IS. To have to (Modal verbs p.7)

Дата публикации: Mar 27, 2016 9:34:10 AM

To have to + Infinitive

This modal expression is used in 3 Tenses only – Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple. Only the Simple Infinitive (both Active and Passive) follows this modal expression.

I have to get up early this week.

I had to work harder last week.

I will have to take my children out to the station.

Note: negative sentences or questions are made using the appropriate auxiliaries (do, did, will)


Obligation or necessity arising out of circumstances. (приходится, должен, вынужден)

If we fail to find at least a motel in this lousy place, we will have to sleep on the bench in a park.


Please compare:

As I was to be there at 5 sharp (part of an arrangement)


I had to take a taxi (necessity arising out of circumstances)


1) in modern colloquial English (especially in its American variant), “have got + Infinitive” is used with the same meaning as “have + Infinitive” (Present Simple only)

Ok, we’ll beat’em to it, Billy. We’ve got to keep awake, we’ve got to watch things and be ready.

2) Negative form and questions with this expression do not require any auxiliaries.

Have you got to do all this work by yourself? No, I have not got to work so much you know.

3) There is a tendency in modern English to use “got to + Infinitive” with the same meaning as “have got + Infinitive”

You can smile away until you split your cheeks, but you still got to do your day’s work to earn day’s wages.

One more note

Could you specify the difference in meaning for:

I have something to tell you.


I have to tell you something.

see Must/have to/need (Modal verbs p.2)

Hill 5. Joe. Must/have got to/have to/need to/be to (Modal verbs p.3)

IS. To be to (Modal verbs p.8)

Exercise 9. Comment and translate into Russian (to have+ infinitive, to be+ infinitive).

1. Blanche: I didn't save a penny last year and so I had to come here for the summer. That's why I have to put up with my sister's husband. And he has to put up with me, apparently so much against his wishes. Surely he must have told you how much he hates me. (Tennessee Williams)

Я не сэкономила ни пенни за последний год, так что мне пришлось приехать сюда на лето. Поэтому мне приходится терпеть мужа моей сестры. И ему приходится терпеть меня, что он делает несомненно вопреки своим желаниям. Конечно он должно быть уже рассказал вам, как он меня ненавидит.

Obligation or necessity arising out of circumstances

2. "His mother, my dear," said Miss Tox, "whose acquaintance I was to have made through you, does not at all resemble her." (Dickens)

Его мать, дорогая, сказал мисс Токс, чьей знакомой я должна была стать при твоем посредничестве, совсем на неё не похожа.

An arrangement, a part of a plan

3. I had made arrangements so as not to have to come to the office again for a little while. (Murdoch)

Я договорился, что мне не придется снова приходить в офис какое-то время

4....I could scarcely repress my curiosity as to the nature of this composition which was to be published, at his request, presumably, by The Banner. (Dreiser)

Я едва мог сдерживать свое любопытство по отношению к происхождению этого сочинения, которое должно было быть напечатано по его заказу, возможно, во Флаге.


5. There are some things that have to be said sooner or later, and I'd rather hear them from you than from anybody else. (Caldwell)

Есть некоторые вещи, которые приходится рано или поздно говорить и я бы предпочел услышать их от тебя чем от кого-то другого.

6. She [Ellie] begins stroking Mangan's head, reversing the movement with which she put him to sleep. "Wake up, do you hear! You are to wake up at once. Wake up..." (Shaw)

Она начала гладить голову Мангина, но не так, как гладила когда укачивала, а взъерошивая волосы. Вставай, ты слышишь? Ты должен вставать прямо сейчас. Вставай.

an order

7. "I can't stay in this place any longer!" she cried in utter desperation. We've got to move out of this apartment. (Caldwell)

Я не могу тут больше оставаться! вскричала она в совершенном отчаянии. Нам придется немедленно съехать из этой квартиры.

8. He had been indeed with that luckless expedition of the Chevalier de St. George, who was sent by the French King with ships and an army from Dunkirk, and was to have invaded and conquered Scotland... (Thackeray)

Он действительно был в этом несчастном походе Шевалье Сейнт Джорджа, кто был послан французским королем с кораблями и армией из Дюнкерка чтобы вторгнуться и захватить Шотландию, но ему это не удалось.

(put up with) разг. мириться c (кем-л. / чем-л.), сносить, терпеть (что-л.)

put up with phrasal verb

put up with somebody | put up with something

to accept somebody/something that is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without complaining

synonym tolerate

I don't know how she puts up with him.

I'm not going to put up with their smoking any longer.



1) очевидно, несомненно

2) вероятно, видимо, предположительно, по всей видимости

repress verb BrE /rɪˈpres/ ; NAmE /rɪˈpres/

1. repress something to try not to have or show an emotion, a feeling, etc.

synonym control

to repress a smile

He burst in, making no effort to repress his fury.

For years he had successfully repressed the painful memories of childhood.

2. [often passive] repress somebody/something to use political and/or military force to control a group of people and restrict their freedom

synonym put down, suppress

The government was quick to repress any opposition.

Exercise 10. Insert to have (to have got) or to be in the appropriate form. Translate into Russian.

1. He toiled on all day, recollecting, at the last moment, that he was to have dinner at the Morses'. (London)

Он трудился не покладая рук, вспоминая в последний момент, что он должен ужинать у Морзов.


2. He shook his head again, when Gertrude offered him money, though he knew that within the day he would have to make a trip, to the pawnbroker. (London)

Он опять покачал головой, когда Гертруда предложила ему деньги, хотя знал, что уже сегодня ему придется поехать к ростовщику.

3. There were thirty poems in the collection and he was to receive a dollar apiece for them. (London)

В сборнике было 30 стихов и он получил по доллару за каждый.


4. But just then we hit a stretch of unpaved road where the mud was thick and the ruts were hard to follow. I had to stop talking and watch what I was doing. (Maltz)

Но потом мы сразу наткнулись на участок немощеной дороги где была непролазная грязь и глубокая колея. Мне пришлось перестать болтать и смотреть в оба.

5. During their absence, Mahmoud Ali had gone off in his carriage leaving a message that he should be back in five minutes, but they were on no account to wait. (Forster)

Пока их не было, Махмуд Али уехал в своем экипаже, оставив сообщение, что он должен вернуться через пять минут, но они и не думали его ждать

6. At this meal they arranged their daily habits. The major was to take the responsibility of ordering everything to eat and drink; and they were to have a late breakfast together every morning, and a late dinner together every day. (Dickens)

Этот обед определил их привычный уклад. Майор взялся заказывать еду и напитки, а они должны были завтракать вместе с ним поздним утром и ужинать каждый день поздно вечером.

7. Stella: People have to tolerate each other's habits, I guess. (Tennessee Williams)

Люди вынуждены терпимо относиться к привычкам других, я полагаю.

8. He told me to say you are not to worry about him and that he'll recover in time. (Murdoch)

Он просил передать вам, что вы не должны беспокоиться о нем и что он скоро поправится.


9. She trembled that day as she prepared to go down to the wedding. She was to be a bridesmaid. (Lawrence)

Она сильно нервничала в тот день, когда готовилась к свадьбе. Она должна была быть подружкой невесты.

10. The time was fixed for his sailing. It was to take place almost immediately: yet much remained to be done; many domestic preparations were to be made. (Gaskelt)

Время выхода в плавание было определено. Это должно было произойти почти сразу, хотя многое еще оставалось подготовить, нужно было сделать много всего до отъезда.

11. "But he's only been there a week and that money was to last him through October," Mrs. Smith said. (Benson)

Но он был здесь всего неделю и этих денег должно было хватить на весь Октябрь, сказала Миссис Смит

apiece adverb BrE /əˈpiːs/ ; NAmE /əˈpiːs/

(used after a noun or number) having, costing or measuring a particular amount each

Sterling and Walcott scored a goal apiece.

The largest stones weigh over five tonnes apiece.

stretch noun BrE /stretʃ/ ; NAmE /stretʃ/

1. area of land/water

[countable] stretch (of something) an area of land or water, especially a long one

an unspoilt stretch of coastline

a particularly dangerous stretch of road

You rarely see boats on this stretch of the river.

2. period of time

[countable] a continuous period of time

synonym spell

They worked in four-hour stretches.

She used to read for hours at a stretch (= without stopping).

3. [countable, usually singular] (informal) a period of time that somebody spends in prison

He did a ten-year stretch for fraud.

4. of body

[countable, uncountable] an act of stretching out your arms or legs or your body and contracting the muscles; the state of being stretched

We got out of the car and had a good stretch.

Only do these more difficult stretches when you are warmed up.

Stay in this position and feel the stretch in your legs.

5. of fabric

[uncountable] the ability to be made longer or wider without breaking or tearing

You need a material with plenty of stretch in it.

stretch jeans

6. on racetrack

[countable, usually singular] a straight part at the end of a racing track

synonym straight

the finishing/home stretch

(figurative) The campaign has entered its final stretch.

rut noun BrE /rʌt/ ; NAmE /rʌt/

1. [countable] a deep track that a wheel makes in soft ground

It was difficult to walk in the muddy ruts left by the tractor.

2. [countable] a boring way of life that does not change

I gave up my job because I felt I was stuck in a rut.

If you don't go out and meet new people, it's easy to get into a rut.

3. [uncountable] (also the rut) the time of year when male animals, especially deer, become sexually active

stags fighting during the rut

see also rutted, rutting

last 1 verb BrE /lɑːst/ ; NAmE /læst/

1. [intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses) to continue for a particular period of time

The meeting only lasted (for) a few minutes.

Each game lasts about an hour.

How long does the play last?

2. [intransitive, transitive] to continue to exist or to function well

This weather won't last.

He's making a big effort now, and I hope it lasts.

last somebody These shoes should last you till next year.

3. [intransitive, transitive] to survive something or manage to stay in the same situation, despite difficulties

She won't last long in that job.

last (out) Can you last (out) until I can get help?

last (out) something Doctors say that she probably won't last out the night (= she will probably die before the morning).

He was injured early on and didn't last the match.

4. [intransitive, transitive] to be enough for somebody to use, especially for a particular period of time

last (out) Will the coffee last out till next week?

last somebody (out) We’ve got enough food to last us (for) three days.

Exercise 11. Translate into English using the verbs can, may, must and the expressions to be + infinitive and to have-+- infinitive.

1. Теперь всему миру придется поверить, что человечеству суждено заселить если не все, то многие планеты солнечной системы.

Now the world has to believe that the humankind is to populate if not all of the solar system's planets than some of them at least.

2. Если бы кто-нибудь сказал это лет пятьдесят тому назад, ему ответили бы, что об этом и думать нельзя.

If someone had said that some fifty years ago he would have been replied that it wouldn't seem to think of that.

If someone had said that some fifty years ago he would have been replied that he couldn't think of that.

3. Скептикам, которые говорили, что этого не может быть, приходится признать, что нам суждено стать свидетелями межпланетных полетов.

The sceptics, who said it couldn't be possible, have to admit that we are to witness interplanetary voyages.

4. Для того чтобы осуществить запуск космической ракеты в межпланетное пространство, ученым пришлось сделать точные вычисления, чтобы знать, куда направить ракету. Они решили, что она должна пройти в непосредственной близости от Луны.

In order to launch a space rocket into interplanetary space, scientists had to make precise computations to know where to direct the rocket at.

They decided it to pass in immediate vicinity from the Moon.

They decided that it must pass in immediate vicinity from the Moon.

5. Полагают, что Луна, может быть, будет служить базой для межпланетных полетов.

It's supposed that the Moon may be a base for interplanetary voyages.

It's supposed that the Moon may serve a base for interplanetary voyages.

6. Ученые думают, что на Луне, должно быть, нет атмосферы.

The scientists believe that there is no atmosphere on the Moon.

The scientists believe that the Moon must have no atmosphere on the Moon.

7. Трудности, которые нам придется преодолеть для того, чтобы создать пассажирские межпланетные ракеты, очень велики. Но мы, несомненно, преодолеем их.

The challenges, we will have to face to create passenger interplanetary ships, are very strong.

However, we are going to manage with them undoubtedly.

Supposition referring to the Future cannot be expressed by “must” – phrases “to be likely” and “probably” are used instead.

However, we will probably manage with them undoubtedly.

However, we are likely manage with them undoubtedly.

interplanetary adjective BrE /ˌɪntəˈplænɪtri/ ; NAmE /ˌɪntərˈplænəteri/
