жестко спать)

Retell the story using the words below.

Find the odd-man-out.

air crash

a flight instructor (person) / trainer (plane)

to carry out pilot training

to take a flying training programme

to provide instruction for PPL (Private Pilots Licence)

field of vision

to land the plane safely

to offer (take) a full range of flying training

to undertake training

business and pleasure flights

a private pilot

to hold a Private Pilots Licence

to do one's best to do smth


Барбара всегда мечтала стать пилотом и водить легкомоторный самолет.

Однажды она поделилась своей мечтой с мужем.

Тот стал её отговаривать и утверждать, что это очень опасно, но Барбара обещала, что будет очень осторожна, тогда он согласился.

Барбара приступила к занятиям, и в тот день она училась посадке на аэродром и уже начала снижение.

Земля была очень близко, когда Барбара услышала громкий треск и грохот.

Она спросила у инструктора, в чем дело.

Тот ответил, что не знает и приказал ей сосредоточиться на посадке.

Каково же было удивление Барбары, когда она, успешно посадив свой самолет и выйдя из кабины, увидела, что на её самолете сверху находится еще один.

Пилот второго самолета был очень обескуражен и твердил, что не заметил самолет Барбары, когда заходил на посадку.

Так получилось, что Барбара посадила сразу два самолета на раз.

Когда вечером её муж спросил её, как прошел день, она, чтобы не пугать его, ответила, что как обычно, ничего особенного.


Барбара всегда мечтала стать пилотом и водить легкомоторный самолет.

Однажды она поделилась своей мечтой с мужем.

Тот стал её отговаривать и утверждать, что это крайне опасно, но Барбара обещала, что будет очень осторожна, тогда он согласился и Барбара приступила к занятиям.

Инцидент произошел когда она первый раз попыталась самостоятельно посадить самолет.

Барбара уже начала снижение.

Земля была очень близко, когда Барбара услышала громкий треск и грохот.

Она спросила у инструктора, что происходит.

Инструктор ответил, что сам не знает и попросил её не отвлекаться и сосредоточиться на посадке.

Каково же было удивление Барбары, когда она, успешно посадив свой самолет и выйдя из кабины, увидела, что на её самолете сверху находится еще один самолет.

Пилот второго самолета был очень обескуражен и твердил, что не заметил самолет Барбары, когда совершал на посадку.

Так получилось, что Барбара одна посадила одновременно два самолета.

Когда вечером муж спросил её, как прошел день, она, чтобы не пугать его, ответила, что как обычно, ничего особенного не было.



Barbara always wanted to become a pilot of a small airplane.

One day she told her husband about her ambition.

He started to suggest that it was very dangerous but Barbara was so keen on flying and she promised to be really careful that he had to agree with her so she started her studies.

The accident took place when Barbara tried to land the airplane for the first time.

She began to descend and the land was very close when she heard a very loud noise and crack.

Barbara asked the trainer what was going on but he answered that he had no idea and insisted on concentrating on landing so she did that and successfully landed the airplane.

When she got out of the airplane, she was very surprised when she found another airplane on top of hers.

The pilot of the second airplane was totally confused with that.

He claimed that he hadn't noticed Barbara's airplane while he had been landing.

However it seemed that Barbara successfully landed two airplanes at once.

In the evening, when Barbara's husband asked her about her day, she didn't want to worry him so she said that it was quite usual.

Barbara always wanted to become a pilot of a small airplane.

One day she told her husband about her ambition.

He started to suggest that it was very dangerous but Barbara was so keen on flying and she promised to be really careful that he had to agree with her so she started her studies.

The accident took place when Barbara tried to land the airplane for the first time.

She began to descend and the land was very close when she heard a very loud noise and crack.

Barbara asked the trainer what was going on but he answered that he had no idea and insisted on concentrating on landing so she did that and successfully landed the airplane.

When she got out of the airplane, she was very surprised when she found another airplane on top of hers.

The pilot of the second airplane was totally confused with that.

He claimed that he hadn't noticed Barbara's airplane while he had been landing.

However it seemed that Barbara successfully landed two airplanes at once.

In the evening, when Barbara's husband asked her about her day, she didn't want to worry him so she said that it was quite usual.


Barbara always wanted to take a flying training programme and become a private pilot.

One day she told her husband about her ambition.

He started to suggest that it was very dangerous but Barbara was so keen on having an opportunity to perform business and pleasure flights that he had to agree with her.

She promised him to be really careful and started to undertake a full range of flying training.

Finally she held a Private Pilots Licence but one day she had the baptism of fire.

The accident took place when Barbara tried to land the airplane for the first time.

She began to descend.

The land was very close when she heard a very loud noise and crack.

Barbara asked the flight instructor what was going on but he had no idea.

He insisted on concentrating on landing so she did that and landed the plane safely.

When she got out of the airplane, she was very surprised when she found another airplane on top of hers.

The pilot of the second airplane was totally confused too.

He claimed that he hadn't had Barbara's airplane in his field of vision while he had been landing.

However it seemed that Barbara did her best to land two airplanes at once.

In the evening, when Barbara's husband asked her about her day, she didn't want to worry him so she said that it was quite usual.

Barbara always wanted to take a flying training programme and become a private pilot.

One day she told her husband about her ambition.

He started to suggest that it was very dangerous but Barbara was so keen on having an opportunity to perform business and pleasure flights that he had to agree with her.

She promised him to be really careful and started to undertake a full range of flying training.

Finally she held a Private Pilots Licence but one day she had the baptism of fire.

The accident took place when Barbara tried to land the airplane for the first time.

She began to descend.

The land was very close when she heard a very loud noise and crack.

Barbara asked the flight instructor what was going on but he had no idea.

He insisted on concentrating on landing so she did that and landed the plane safely.

When she got out of the airplane, she was very surprised when she found another airplane on top of hers.

The pilot of the second airplane was totally confused too.

He claimed that he hadn't had Barbara's airplane in his field of vision while he had been landing.

However it seemed that Barbara did her best to land two airplanes at once.

In the evening, when Barbara's husband asked her about her day, she didn't want to worry him so she said that it was quite usual.


Barbara always wanted to take a flying training programme to become a private pilot.

One day she told her husband about her ambition.

He started to suggest it being very dangerous but Barbara was so keen on having an opportunity to perform business and pleasure flights that he had to agree with her.

She promised him to be really careful and started to undertake a full range of flying training.

Finally she held a Private Pilots Licence but one day she had the baptism of fire.

The accident took place when Barbara tried to land the plane for the first time.

She began coming down.

The land was very near when she heard a very loud noise and crack.

Barbara asked the flight instructor what was going on but he had no idea.

Instead he insisted on concentrating on landing and she did that and landed the plane safely.

When she got out of the plane, she was very surprised to find another airplane on top of hers.

The pilot of the second airplane was totally confused either.

He claimed that he hadn't had Barbara's plane in his field of visi on while he had been landing his airplane.

However it seemed that Barbara did her best to land two airplanes at once/at the same time.

In the evening, when Barbara's husband asked her how her day went, she didn't want to worry him so she said that it was quite usual.

Barbara always wanted to take a flying training programme to become a private pilot.

One day she told her husband about her ambition.

He started to suggest it being very dangerous but Barbara was so keen on having an opportunity to perform business and pleasure flights that he had to agree with her.

She promised him to be really careful and started to undertake a full range of flying training.

Finally she held a Private Pilots Licence but one day she had the baptism of fire.

The accident took place when Barbara tried to land the plane for the first time.

She began coming down.

The land was very near when she heard a very loud noise and crack.

Barbara asked the flight instructor what was going on but he had no idea.

Instead, he insisted on concentrating on landing and she did that and landed the plane safely.

When she got out of the plane, she was very surprised to find another airplane on top of hers.

The pilot of the second airplane was totally confused either.

He claimed that he hadn't had Barbara's plane in his field of vision while he had been landing his airplane.

However it seemed that Barbara did her best to land two airplanes one at a time.

In the evening, when Barbara's husband asked her how her day went, she didn't want to worry him so she said that it was quite usual.

near vs. close

at once vs. one at a time

at once

1 immediately; without delay Come here at once!

2 at the same time

synonym simultaneously

Don't all speak at once!

I can't do two things at once.

one at a time

Individually, as opposed to collectively; slowly or methodically, figuratively.

He ate the peas on his plate one at a time.

One at a time, please! I can't hear you if you all talk at once.

Synonyms (individually): individually, separately


1. Why do you think Barbara wants to hold a Private Pilots License?

I believe that if a person can manage a vehicle, this skill gives her or him many new opportunities

What's more, this

2. What do you think Barbara's husband is afraid of?

3. Do you think Barbara is really lucky to land the two planes?

I think a plane is never intended to bear the weight of another plane.

The landing gear of the aircraft is especially vulnerable to overweight.

So she is very lucky that her plane wasn't broken into pieces during landing while it was unexpectedly caring another airplane.


BARBARA wants to be a pilot. She wants to fly a small airplane. "I want to take flying lessons," she tells her husband.

"Flying lessons?" her husband says. "Flying is dangerous!"

"Don't worry," Barbara says. "I'll be fine."

Barbara takes flying lessons. Today she is practicing landing. She is in a small airplane with her teacher. Barbara sees the airport. Then she sees the runway. She flies lower and lower. "Good!" her teacher says.

Barbara hears a loud noise on the top of the airplane. "What's that?" Barbara asks her teacher.

"I don't know!" the teacher says. "Land the plane, Barbara. Land the plane."

Barbara lands the airplane. She and her teacher get out of the airplane. They see another, bigger airplane. It is on top of their airplane.

The pilot gets out of the bigger airplane. "Sorry," the pilot says. "I was landing, too. I didn't see you."

Later Barbara goes home. "How was your flying lesson?" her husband asks.

"Fine," Barbara says. "Today I landed two airplanes — a small airplane and a bigger airplane."

"No problems?" her husband asks.

Barbara smiles. "No," she says. "No problems."